
North Korea Steals About $660 million in Cryptocurrency in 2024

On January 14, according to ajunews, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of South Korea (MOFA) jointly issued a statement on its official website with the United States and Japan to explain North Korea's alleged involvement in cryptocurrency theft and emphasize the importance of public-private sector cooperation. According to the tripartite organization, North Korea stole about $660 million of cryptocurrency in 2024. These include $308 million stolen from DMM Bitcoin, $50 million stolen from Upbit, ...

2025-01-14 11:27:00

1月14日消息,据ajunews报道,韩国外交部(MOFA)在其官方网站上与美国和日本共同发表了一份声明,就朝鲜涉嫌参与加密货币盗窃案一事进行说明,并强调了公私部门合作的重要性。据三方组织称,朝鲜在2024年窃取了约6.6亿美元的加密货币。其中包括从DMM Bitcoin窃取的3.08亿美元、从Upbit窃取的5000万美元、从Rain Management窃取的1613万美元、从WazirX窃取的2.35亿美元以及从Radiant Capita...

2025-01-14 11:27:00

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