
AFME proposes policy roadmap to expand DLT in capital markets

The Association of European financial marekts (AFME) has published a series of papers on digital finance and distributed ledger technology (DLT), including a section on tokenization. The association has published two policy roadmaps to scale up DLT in the European Union and UK capital markets. The DLT project is currently in an experimental phase, but current regulations are hindering the potential for scaling up DLT use. Half of the eight proposals from AFME are related to the Central Securitie...

2024-08-06 22:02:29

欧洲金融市场协会(AFME)发表了一系列关于数字金融和分布式账本技术(DLT)的论文,其中包括关于代币化的部分。该协会发布了两份政策路线图,以扩大欧盟和英国资本市场的DLT规模。DLT项目目前已进入实验阶段,但现行法规阻碍了DLT使用的扩大潜力。AFME的八项提案中有一半与中央证券存管条例(CSDR)有关。AFME认为,应该可以在试点制度内运营DLT结算系统(DLT SS),而无需作为...

2024-08-06 22:02:29

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