The malware information database vx underground posted on the X platform stating that a "currently undetermined threat actor" is using malware to steal the login and other credentials of individuals using paid cheating video game software. These attacks have targeted players, including those who purchase cheating software, and have destroyed the accounts of over 4.9 million Activision Blizzard users and their game store, as well as accounts targeting the gaming trading website Elite P...
恶意软件信息库vx-underground在X平台发文表示,有一个“目前尚未确定的威胁行动者”正在使用恶意软件窃取使用付费作弊视频游戏软件的人的登录和其他凭证。这些攻击针对的玩家,包括购买作弊软件的玩家,已经破坏了超过490万Activision Blizzard用户及其游戏商店Battle.net的账户,以及针对游戏交易网站Elite PVPers和作弊软件市场PhantomOverlay和UnknownCheats的账户。
The ATVI coin really is live on Solana, but it is not an official token of Call of Duty publisher Activision Blizzard—despite the tweets.