
Wintermute: Companies follow MicroStrategy to add bitcoin to their balance sheets or become a major trend in 2025

An analyst at market-making firm Wintermute said that companies using their equity to follow MicroStrategy's lead and add bitcoin to their balance sheets could become a major trend in 2025. Wintermute over the counter Jake Ostrovskis said: "I think next year corporates and public companies trying to get exposure will be quite the driver. You will probably see SMEs come on board as well." Ostrovskis also forecasts that some companies will follow the MicroStrate...

2024-12-26 18:51:21
Decentralized AI investment strategy analysis platform OpenPad AI completes $2 million financing, led by Basics Capital

OpenPad AI, a data-driven investment strategy platform leveraging decentralized AI analytics, announced the completion of a $2 million funding round led by Basics Capital, with participation from Protein Capital, Spicy Capital, Green Arrow Adventures, VivaTech Ventures, Brinc, Boba Network, Avalon Wealth Club, Coin Bold, TechFarm, and others. OpenPad AI combines blockchain technology with artificial intelligence, allowing users to access investment strategies, project scoring, and real-time mark...

2024-12-03 04:39:18
Lista DAO Releases Proposal to Launch a Stability-Linked Module Using the lisUSD Savings Rate

LSDfi and CDP solution ListaDAO released a vote on the proposal "Proposal to introduce a pegged stability module using the lisUSD savings rate". The current approval rate is 100%. The vote will close on November 25th. The proposal includes the introduction of a pegged stability module (PSM) and the lisUSD savings rate (LSR) to enhance the price stability of lisUSD and provide stable returns for deposits. PSM will initially support USDT, with a total quota of 5 million lisUSD, and will gradually ...

2024-11-22 06:54:13
PeckShield: DeltaPrime loses $4.80 million on ARB and AVAX

According to PeckShield, DeltaPrime has been exploited on ARB and AVAX with about $4.80 million worth of cryptocurrency. The attackers added liquidity (about $1.30 million) on LFJ (formerly Trader Joe).

2024-11-11 09:16:51
DBS Bank to Pilot Blockchain-Based Government Grants

DBS Bank of Singapore has launched a solution that uses blockchain technology to streamline the process of issuing government grants. DBS announced that in the pilot, the bank has partnered with Enterprise Singapore (ESG), a statutory board under the Singapore government's Ministry of Trade and Industry, and the Singapore FinTech Association (SFA), which promotes fintech in the country. During the pilot, the State Forestry Administration issued government grants to 27 members. DBS Bank said its ...

2024-08-22 07:32:14

7x24 快讯

02:53 2025-03-22
02:50 2025-03-22
3月22日消息,据OnChainLens监测,某鲸鱼地址在沉寂一年后解质押 38,821 枚 SOL(约 500 万美元)。该地址最初质押 35,777 枚 SOL,并获得 3,044 枚 SOL 的收益,但仍面临超 10 万美元的亏损。
02:47 2025-03-22
总部位于英国伦敦的数字资产高频交易公司ABEX宣布完成600万美元融资,MMC Ventures领投,新资金拟用于其推出衍生品交易和算法执行解决方案,以提高中心化和去中心化金融场所的交易执行效率,据悉该公司已在英国金融行为监管局 (FCA) 注册,允许从事加密货币交易活动。
02:47 2025-03-22
国内金店金饰价格回落 部分金店回落幅度达5元/克
02:26 2025-03-22
02:18 2025-03-22
02:17 2025-03-22
美国众议院委员会将于 4 月 2 日审议推进稳定币法案
3月22日消息,据彭博社报道,美国众议院金融服务委员会预计将于 4 月 2 日审议一项具有里程碑意义的稳定币立法,这是唐纳德·特朗普总统和加密货币行业的优先事项。知情人士透露,该法案有望在委员会获得通过。 这一进展标志着加密行业在美国国会的影响力显著提升,得益于来自纽约州参议员柯尔斯滕·吉利布兰德(Kirsten Gillibrand)等关键...
02:08 2025-03-22
去中心化借贷协议NeuronX宣布完成100万美元Pre-Seed轮融资,Obelisk Capital领投,Ecco Capital、AU21 Capital、Eureka Partners和几位天使投资人参投,新资金将用于开发人工智能驱动借贷流程,帮助投资者无需手动输入处理复杂的借贷策略、调整杠杆头寸、执行交易并重新平衡资产。
01:55 2025-03-22
3月22日消息, Meteora 于 X 发文表示,社区的主要担忧之一是防止 MET 流向不良行为者,比如刷量用户或是与 Kelsier Ventures 等实体相关的地址。 为了解决这个问题,Meteora 将启动一项社区驱动的倡议——创建一个公开、可验证的黑名单,列出所有将被排除在 MET 分配之外的地址。Meteora 已与 Bubblemaps 和 Rugcheck 合作来完善该黑名单,任何用户都可以提交他们怀疑滥用 LP 激励...
01:31 2025-03-22
Riot Platforms已与Rhodium签署条款清单拟按1.85 亿美元对价收购其部分资产
纳斯达克上市比特币矿企Riot Platforms, Inc. 宣布已签署一份不具约束力的条款清单,其全资子公司Whinstone或将收购比特币矿企Rhodium Encore LLC在Rockdale矿场拥有的特定资产。按照条款,Whinstone将向Rhodium提供总计1.85亿美元的对价,包括1.299亿美元现金、退还Rhodium的电力保证金610万美元、以及价值4900万美元的Riot股份,Rhodium则将转...
01:25 2025-03-22
Sky Governance已批准将Sky储蓄利率降至4.5%,计划3月24日执行
据官方公告,Sky Governance 已批准将 Sky 储蓄利率降至 4.5%,计划于 3 月 24 日 22:00 (UTC+8)执行。
01:05 2025-03-22
冲突情况:1. 美军对也门荷台达省发动多次空袭。2. 市场消息:以色列部长指示以色列国防军扩大加沙地带缓冲区。3. 以色列国防部长表示,已指示以色列军队在加沙地区夺取更多领土。4. 以色列军方:成功拦截了来自加沙北部的两次发射。5. 据美联社:美国下个月将两艘航母调往中东。6. 以军空袭加沙城一民宅,已致5人死亡。7. 胡塞武装称袭击以色列本·古里安机场及美航母多艘护航军舰。8. 以军称拦截一枚来自也门的导弹。其他情况:1. 据美联社:以色列内阁投票决定解雇辛贝特领导人。2. 以色列再次袭击叙利亚巴尔米拉机场。3. 据耶路撒冷邮报:隶属于真主党的黎巴嫩报纸Al Akhbar报道,埃及总统塞西表示,埃及准备暂时收容从加沙撤离的50万加沙人。4. 伊朗最高领袖:美国仅靠威胁对抗伊朗不会有任何效果。5. 哈马斯:并未停止被扣押人员互换协议相关谈判。6. 伊拉克驻伊斯坦布尔领事馆遭枪击,无人员伤亡。