
MistTrack: Circle freezes nearly 3 million USDCs at an address

According to on-chain analytics platform MistTrack, Circle has frozen 2,997,180 USDCs held by addresses starting with 0xbe. The address holds both 200.98 Ethereum and 929,923 USDT, and has records of interactions with multiple Binance and cryptocurrency exchange addresses.

2025-03-26 09:02:47
MistTrack:Circle 冻结某地址近 300 万枚 USDC

据链上分析平台 MistTrack 监测,Circle 已冻结 0xbe 开头地址持有的 2,997,180 枚 USDC。该地址同时持有 200.98 枚以太坊和 929,923 枚 USDT,且与多个币安和加密货币交易所地址有交互记录。

2025-03-26 09:02:47
Michael Saylor Releases Bitcoin Tracker Again

Strategy founder Michael Saylor once again released information about Bitcoin Tracker on the X platform. According to previous rules, MicroStrategy always discloses the increase in Bitcoin holdings the day after the relevant news is released.

2025-03-23 13:09:43
Michael Saylor 再次发布比特币 Tracker 相关信息

Strategy 创始人 Michael Saylor 在 X 平台再次发布比特币 Tracker 相关信息。根据此前规律,MicroStrategy 总是在相关消息发布之后的第二天披露增持比特币信息。

2025-03-23 13:09:43
MistTrack: Beware of phishing scams using Bing ads

According to MistTrack's monitoring, it has found that multiple phishing websites use Bing ads to appear in crypto project searches. Users should pay attention to asset security. Do not connect to phishing websites to avoid asset loss.

2025-03-13 04:34:50

据MistTrack监测,其已发现多个钓鱼网站利用Bing广告出现在加密项目搜索当中,用户需注意资产安全。 切勿连接钓鱼网站,以免造成资产损失。

2025-03-13 04:34:50
Abstract Global Wallet Releases Security Update to Temporarily Use Session Keys Based on Whitelist Mode

On March 8th, Abstract core contributor Cygaar announced a major security improvement to Abstract Global Wallet, which aims to restrict session keys to a set of approved applications. Cygaar added that session keys must be properly implemented or they could pose a threat to user funds (similar to token approval), so it was decided to temporarily set access based on a whitelist model, although these changes do not guarantee 100% security or risk-free use of the wallet (which is not possible).

2025-03-08 15:19:50
Abstract Global Wallet发布安全更新,拟暂时基于白名单模式使用会话密钥

3月8日消息,Abstract核心贡献者cygaar在X平台发文宣布Abstract Global Wallet推出一项重大安全改进,拟将会话密钥(Session key)限制在一组经过批准的应用内使用。 cygaar补充,会话密钥必须正确实施,否则可能会对用户资金造成威胁(类似于代币批准),因此决定暂时基于白名单模式来设置访问权限,虽然这些变化并不能保证钱包100%安全或无风险使用(这是不可能的)...

2025-03-08 15:19:50
Abstract Global Wallet Releases Security Update to Restrict Session Key Use

Abstract core contributor cygaar announced a major security improvement to Abstract Global Wallet, restricting session keys to a set of approved apps. Cygaar said that session keys must be implemented correctly, otherwise they may pose a threat to user funds (similar to token approval), so it was decided to temporarily whitelist access rights. Although these changes do not guarantee 100% security or risk-free use of wallets (which is not possible), they will reduce the risk of exposure to malici...

2025-03-08 14:43:38
Abstract Global Wallet发布安全更新拟限制会话密钥的使用

Abstract核心贡献者cygaar在X平台发文宣布Abstract Global Wallet推出一项重大的安全改进,将会话密钥(Session key)限制在一组经过批准的应用内使用。cygaar表示,会话密钥必须正确实施,否则可能会对用户资金造成威胁(类似于代币批准),因此决定暂时将访问权限列入白名单,虽然这些变化并不能保证钱包100%安全或无风险使用(这是不可能的),但是将降低面临恶意会话密钥的风...

2025-03-08 14:43:38
BNB Chain Announces Partnership with HackQuest to Launch BNB Greenfield and opBNB Learning Track

BNB Chain announced on the official X that it has joined forces with developer platform HackQuest to launch BNB Greenfield and opBNB Learning Track. The content covers Greenfield storage, AI agent development, opBNB development, Solidity grammar, and more. After completing the course, learners will receive a learning certificate jointly issued by BNB Chain and HackQuest. In addition, HackQuest will serve as a BNB Chain developer education partner to jointly promote the development community of t...

2025-03-07 02:48:47
BNB Chain宣布和HackQuest合作推出BNB Greenfield和opBNB Learning Track

BNB Chain在官方X宣布和开发者平台HackQuest联手推出BNB Greenfield和opBNB Learning Track。内容涵盖Greenfield存储,AI agent开发,opBNB开发,Solidity语法等内容。完成课程后,学习者将获得由BNB Chain和HackQuest联合颁发的学习证书。 此外,HackQuest将作为BNB Chain开发者教育合作伙伴,共同推动BNB Chain生态的开发者社区建设并支持BNB Chain生态的开发者黑客松。

2025-03-07 02:48:47
Bitrace: Loopring hacker starts transferring funds, 30 ETH has been transferred to Thorchain

The Bitrace on-chain security analysis team revealed that the Loopring hacker has started transferring stolen funds, with 30 ETH transferred to the cross-chain protocol Thorchain. The Bitrace team issued an alert on social media to alert the Loopring community to remain vigilant.

2025-03-06 02:59:59

Bitrace链上安全分析团队披露,Loopring黑客已开始转移被盗资金,其中30枚ETH已被转移至跨链协议Thorchain。 Bitrace团队在社交媒体上发出警报,提醒Loopring社区保持警惕。

2025-03-06 02:59:59
Beosin Trace: Bybit hackers start transferring assets using new cross-chain bridge platform Maya Protocol

Beosin Trace traced the Bybit hackers who started transferring assets using the new cross-chain bridge platform Maya Protocol. Address 0xb72 transferred all assets at 2025-02-2615: 33:47, and the new address 0x229 began transferring assets at 15:34:59 2025-02-26. BeosinKYT has labeled these addresses.

2025-02-26 07:57:33

7x24 快讯