
In addition to Satoshi Nakamoto, the top five entities holding positions in Bitcoin now control nearly 10% of the bitcoin supply in circulation

According to timechainindex data, in addition to Satoshi Nakamoto, the current top five bitcoin holding entities now control 9.9% of the bitcoin supply in circulation: Coinbase is the largest single holder with 1,123,520.49 BTC worth over $112 billion. In second place is cryptocurrency exchange Binance, which held 686,997.40 BTC as of December 7, worth up to $68.90 billion. Next up is BlackRock, which ranks third with 520,861 BTC, worth about $52.20 billion. Ranked fourth is the publicly traded ...

2024-12-08 03:18:02

据timechainindex数据显示,除中本聪之外,目前比特币前五大持仓实体现控制着9.9%的流通比特币供应量: 1、Coinbase是最大单一持有者,持有1,123,520.49枚BTC,价值超过1120亿美元; 2、排在第二位的是加密货币交易所币安,截至12月7日持有686,997.40枚BTC,价值高达689亿美元; 3、下一个是贝莱德,以520,861枚BTC排名第三,价值约合522亿美元; 4、排名第四的是上市公司Microstrategy持...

2024-12-08 03:18:02
BlackRock has bought 54,106 BTC in the past 14 days, while mining output during the same period was only 6,243.75 BTC.

According to the data disclosed by TimechainIndex founder Sani on the X platform, BlackRock has bought a total of 54,106 BTC in the past 14 days, while the mining output of bitcoin miners during the same period was only 6,243.75 BTC.

2024-11-16 02:56:31


2024-11-16 02:56:31

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