According to Cointelegraph, Telegram will discontinue support for its Comm. Svcs. (including the Mini Program) other blockchain and cryptocurrencies besides TON. According to the announcement, as part of a new collaboration between Telegram and the TON Foundation, TON will become the exclusive blockchain infrastructure for the Telegram Mini Program ecosystem.
据 Cointelegraph 报道,Telegram 将停止对其通讯服务(包括小程序)除 TON 之外的其他区块链和加密货币的支持。 据公告显示,作为 Telegram 和 TON 基金会之间新合作的一部分,TON 将成为 Telegram 小程序生态系统的独家区块链基础设施。
Scam Sniffer initially alerted about the Telegram malicious software scam in December, but said criminals have since started using various means to lure new victims. The number of such scams has now surpassed traditional phishing - up 2,000% since November.
According to @cryptounfolded, with Trump's enthusiasm for cryptocurrencies, the Telegram-linked TON blockchain will expand in the United States.
On January 13, user @0xDiyaaa shared a security incident related to the Telegram Safeguard scam, once again reminding the need to improve security awareness at the end of the year. The user clicked on a TG link disguised as a verification machine in the comment area of the social platform, and then executed a malicious command, resulting in assets at risk. Fortunately, due to the handwritten mnemonic in advance, the assets were transferred in time and the computer was wiped, avoiding greater los...
Pavel Durov, Telegram's founder, said on his personal channel that Telegram was a firm supporter of this value long before freedom of expression became a political security issue, stressing that its core value is not influenced by the US election cycle. He also pointed out that while other platforms have recently announced less censorship, the real test will come when the political winds change again. He also said that it is easy to support something when there is no risk.
Telegram fulfilled 14 requests for "IP addresses and/or phone numbers" from the United States between January 1 and September 30, 2024. The platform responded to a total of 900 inquiries from the United States throughout the year, affecting 2,253 users, indicating an increase in the number of requests after October, most of which were made after CEO Pavel Durov was arrested in France. On August 24 last year, French authorities arrested Durov and charged Telegram with aiding criminal activities. ...
Telegram native crypto cashback and rewards platform TONCASH announced that it has received strategic investment from The Open Network (TON) venture capital fund TON Ventures. The specific amount and valuation information have not been disclosed yet. The new funds will support it in the Telegram ecosystem to promote on-chain payments based on Bitcoin, USDT and TON and expand the partner network. Currently, TONCASH supports brands including Apple, Adidas, Binance and