
Bernstein: Strategy Expected to Double Bitcoin Holdings

Bernstein expects Strategy to double its bitcoin holdings to 1 million. After disclosing the latest increase in bitcoin holdings, Bernstein has set Strategy's rating as outperforming, with a 75% increase in the target price to $600. In addition, Bernstein analysts expect Bitcoin to reach a cycle peak of around $200,000 by the end of 2025, $500,000 by the end of 2029, and $1 million by the end of 2033, with intermittent year-long bear markets.

2025-03-26 13:42:25

伯恩斯坦预计Strategy会将比特币持有量增加一倍,达到100万枚。在披露最新增持比特币数据之后,伯恩斯坦公司已将Strategy的评级定为跑赢大盘,目标价提升75%,达到600美元。 此外,伯恩斯坦分析师预计,比特币将在 2025 年底达到 20 万美元左右的周期峰值,2029 年底达到 50 万美元,2033 年底达到 100 万美元,期间会间歇性出现为期一年的熊市。

2025-03-26 13:42:25
Strategy insiders buy its newly launched preference shares, involving company CEOs, CFOs and other executives

On March 26, according to the Securities Exchange Commission disclosure document, several Strategy (formerly MicroStrategy) insiders bought its newly launched preference shares, involving the company's CEO, CFO and other executives, among which CEO Phong Le bought 6,000 preference shares at a price of $85, Chief Financial Officer Andrew Kang bought 1,500 shares, and General Counsel Wei-Ming Shao bought 500 shares. Strategy previously announced that it will issue 5 million Series A Perpetual Stri...

2025-03-26 06:30:36

3 月 26 日消息,根据美国证券交易委员会披露文件显示,数名 Strategy(原 MicroStrategy)内部人士买入其最新推出的优先股,涉及公司 CEO、CFO 等高管,其中首席执行官 Phong Le 以 85 美元的价格购买了 6,000 股优先股,首席财务官 Andrew Kang 购买了 1,500 股,总法律顾问 Wei-Ming Shao 购买了 500 股。 Strategy 此前宣布将发行的 500 万股 A 系列永续优先股(Series A Perpetual Strife...

2025-03-26 06:30:36
According to the SEC, Strategy (MSTR. O) bought 6,911 bitcoins for $584.10 million between March 17 and March 23.

According to the SEC, Strategy (MSTR. O) bought 6,911 bitcoins for $584.10 million between March 17 and March 23.

2025-03-24 12:02:18


2025-03-24 12:02:18
Strategy BTC holdings break through 500,000

Strategy BTC holdings broke through 500,000, currently standing at 506,137, worth about $44.337 billion. Strategy's acquisition price is about $66,608 per bitcoin, the acquisition cost is about $33.10 billion, and the floating profit is over $11.20 billion.

2025-03-24 12:11:19
Strategy BTC持仓突破50万枚

Strategy BTC持仓突破50万枚,当前为506,137枚,价值约合443.37亿美元。Strategy收购价格约为每比特币66,608美元,收购成本约为331亿美元,浮盈超112亿美元。

2025-03-24 12:11:19


2025-03-24 12:05:16
Southern Dongying launched leverage and reverse products for US stocks, and plans to invest in 5 US stocks including Coinbase and Strategy

Asset management company Southern Dongying announced the launch of 9 US stocks leveraged and reverse products (L & I Products), allowing investors to trade US stocks during the Asian session. It is reported that the new product was first listed on Monday (24th), investing in 5 US stocks, including Berkshire Hathaway, Tesla, Nvidia, Coinbase and Strategy (formerly MicroStrategy), a synthetic simulation strategy based on swaps, achieving 2 times leverage and with Hong Kong dollar and US dollar cou...

2025-03-24 01:57:41

资管公司南方东英宣布推出9只美股个股杠杆及反向产品(L&I Products),让投资者可以在亚洲时段进行美股交易,据悉新产品周一(24日)首挂,投资5只美股个股,包括伯克希尔哈撒韦、特斯拉、英伟达、Coinbase及Strategy(原MicroStrategy),以掉期为基础的合成模拟策略,达成2倍杠杆并设有港元及美元柜台,每手10个单位,入场费约780元,预计追踪误差约0.06%。

2025-03-24 01:57:41
Strategy increases STRF preference share offering size to $722.50 million

According to official news, Strategy (NASDAQ: MSTR/STRK) announced that it has completed the pricing of 10.00% Series A perpetual preference shares (ticker: $STRF). The company will issue 8.50 million shares at a public offering price of $85.00 per share, expanding the issuance size from the original planned $500 million to $722.50 million. It is reported that the offering is expected to close on March 25, 2025, and the company estimates the net raised amount to be approximately $711.20 million ...

2025-03-21 12:08:31

据官方消息,Strategy(纳斯达克代码:MSTR/STRK)宣布其已完成 10.00% A 系列永续优先股(股票代码:$STRF)的定价工作。该公司将发行 850 万股,每股公开发行价格为 85.00 美元,发行规模从原计划的 5 亿美元扩大至 7.225 亿美元。 据悉,此次发行预计将于 2025 年 3 月 25 日完成交割,公司估计净募资额约为 7.112 亿美元(扣除承销折扣、佣金及公司预计的发行费用后...

2025-03-21 12:08:31
U.S. cryptocurrency concept stocks fell premarket, Strategy fell 1.72%

On March 20, the US cryptocurrency concept stocks turned from rising to falling, among which: · Coinbase fell 1.19%; · Strategy fell 1.72%; · Riot Platforms fell 0.39%; · MARA Holdings fell 1.36%.

2025-03-20 10:46:01

3月20日消息,美股加密货币概念股盘前由涨转跌,其中:·Coinbase跌1.19%;·Strategy跌1.72%;·Riot Platforms跌0.39%;·MARA Holdings跌1.36%。

2025-03-20 10:46:01

7x24 快讯

09:54 2025-03-28
Mt.Gox抗议者Kolin Burges将拍卖其“标语牌”,起拍价4.5 BTC
Mt.Gox抗议者Kolin Burges将在Scare.City拍卖其“标语牌”,起拍价为4.5枚BTC,拍卖将于4月3日结束。2014年2月,当时全球最大的比特币交易所Mt.Gox冻结提现业务后Kolin Burges从伦敦飞到东京,手里拿着一张手写的纸板标语,上面写道“Mt.Gox,我的钱在哪里(MTGOX WHERE IS OUR MONEY)”引起了国际媒体的关注,几天后Mt.Gox申请破产。
09:51 2025-03-28
SlowMist 在 X 发文表示,在向币安 CEO CZ 报告安全漏洞并获得感谢后,该团队发现在 pump.fun 和 Four.Meme 平台上出现了多个以"SLOWMIST"、"SlowMist"等变体命名的模因币。 SlowMist 安全团队特此提醒,这些模因币均为诈骗项目,并强调 SlowMist 从未发行过任何代币,呼吁用户保持警惕。
09:48 2025-03-28
数据:mubarak 持续下跌,24H 跌幅达 42.8%
09:39 2025-03-28
CZ 评价孙宇晨登上《福布斯》封面:这看起来更像是一篇批判性的文章?
币安创始人赵长鹏在"孙宇晨登上《福布斯》封面"相关帖子下回复:“恭喜!终于读完了这篇文章,因为我拒绝订阅。是只有我一个人这样想,还是它看起来像是一篇批判性文章? ”
09:36 2025-03-28
Bitpanda 获得迪拜虚拟资产监管局颁发的经纪自营商许可证
总部位于维也纳的 Bitpanda 获得了迪拜虚拟资产监管局 (VARA)颁发的经纪自营商许可证。
09:36 2025-03-28
分析:特朗普关税计划搅局市场 比特币因风险偏好骤降跳水
09:18 2025-03-28
Manus公布收费方案:39美元和199美元两种套餐 按积分计费支持多任务
Al Agent产品“Manus”公布其收费方案。ManusStarter每月收费39美元,可获得3900积分,最多可以同时运行2个任务。ManusPro每月收费199美元,可获得19900积分最多可以同时运行5个任务,同时支持使用高投入模式和其他测试功能。积分是Manus使用的标准计量单位,任务越复杂或越耗时,所需积分越多。据其官网举例,对设计并部署一个独特的个人网站这样的复杂任务来说,需花费6...
08:50 2025-03-28
08:41 2025-03-28
GameStop 股票因空头交易激增 234% 在纽交所受到交易限制
据 Cointelegraph 报道,GameStop 股票(GME)因 24 小时内空头交易量激增 234%,在纽约证券交易所受到交易限制。
08:38 2025-03-28
某巨鲸清仓 59 万枚 TRUMP 代币,亏损超 167 万美元
据链上分析师@ai_9684xtpa监测,某巨鲸地址在过去三小时以平均价格 10.62 美元清仓其持有的 59 万枚 TRUMP 代币,交易总额约 627 万美元。 该地址此前于 2 月 27 日至 3 月 15 日期间以 13.46 美元的均价买入这些代币,本次交易产生亏损约 167.7 万美元。受此大额抛售影响,TRUMP 代币价格下跌 3%,当前价格为 10.46 美元。
08:23 2025-03-28
GameStop 发行的 13 亿美元比特币可转债转换价较收盘价溢价 35%
GameStop 已为 13 亿美元的可转换高级债券定价,该债券计划用于增持比特币。债券将于 2030 年到期,初始转换率为每 1000 美元 33.4970 股,对应的转换价格约为 29.85 美元,较周四收盘价 22.09 美元溢价约 35%。若发行成功,GameStop 将成为全球第四大持有比特币的上市公司,仅次于 Riot Platforms,并超越特斯拉。
08:23 2025-03-28
某“波段胜率 81% 地址”近半小时内买入 392.7 枚 WBTC
据链上分析师余烬监测,一位胜率达 81% 的比特币和以太坊波段交易者于近半小时内以均价 85,583 美元买入 392.7 枚 WBTC,交易总额约 3360 万美元。 该地址目前持仓包括 576.3 枚 WBTC(约 4913 万美元,均价 85,751 美元)和 4216 枚 ETH(约 804 万美元,均价 2,090 美元)。此前,该地址于 3 月 26 日以 88,009 美元价格售出 495.5 枚 WBTC,交易额约 4360 万美元。