
SBF changes political stance to support Trump in first prison interview, suspected of seeking pardon

Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF), the former CEO and co-founder of cryptocurrency exchange FTX, has taken a pro-Trump stance in his first interview since being jailed, in which SBF claimed he was also a victim of the "politicization of the Justice Department" and that he supports more Republican causes than people know. According to an interview with SBF by The New York Sun, SBF gave $40 million to the US Democratic Party and $5.20 million to the Biden camp in 2020. He is currently in Brussels, New York.

2025-02-20 20:23:13
SBF 在首次监狱采访中改变政治立场转向支持特朗普,疑似在争取赦免

加密货币交易所 FTX 前CEO兼联合创始人 Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF) 在入狱后的首次采访中采取了支持特朗普的立场,SBF在采访中声称他也是“司法部政治化”的受害者,他支持的共和党事业比人们知道的还要多。 根据 The New York Sun 记者对 SBF 的采访,SBF 在 2020 年向美国民主党提供了 4000 万美元,向拜登阵营提供了 520 万美元。他目前正在纽约布鲁...

2025-02-20 20:23:13

据福布斯报道,Pixelmatic创始人Samson Mow在Consensus香港加密货币会议上警告称,比特币价格可能受到“人为”压制。尽管散户买家在定投买入比特币,但似乎仍存在卖压,“虽然机构和散户买家都在增持比特币,但比特币价格却没有上涨,那肯定是有人在卖”,去年由于破产和重组,市场出现了结构性卖家,但那段...

2025-02-20 14:14:41

比特币钱包公司Jan3首席执行官、Pixelmatic创始人Samson Mow在Consensus香港加密货币会议上警告称,比特币价格可能受到“人为”压制。尽管散户买家在定投买入比特币,但似乎仍存在卖压,“虽然机构和散户买家都在增持比特币,但比特币价格却没有上涨,那肯定是有人在卖”,去年由于破产和重组,市场出...

2025-02-20 13:59:33
China's central bank reverse repurchase operation achieved a net return of 800 million yuan on the same day

On February 20th, the People's Bank of China launched a 7-day reverse repurchase operation of 125 billion yuan today. Because 125.80 billion yuan 7-day reverse repurchase expired today, a net refund of 800 million yuan was achieved on the same day. To see the flow of funds in the open market, go to "Database - Bank of China Data" to view

2025-02-20 01:22:10
Mr. Daly said he should be patient in assessing Mr. Trump's policies. On the same day Mr. Barr, vice-chairperson of financial regulation, said the use of generative artificial intelligence could "lead to herd behaviour and concentration of risk, potentially exacerbating market volatility". Click to view...

Mr. Daly said Mr. Trump's policies should be assessed patiently. On the same day Mr. Barr, vice-chairperson of financial regulation, said the use of generative artificial intelligence could "lead to herd behaviour and concentration of risk, potentially exacerbating market volatility". Click to view...

2025-02-18 23:28:15
This time is different from 2018? Wall Street is urging investors in U.S. stocks to maintain confidence, and risk sentiment among global investors has reached its most aggressive level in 15 years. Click to view...

This time is different from 2018? Wall Street is urging investors in U.S. stocks to maintain confidence, and risk sentiment among global investors has reached its most aggressive level in 15 years. Click to view...

2025-02-18 12:22:36
Baidu (BIDU. O) in 2024 Q4 revenue 34.124 billion yuan, the same period last year 34.95 billion yuan.

Baidu (BIDU. O) in 2024 Q4 revenue 34.124 billion yuan, the same period last year 34.95 billion yuan.

2025-02-18 09:01:15
Digital Identity Project World has announced the expansion of its network to the Philippines

The Sam Altman-backed digital identity project World (formerly Worldcoin) is now available in the Philippines, where World ID Orb verification was implemented as a pilot in a private setting, but will soon be available to the wider public as part of the country's rollout.

2025-02-17 03:12:57

2月17日消息,Sam Altman支持的数字身份项目World(前称Worldcoin)现已在菲律宾可用,World ID Orb验证作为试点在私人环境中进行了实施,但作为该国推出的一部分,很快将向更广泛的公众开放。

2025-02-17 03:12:57
Samczsun: If a large account is stolen and an obvious scam is promoted, it is recommended to manually delete it on the front end.

Samczsun, a researcher at Paradigm, said of the Meme promotion scam on social media: "It's a very simple idea: the next time a large account gets hacked and promotes an obvious scam, maybe the front end should manually remove the scam? Of course no one would object to that unless the goal is to enable people to gamble in casinos?"

2025-02-17 02:00:24

Paradigm 研究员 samczsun 于 X 谈及社媒上的 Meme 币推广骗局时表示:“这是一个非常简单的想法:下一次一个大型账户被黑客入侵并推广一个明显的骗局时,也许前端应该手动删除该骗局?当然没有人会反对这一点,除非目标是让人们能够在赌场赌博?”

2025-02-17 02:00:24
OpenAI has released an update to chatgpt (4o)

OpenAI CEO Sam Altman posted that an update to chatgpt (4o) has been released. The effect is very good, it will get better soon, the team is working hard.

2025-02-15 17:37:30
OpenAI已发布chatgpt (4o) 的更新

OpenAI CEO Sam Altman发文称,已发布chatgpt (4o) 的更新。效果非常好,很快就会变得更好,团队正在努力。

2025-02-15 17:37:30
The central bank: the increase in social financing in January was 7.06 trillion yuan, 583.30 billion yuan more than the same period last year

February 14 news, the central bank report shows that preliminary statistics, in January 2025, the scale of social financing increment of 7.06 trillion yuan, 583.30 billion yuan more than the same period last year. Among them, RMB loans issued to the real economy increased by 5.22 trillion yuan, an increase of 379.30 billion yuan; foreign currency loans issued to the real economy reduced by 39.20 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 138.10 billion yuan; entrusted loans increased by 44.90 bill...

2025-02-14 09:01:08

7x24 快讯

02:51 2025-03-21
Galaxy研究副总裁Christine Kim发文总结第153次以太坊核心开发者共识(ACDC)电话会议。本周开发人员再次确认了Pectra测试计划,并计划在3月26日升级新启动的Hoodi测试网;开发人员同意推迟Pectra的主网日期,直到看到Hoodi的升级情况以及在Hoodi上对Pectra功能的进一步测试;此外,开发人员还讨论了将EIP7688纳入Fusaka升级的问题。
02:51 2025-03-21
3月21日消息,据4E监测,美联储议息会议后,美股涨势未能延续,经济不确定性和特朗普关税计划阴云笼罩,周四美股主要指数震荡收跌。标普500下跌0.2%,道指跌0.1%,纳指下跌0.3%。大型科技股跌多涨少,特斯拉微涨0.1%。 加密市场走势震荡但总体呈现温和上涨态势。昨晚...
02:45 2025-03-21
以太坊二层网络ZKsync在X平台发文提醒,在协议升级v26期间Mailbox合约向后兼容暂时出现问题,会影响L1→L2交易,因为相关交易最初由Mailbox合约处理,但在v26升级期间由于桥接和L2处于不同的过渡阶段,因此向后兼容性暂时不起作用。目前解决这个问题可能需要1.5-2周时间,因此建议用户在BridgeHub上使用“requestL2TransactionDirect requestL2TransactionTwoBridges”,而不是Mailbox,同时建议迁移到...
02:27 2025-03-21
创办了Mt.Gox加密货币交易所并联合创办了Ripple的连续创业者分享了他的空间站公司Vast的新细节,他希望该公司能帮助人类扩展成为多行星物种。 在3月20日接受彭博社采访时,Jed McCaleb证实,Vast公司有望在2026年5月之前将仍在建设中的商业空间站Haven-1送入轨道。如果McCaleb的初创公司获得成功,它将更有可能赢得美...
02:27 2025-03-21
02:27 2025-03-21
02:20 2025-03-21
02:18 2025-03-21
Bithumb新增上线Pax Gold(PAXG)
据官方消息,韩国加密交易平台Bithumb新增上线Pax Gold(PAXG),支持KRW交易对。
02:16 2025-03-21
02:15 2025-03-21
02:09 2025-03-21
币安合约将上线 U 本位和币本位次季 0926 交割合约
据官方公告,币安合约将于3月28日16:00U本位和币本位当季0328交割合约到期后的几小时内,上线BTC USDT次季0926、ETH USDT次季0926、BTC USDCM次季0926、ETH USDCM次季0926、BNB USDCM次季0926、ADA USDCM次季0926、LINK USDCM次季0926、BCH USDCM次季0926等U本位和币本位次季0926交割合约。
02:09 2025-03-21