
It's about Trump! Is the acceleration of CPI inflation in the United States in January actually good news for the market? Click to view...

It's about Trump! Is the acceleration of CPI inflation in the United States in January actually good news for the market? Click to view...

2025-02-14 12:27:05
Federal Reserve Chairperson Powell: The Federal Reserve should not comment on tariff policy

Federal Reserve Chairperson Jerome Powell said the Fed should not comment on tariff policy, and said it remained committed to its previous view that countries with free trade grew faster.

2025-02-11 16:00:13
President-elect Trump: We have reached an agreement on the hostages in the Middle East, and they will be released soon.

President-elect Trump: We have reached an agreement on the hostages in the Middle East, and they will be released soon.

2025-01-15 17:03:02
Federal Reserve Goolsbee: There are good reasons to believe that the Federal Reserve's forecast of interest rate cuts will come true.

Federal Reserve Goolsbee: There are good reasons to believe that the Federal Reserve's forecast of interest rate cuts will come true.

2024-08-23 17:48:47
The UK Law Commission has proposed a new property class for cryptoassets

The Law Commission for England and Wales has urged its government to classify all crypto assets as a new form of personal property in its final report on digital assets. The Law Commission is an independent body primarily responsible for reviewing and recommending legal reforms in England and Wales. On July 30, it released a supplementary report highlighting the inadequacies of the current classification of personal property and its legal implications for crypto assets. English law places person...

2024-07-31 09:08:02
CPC Central Committee: establish artificial intelligence safety supervision system

The decision of the CPC Central Committee on further comprehensively deepening reform and promoting the Chinese path to modernization mentioned that it is necessary to improve the comprehensive network governance system. Deepen the reform of the network management system, integrate the construction and management functions of network content, and promote the integrated management of news propaganda and online public opinion. Improve the development and management mechanism of generative artifici...

2024-07-21 12:59:19

7x24 快讯

23:45 2025-03-16
Hyperliquid 50x鲸鱼BTC做空已经浮盈830万美元,并开始5倍做多MELANIA
据链上分析师余烬监测,昨晚BTC的突然拉升没把Hyperliquid 50x鲸鱼清算掉,现在BTC价格已经跌回8.2万美元附近。所以他的BTC做空现在已经浮盈830万美元了:做空的BTC数量高达5608枚,价值4.6亿美元。成本价83923美元,清算价85803美元。 另外,他在一个半小时前以0.69美元的价格开多了339万枚MELANIA(240万美元)。在他开始开多MELANIA后,盯着他地址的直接把价格拉升了8%(从0.66美元拉到0.7...
23:35 2025-03-16
3月17日消息,泰国中央调查局 (CIB) 官员上周五查获了63台非法加密矿机,这些非法加密挖矿设备价值约200万泰铢(6万美元),是在巴吞他尼府的三栋废弃房屋中发现的。当地居民抱怨有不明身份的人从该地区的电线杆和变压器上偷电,随后官员们进行了突袭。当地人怀疑被盗电力被用于隐藏在废弃建筑物中的加密货币挖矿作业。调查人员估计,这三栋房屋因...
23:32 2025-03-16
Arbitrum开发公司Offchain Labs将于今日公布重大项目进展
Arbitrum 开发公司 Offchain Labs 于 X 发文宣布,将于今日公布重大项目进展。
23:29 2025-03-16
金色晨讯 | 3月17日隔夜重要动态一览
21:00-7:00关键词:美联储、Lazarus Group、解锁 1.美财长无法保证美经济不会衰退; 2.过去24小时全网合约爆仓1.78亿美元,主爆多单; 3.下周将有MRS、FTN、QAI等代币迎来大额解锁; 4.距美联储利率决议剩余3日,3月降息概率仅存2%; 5.加密货币总市值跌至2.8万亿美元,24小时跌幅3.1%; 6.Lazarus Group已拥有约13562枚BTC,推动朝鲜比特币持仓超过萨尔瓦多和不丹。
23:08 2025-03-16
22:59 2025-03-16
DefiLlama数据显示,以太坊流动性再质押协议TVL当前为72.36亿美元,其中TVL排名前五的协议为: -ether.fi TVL为45.57亿美元,7日跌幅为10.39%; -KelprsETH TVL为10.05亿美元,7日跌幅为12.46%; -RenzoTVL为5.67亿美元,7日跌幅为11.69%; -Mantle Restaking TVL为4.45亿美元,7日跌幅为8.22%; -Mellow LRT TVL为2.52亿美元,7日跌幅为9.45%;
22:38 2025-03-16
22:13 2025-03-16
据 Coingecko 数据,加密货币总市值跌至 2.8 万亿美元,24 小时跌幅 3.1%。 特朗普第二任期正式上任(1 月 20 日)当日,加密货币总市值为 3.621 万亿美元,自特朗普上任以来加密货币总市值共减少约 8210 亿美元,跌幅为 22.7%。
21:55 2025-03-16
据DefiLlama数据显示,BASE网络TVL现为29.3亿美元,24小时涨幅为0.78%。生态协议TVL排名前三如下: Aerodrome TVL达6.36亿美元,7日跌幅为3.59%; MorphoBlue TVL达5.426亿美元,7日涨幅为17.9%; Uniswap TVL达4.8亿美元,7日涨幅为76.84%;
21:25 2025-03-16
21:02 2025-03-16
20:55 2025-03-16