Arbitrum development team Offchain Labs has announced the launch of Onchain Labs, an on-chain innovation project designed to support projects committed to justice and fairness, which will be experimental and unstable. In addition, Offchain Labs reminds community participants to conduct their own research (DYOR) before purchasing or interacting with any tokens related to the Onchain Labs project, and their role will be strictly focused on product and go-to-market recommendations. Offchain Labs al...
Arbitrum 开发团队 Offchain Labs 宣布推出链上创新项目划“Onchain Labs”,旨在支持致力于公平公正启动的项目,其持的项目将是实验性的和不稳定。此外,Offchain Labs 提醒社区参与者在购买与 Onchain Labs 项目相关的任何代币或与其互动之前进行自己的研究(DYOR),其角色将严格专注于产品和上市建议。Offchain Labs 还透露,第一个 Onchain Labs 项目即将面世。
Arbitrum development company Offchain Labs announced in an X post that it will announce the progress of major projects today.
Arbitrum 开发公司 Offchain Labs 于 X 发文宣布,将于今日公布重大项目进展。
据Arbitrum在X平台发文宣布,Karrat基金会将与Arbitrum共同推出Studio Chain,同时Karrat基金会还与Arbitrum基金会达成战略合作伙伴,据悉该区块链拟专注于游戏市场,同时将会把Karrat原生代币整合到Studio Chain生态系统中。
Blockchain security firm CertiK has issued a warning that its security team has detected multiple suspicious transactions on the Arbitrum network. An attacker with an address of 0x97d8170e04771826a31c4c9b81e9f9191a1c8613 may have used an arbitrary call vulnerability to bypass signature verification and steal about $140,000 from multiple unverified exchange adapter contracts.
Sky (formerly MakerDAO) announced on the X platform that USDS has been launched on Arbitrum.
3月1日消息,引领BitVM落地实现的比特币二层生态团队Bitlayer宣布与包括Base、Starknet、Arbitrum、Sonic和Plume Network在内的五家领先公链和协议达成战略合作,推动BitVM Bridge的集成部署与生态协议整合,为用户提供安全且高度可扩展的BTC资产多链体验,并为Base、Starknet、Arbitrum、Sonic和Plume Network生态解锁来自比特币生态的万亿美元流动性。 BitVM Bridge是由Bitlayer开发...
2月28日消息,加密钱包 Safe{Wallet}宣布在 Arbitrum 网络恢复上线,其团队将恢复更多网络的访问,优先考虑对用户最活跃和影响最直接的网络,更多网络即将恢复支持。
According to the official announcement, Binance has now completed the integration of Livepeer (LPT) on the Arbitrum One network and BIO Protocol (BIO) on the Solana network, and has opened the recharge and withdrawal business.
据官方公告,Binance 现已完成 Livepeer(LPT)于 Arbitrum One 网络和 BIO Protocol(BIO)于 Solana 网络的集成,并开放充值、提现业务。
MetaMask has partnered with payment provider Transak to expand its fiat deposit and withdrawal services, adding support for 10 new networks: Arbitrum mainnet, Avalanche C-Chain mainnet, Base, BNB Chain, Celo, Fantom, Moonbeam, Moonriver, Optimism, and Polygon.
MetaMask 与支付提供商 Transak 合作扩展其法币出入金服务,将新增支持 10 个网络:Arbitrum 主网、Avalanche C 链主网、Base、BNB Chain、Celo、Fantom、Moonbeam、Moonriver、Optimism 和 Polygon。