


2025-02-08 07:19:13
Cygnus Announces Acquisition of OASIS AI Limited and Supports DeepSeek-R1

On January 30, Cygnus Finance announced the acquisition of OASIS AI Limited. OASIS AI now integrates the DeepSeek-R1 open-source model to further democratize cutting-edge AI technologies. Through this acquisition, Cygnus' true revenue layer will support more AI assets and computing power, strengthening the vision of artificial intelligence and blockchain convergence. At the same time, Cygnus Finance officially upgraded its brand to "Cygnus", dedicated to AI-driven decentralized infrastructure bu...

2025-01-30 02:56:11
Cygnus宣布收购OASIS AI Limited,并支持DeepSeek-R1

1月30日 消息,Cygnus Finance宣布收购OASIS AI Limited。OASIS AI现已集成DeepSeek-R1开源模型,进一步推动尖端AI技术的民主化进程。 通过此次收购,Cygnus的真实收益层将支持更多的AI资产和算力,加强对人工智能和区块链融合的愿景。与此同时,Cygnus Finance正式将品牌升级为“Cygnus”,致力于AI驱动的去中心化基础设施建设。

2025-01-30 02:56:11
RWA publisher Midas receives $5 million from Oasis Foundation

The Oasis Foundation has announced a $5 million grant for RWA issuer Mida to bring Midas compliance's tokenized fund to the Sapphire chain so that Midas can launch its income-based tokenized fund on Oasis' Sapphire network. Midas' asset tokenization project, mTBIL, tracks short-term U.S. Treasury bonds. Each mTBILL token represents a share in the BlackRock Treasury ETF. With the support of the Oasis Foundation, Midas will further expand mTBILL's privacy options.

2024-12-07 03:21:31


2024-12-07 03:21:31
Analysis: About 40% of 51 suspected Eigen Labs employee addresses choose to sell ETHFI, ALT, and REZ

On August 16, crypto analyst @defioasis posted on social media that it found 51 suspected Eigen Labs employee addresses through on-chain investigation, receiving a total of 487,933 ETHFI, 1,964,838 ALT and 1,335,090 REZ, with a peak value of more than $5.50 million. 41.3% of the addresses chose to sell ETHERFI; 41.5% sold ALT, 31.7% continued to pledge ALT; 40% sold REZ. Previously, according to a CoinDesk investigation, EigenLa...

2024-08-16 05:50:47
分析:51个疑似Eigen Labs员工地址中约40%选择出售ETHFI、ALT和REZ

8 月 16 日消息,加密分析师 @defioasis 在社交媒体上发文表示,其通过链上调查发现 51 个疑似 Eigen Labs 员工地址,共领取了 487,933 枚 ETHFI、1,964,838 枚 ALT 和 1,335,090 枚 REZ,峰值价值合计超过 550 万美元。其中 41.3% 的地址选择出售 ETHERFI;41.5% 出售 ALT,31.7% 继续质押 ALT;40% 出售了 REZ。 此前报道,据 CoinDesk 调查发现,EigenLa...

2024-08-16 05:50:47
Federated learning network Oasis completes Eden 24.0 mainnet upgrade

Federated learning network Oasis has announced that its Eden 24.0 mainnet has been upgraded without downtime. In addition to activating the main features of Oasis Core 24.0, the upgrade also increases transaction and block sizes through governance voting, enables CHURP key manager instances, fixes principal errors, and introduces multi-signature insurance.

2024-07-24 10:21:36
隐私计算网络 Oasis 完成 Eden 24.0 主网升级

隐私计算网络 Oasis 宣布其 Eden 24.0 主网已完成升级,升级过程无停机。此次升级除激活 Oasis Core 24.0 的主要功能外,还通过治理投票增加交易和块大小、启用 CHURP 密钥管理器实例、修复委托人错误、引入多重签名保险等。

2024-07-24 10:21:36
Oasis partners with Hats to launch 1 million ROSEs for secondary audits and bug bounties

On June 20th, Oasis announced that it has partnered with Hats to launch 1 million ROSE secondary audits and bug bounties dedicated to projects within the ecosystem. Researchers and hackers on the Hats platform will be able to earn rewards for finding vulnerabilities in selected dApp code, strengthening the security of dApps on Oasis's confidential EVM Sapphire. The first dApp to be reviewed by hundreds of hacker experts will be illumineX.

2024-06-20 12:17:22

6月20日消息,Oasis宣布与Hats合作推出100万枚ROSE专门用于生态系统内项目的二次审计和漏洞赏金。Hats平台上的研究人员和黑客将能够通过发现选定dApp代码中的漏洞来获得奖励,从而加强Oasis机密EVM Sapphire上dApp的安全性。第一个接受数百名黑客专家审核的dApp将是illumineX。

2024-06-20 12:17:22
Dubai-based cryptocurrency exchange BitOasis completes $30 million Series B funding round led by Jump Capital and Wamda

Dubai-based cryptocurrency trading platform BitOasis announced the completion of a $30 million Series B financing round led by Jump Capital and Wamda, with participation from Alameda Research, Digital Currency Group, NXMH and Pantera Capital. The valuation information has not been disclosed. The new funds will be used to provide the resources needed to expand the regional presence, while ensuring high standards of regulatory compliance and will obtain licenses where possible.

2024-06-15 07:21:39
迪拜加密货币交易平台BitOasis完成3000万美元B轮融资,Jump Capital和Wamda领投

总部位于迪拜的加密货币交易平台BitOasis宣布完成3000万美元B轮融资,Jump Capital和Wamda领投,Alameda Research、Digital Currency Group、NXMH 和 Pantera Capital参投,估值信息暂未披露,新资金将用于提供扩大区域影响力所需的资源,同时确保高标准的监管合规性并将在可能的情况下获得许可证。

2024-06-15 07:21:39
Oasis Pro partners with R & S Partners to launch R & S Avalanche Infrastructure Fund

On June 11, Oasis Pro, which provides global fintech infrastructure for real-world assets and digital securities, announced the launch of the R & S Avalanche Infrastructure Fund in partnership with Rise & Shine Partners, which is formed and managed by Rise & Shine Partners and whose investment objective is to capitalize on the growth of the Avalanche Network through direct pledge-backed investments in its infrastructure, networks, and applications.

2024-06-11 13:53:33
Oasis Pro与R&S Partners合作推出R&S Avalanche基础设施基金

6月11日消息,为现实世界资产和数字证券提供全球金融科技基础设施的Oasis Pro宣布与Rise & Shine Partners合作推出R&S Avalanche基础设施基金,该基金由Rise & Shine Partners组建和管理,其投资目标是通过直接质押支持投资Avalanche网络的基础设施、网络和应用程序,从而充分利用Avalanche网络的增长。

2024-06-11 13:53:33

7x24 快讯

13:13 2025-03-25
13:13 2025-03-25
以太坊链上预言机服务Chronicle完成1200万美元种子轮融资,Strobe领投, Brevan Howard、6th Man Ventures等参投,新资金拟用于支持其为代币化资产的数据基础设施提供服务。
13:10 2025-03-25
Flow Traders 3小时前从PARTI项目方合约地址处收到 900 万枚代币
据 ai_9684xtpa 监测,Flow Traders 成为 Binance 新币 PARTI 的做市商之一,3 小时前从项目方合约地址处收到 900 万枚代币(占流通代币的 3.86%),目前已有 675 万枚充值进各大 CEX。
13:01 2025-03-25
特朗普家族加密项目World Liberty Financial Inc.(WLFI)官方宣布计划推出稳定币USD1,该稳定币可以1:1兑换美元,将100%由短期美国政府国债、美元存款和其他现金等价物支持,最初将在以太坊和BSC区块链上铸造,计划在未来扩展到其他协议,据悉USD1储备将由BitGo托管。
13:01 2025-03-25
金色晚报 | 3月25日晚间重要动态一览
12:00-21:00关键词:Web3port、eToro、贝莱德、GMX 1.贝莱德将在欧洲推出比特币 ETP; 2.Arbitrum DAO考虑收回游戏催化剂计划未使用资金; 3.分析:MOVE市场违规行为做市商疑似为Web3port; 4.eToro提交IPO申请拟按45亿美元的估值筹集3-4亿美元; 5.贝莱德与Securitize合作将货币市场基金BUIDL扩展到Solana; 6.PeckShield:GMX 与 MIM Spell 安全事件损失扩大至 1300 万美元; 7.Binance宣布BNSOL超级质押将上线第七期项目...
12:54 2025-03-25
eToro提交IPO申请,得益于加密货币推动2024年收入激增,该公司拟按45亿美元的估值筹集3-4亿美元。数据显示,2024 年eToro的总收入飙升至126亿美元,其中96%来自加密货币交易。根据最近提交的F-1表格数据,2024年eToro的净收入也从2023年的1530万美元跃升至1.92亿美元。据悉,eToro申请的上市代码为“ETOR”。
12:48 2025-03-25
12:36 2025-03-25
Binance将上线PARTI 1-75倍U本位永续合约
Binance 理财、一键买币、闪兑、杠杆、合约将上线 Particle Network(PARTI),Binance 将于 2025 年 3 月 25 日 21:00 上线 PARTI 1-75 倍 U 本位永续合约。
12:36 2025-03-25
GMX 澄清:GMX 智能合约未受影响,问题仅与 Abracadabra/Spell 的资金池有关
3月25日消息,GMX 官方发文表示,安全研究机构 PeckShield 等区块链安全专家发现 Abracadabra/Spell 使用 GM 代币的资金池(cauldrons)出现漏洞被利用。 GMX 方面明确表示,GMX 智能合约未受影响,运行正常,问题仅与 Abracadabra/Spell 的资金池相关。这些资金池允许用户以特定 GM 流动性代币作为抵押进行借贷。目前,Spell、GMX 团队及安全研究人员正在调查问题原因。
12:35 2025-03-25
高盛:勿信特朗普关税温和假象 税率或远超预期
12:30 2025-03-25
12:24 2025-03-25
Aptos 生态流动性质押协议 Amnis Finance 宣布,已上线空投查询页面。