Nostra Finance, the Starknet Ecosystem DeFi protocol, said in a post that it found a serious problem with the feed information of xSTRK and sSTRK, which caused its value to increase approximately threefold between blocks 1256310 and 1256360 on March 24 (e.g., xSTRK rose from $0.1793 to $0.5897). This increase in feed data may cause otherwise safe positions to be unnecessarily liquidated. With no backup oracle available to support these assets, Nostra cannot completely prevent similar events from...
Starknet 生态 DeFi 协议 Nostra Finance 发文表示,发现 xSTRK 和 sSTRK 的喂价信息存在严重问题,导致 3 月 24 日其价值在区块 1256310 至 1256360 之间上涨约 3 倍(例如,xSTRK 从 0.1793 美元上涨至 0.5897 美元)。这种喂价数据的上涨可能导致原本安全的仓位被不必要地清算。由于没有可用的备用预言机来支持这些资产,Nostra 无法完全防止类似事件的发生。 为了保护用户...
Lnfi Network (formerly known as NostrAssets) announced that it has completed the Pre-Seed round of financing, with participation from HashKey Capital, UTXO Management, CMS Holdings, Waterdrip Capital, Wolf's Clothing, etc. The specific amount and valuation information have not been disclosed yet. The new funds will support its expansion of Lightning and Bitcoin order book exchange LN Exchange, in order to upgrade Lightning Network from an instant payment protocol to an integrated financial ecosy...
Lnfi Network(前身为NostrAssets)宣布已完成Pre-Seed轮融资,HashKey Capital、UTXO Management、CMS Holdings、Waterdrip Capital、Wolf's Clothing等参投,具体金额和估值信息暂未披露,新资金将支持其拓展闪电和比特币的订单簿交易所LN Exchange,以将闪电网络从即时支付协议提升为综合金融生态系统。 此前消息,Lnfi Network已发布代币经济学,60%专用于社区,10%分配给启动前交易挖掘奖励和空投。
Nostra Finance, Starknet's eco-DeFi protocol, has launched a governance proposal to destroy NSTR tokens that were awarded to early investors and users during the TGE period but were not claimed. As of now, 21 million NSTR tokens (about $1.50 million) remain unclaimed. The deadline for claiming is set for December 17, after which the remaining unclaimed tokens will be gradually destroyed over a period of 6 months.
The Starknet ecosystem DeFi protocol Nostra Finance launched a governance proposal on Snapshot, proposing to migrate the liquidity of NSTR from the Uniswapv3 pool on the Ethereum mainnet to the NSTR/USDC Nostra pool on Starknet to improve the liquidity of NSTR on Starknet.
Lnfi Network (formerly NostrAssets) posted that the maintenance has been completed, the API URL has been updated to, and Relay WSS has been updated to
Lnfi Network(原NostrAssets)发文称,目前维护已完成,API URL已更新为,Relay WSS已更新至。
Lnfi Network (formerly NostrAssets) issued a post saying that the Lnfi platform will be under maintenance for several hours, temporarily affecting the operation. Please wait for our announcement and will be notified when the service is restored.
Lnfi Network(原NostrAssets)发文称,Lnfi平台将进行数小时维护,暂时影响操作,请等待我们公告,将在服务恢复后通知。
David Garai, founder of Nostra, a Starknet-based DeFi project, stepped down as chief executive less than two weeks after the NSTR token was airdropped. "I will take a short break for the first time in 4 years and then I will be back," Mr. Garai posted on X. "Please keep an eye on my future plans."