Nexera announced on the X platform that it has lifted the suspension of the NXRA token contract, and on-chain trading has now resumed. Nexera said it will continue to coordinate with the central exchange to resume operations and wait for it to complete the internal process of resuming services.
According to Shield, 32.50 million stolen NXRAs have been burned after the Nexera was hacked. Yesterday, Nexera announced that the team is investigating a vulnerability involving smart contracts containing NXRA tokens. The results of the investigation have not yet been finalized.
On August 7th, Nexera, a blockchain infrastructure protocol focused on tokenization, released an update on the security incident on the X platform: "We have discovered the vulnerability in the past few hours. We acted quickly and successfully stopped further damage. We have also taken the following measures: We are working with partners Hypernative Labs to trace the source of the vulnerability and have started discussions with law enforcement. KuCoin has suspended deposits and withdrawals, and t...
On August 7, Nexera said on its social platform that the team is investigating a vulnerability involving smart contracts containing NXRA tokens. While the investigation is still being finalized, some content can be shared: · The NXRA token contract has been suspended. Trading on decentralized exchanges has been suspended and is being suspended in cooperation with centralized exchanges; Advise everyone to stop trading. We will continue to investigate the vulnerability and will come back as soon ...
According to Cyvers, suspicious transactions have occurred in the proxy contract of the Nexera project, an on-chain order book protocol. An unknown address took ownership of Nexera's proxy contract and upgraded it. Subsequently, the address transferred all NXRA tokens using the withdrawal management function. Currently, these stolen tokens are being exchanged for ETH, and some funds have been transferred to BNB Chain. Cyvers estimates that the total loss caused by this incident is about $1.50 mi...