


2025-03-20 08:50:34

以太坊客户端Nethermind负责人Marek Moraczyński在X平台发文称,超过80%的以太坊全节点磁盘空间被历史记录占用,因此不需要数据来验证新区块,在新版1.3.1中,Nethermind已准备好通过ERA文件删除合并前历史记录,所有团队都同意在5月1日执行相关操作。如果删除所有区块和所有收据且只保留验证最新区块所需的数据,完整节点容量将小于200 GB。

2025-03-16 04:30:55
Nethermind: New version will support World Chain

Ethereum ecosystem developer Nethermind client side update, World's blockchain World Chain is now supported by Nethermind. After rigorous testing, debugging and fine-tuning, optimal performance is ensured. The upcoming version will provide full support.

2025-02-11 12:35:30
Nethermind:新版本将支持World Chain

以太坊生态开发商Nethermind客户端更新,World的区块链World Chain现已获得 Nethermind 的支持。经过严格的测试、调试和微调,确保了最佳性能。即将发布的版本将提供全面支持。

2025-02-11 12:35:30
Nethermind client side updates, block production optimizations, bug fixes and stability improvements

Nethermind ETH Client v1.29.1 is officially available. The Nethermind client side update contains many new features and enhancements, some of which are included in this release: OP-stack and Base: The Nethermind client side now runs as a high-performance Optimism (OP) and Base node. Enhanced Linux performance: Improved memory usage on Linux machines for smoother operation. Block production optimization: solving extreme situations...

2024-10-17 08:02:49

Nethermind ETH Client v1.29.1 正式上线。Nethermind 客户端更新包含许多新功能和增强功能,此版本中包含的一些功能: OP-stack 和 Base:Nethermind 客户端现在可作为高性能 Optimism (OP) 和 Base 节点运行; 增强的 Linux 性能:改进了 Linux 机器上的内存使用情况,使操作更流畅。 区块生产优化:解决了极端情...

2024-10-17 08:02:49
Swell: Sigma Prime and Nethermind are auditing rswETH v2

The Ethereum liquidity re-staking protocol Swell posted on the X platform that rswETH v2 is currently being audited by Sigma Prime and Nethermind. This upgrade will bring the following features: Withdrawals to promote the stability of TGE and beyond. Re-pledge LST, including swETH. Secure delegation to verified stakers.

2024-05-29 07:32:00
Swell:Sigma Prime和Nethermind正在审计rswETH v2

以太坊流动性再质押协议Swell在X平台发文表示,rswETH v2目前正由Sigma Prime和Nethermind进行审计。此次升级将带来以下功能: 取款,以促进TGE及以后的稳定性; 再质押 LST,包括swETH; 安全委托给经过验证的staker。

2024-05-29 07:32:00
NEAR, Nethermind and EigenLabs Collaborate to Launch NEAR Fast Finality Layer on Holesky Testnet

NEAR, Nethermind, and EigenLabs have teamed up to launch NEAR Fast Finality Layer (NFFL), which aims to address fragmentation and finality issues and lay the foundation for improving the growth and accessibility of the Ethereum ecosystem. Developers can create DApps that take full advantage of multiple L2 solutions without compromising speed or security. The NEAR Fast Finality Layer is currently live on the Holesky testnet for testing.

2024-05-09 04:34:36
NEAR、Nethermind和EigenLabs合作在Holesky测试网推出NEAR Fast Finality Layer

5月9日消息,NEAR、Nethermind和EigenLabs合作推出NEAR Fast Finality Layer(NFFL),旨在解决碎片化和终结性问题,为提高以太坊生态系统的增长和可访问性奠定基础。开发人员可以创建DApp,充分利用多个L2解决方案的优势,而不影响速度或安全性。目前NEAR Fast Finality Layer已上线Holesky测试网进行测试。

2024-05-09 04:34:36
Nethermind partners with Near and Eigen Labs on chain abstraction project NFFL

Ethereum ecosystem developer Nethermind is working with Near and Eigen Labs on the NFFL project to advance blockchain abstraction. The NFFL aims to significantly improve the scalability and interoperability of blockchains and is being tested on the Holesky EigenLayer testnet.

2024-05-08 16:04:54
Nethermind 与 Near 和 Eigen Labs 合作开展链抽象项目 NFFL

以太坊生态开发商 Nethermind 正在与 Near 和 Eigen Labs 合作开展 NFFL 项目,以推进链抽象。NFFL 旨在显着提高区块链的可扩展性和互操作性,并正在 Holesky EigenLayer 测试网上进行测试。

2024-05-08 16:04:54
Nethermind to Launch $1 million Starknet Grants Program

On April 29, Nethermind will launch the Starknet Grants program, with a grant pool of $1 million to support applications and products on Starknet. Nethermind will provide developers with Grants of $50,000 to $250,000 to advance the Starknet ecosystem through innovative products.

2024-04-29 11:19:02
Nethermind将推出100万美元Starknet Grants计划

4月29日消息,Nethermind将推出Starknet Grants计划,Grant池规模达100万美元,将用于支持Starknet上的应用程序和产品。Nethermind将向开发者提供5万至25万美元的Grants,以通过创新产品推动Starknet生态发展。

2024-04-29 11:19:02
Coinbase Cloud:50%验证器已在Nethermind上运行

OdCoinbase Cloud 近日在 X 平台发文表示,其已完成初步部署,目前大约 50%的验证器都在 Nethermind 软件上运行。 此前 2 月底消息,Coinbase Cloud 宣布已将 Nethermind 和 Erigon 添加到其以太坊质押基础设施中,目的是为了提高执行层客户端的多样性,减少对 Geth 的依赖,旨在通过策略性地分散验证器到各种客户端,减少对广泛使用的 Geth 执行层客户端的依赖。此外,Nethermind 还透露其客户端的部署计划将于本周开始。

2024-03-26 01:33:23

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