Netflix (NFLX. O) revenue in Q4 2024 is $10.25 billion, compared with $8.83 billion in the same period last year, and the market expects $10.13 billion.
Netflix's (NFLX. O) global streaming growth in paying users was 18.91 million in the fourth quarter, and the market is expected to be 9.60 million.
Netflix (NFLX. O): Third-quarter revenue is expected to be $9.73 billion, with market expectations of $9.83 billion.
Netflix (NFLX. O) posted a net increase of 8.05 million in streaming subscribers in the second quarter, and the market estimate is + 4.90 million.
The co-chief executive of Netflix said generative artificial intelligence had "huge potential" to improve recommendations.
Fidelity Digital Assets said in a research note that Bitcoin (BTC) has long been viewed as a highly volatile asset, but its volatility is declining and will continue to decline as cryptocurrencies mature. New assets typically take time to go through price discovery, mature, and then move into lower volatility, writes analyst Zack Wainwright. When the U.S. abandoned the gold standard in the 1970s, even gold exhibited high volatility.
富达数字资产公司在一份研究报告中表示,比特币(BTC)长期以来一直被视为一种高度波动的资产,但其波动性正在下降,并且随着加密货币的成熟,其波动性将继续下降。 分析师Zack Wainwright写道,新资产通常需要时间来经历价格发现、成熟,然后进入较低的波动性。当美国在 20 世纪 70 年代放弃金本位时,即使是黄金也表现出很高的波动性。报...
A lawsuit claims that Facebook's parent company Meta allegedly allowed Netflix to view its user private messages for "nearly a decade" to help the streaming giant better customize content for its users.
一项诉讼称,Facebook的母公司Meta据称允许Netflix在“近十年”内查看其用户私信,以帮助这家流媒体巨头更好地为自己的用户定制内容。 3月23日启封的法庭文件是去年4月针对 Meta 发起的一项重大反垄断诉讼的一部分。 这起集体诉讼由两名美国公民Maximilian Klein和Sarah Grabert提起,指控 Netflix 和 Facebook“有着特殊的关系”,该社交媒体平台允许流媒体网站“定制访问”用户数据。
According to Watcher Guru stated on social media X that Facebook is selling the private information of all its users to Netflix for $100 million.