This morning (December 29), the first Type 076 amphibious assault ship independently developed and built by our country - the Sichuan ship was officially undocked.
On October 31st, at the regular press conference of the Ministry of National Defense, a reporter asked: Recently, the Liaoning ship participated in the "Joint Sharp Sword-2024B" exercise for the first time. It was just announced that during the recent training period, the Liaoning ship carried out the dual aircraft carrier formation exercise with the Shandong ship formation for the first time in a certain area of the South China Sea. Is the dual aircraft carrier formation exercise in the South C...
On June 11, the spokesperson of the Ministry of National Defense, Zhang Xiaogang, said that the Dutch side's remarks are upside down, and its infringement is ready to be covered up. On June 7, the Dutch Navy's frigate "Trompe" ship-based helicopter was located east of Shanghai for infringement and provocation. The Eastern Theater of the Chinese People's Liberation Army used voice warnings, fighter jets and other means to force it to leave. It is completely legal and reasonable. The whole process...
The U.S. Navy is seeking private sector partners to enter into a Collaborative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) to help advance its proprietary "PARANOID" blockchain technology. PARANOID (a robust authentication regime for the integrated development of the Navy's combat flight program) is a blockchain-based system used to protect software from cyberattacks during development and deployment. PARANOID secures software throughout the development process by validating files across nodes at...
The Chinese Navy's Fujian ship went to sea this morning for its first sailing test.
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