1. Moonveil completes Pre-A round of financing, led by Spartan; 2. TON ecological project TONX announced that it received 4 million US dollars in financing; 3.AI liquidity allocation agreement Quantlytica completed 1 million Euro financing; 4. UniWorlds, a chain game infrastructure provider, completed a seed round of financing, led by unisat; 5. ZK order book Vessel completed the $10 million seed round financing, and Sequoia Capital participated in the investment; 6. L2 project LYNC completed th...
1.Moonveil完成Pre-A轮融资,Spartan领投; 2.TON生态项目TONX宣布获得400万美元融资; 3.AI流动性分配协议Quantlytica完成100万欧元融资; 4.链游基础设施提供商UniWorlds完成种子轮融资,unisat领投; 5.ZK订单簿Vessel完成1000万美元种子轮融资,红杉资本等参投; 6.L2项目LYNC完成150万美元Pre-Seed轮融资,Movement Labs等参投; 7.OneMedNet完成460万美元私募融资,其中180万美元用于购买比特币; 8.AI代理工具Paym...
Moonveil announced the completion of its Pre-A round of financing, which reached a total of 9 million US dollars. Spartan led the investment, and Gumi Cryptos Capital, Hashkey, Animoca Ventures, Hivemind and Mask Network participated. It is reported that Moonveil is a game ecosystem that focuses on the quality of game products and deeply empowers user experience with the ZK-powered L2 blockchain. The Moonveil team members come from Riot Games (Riot Games), NetEase, Funplus, CARV and other indust...
Moonveil 宣布完成 Pre-A 轮融资,融资总额达到 900 万美元,Spartan 领投,Gumi Cryptos Capital、Hashkey、Animoca Ventures、Hivemind 和 Mask Network 等参投。 据悉,Moonveil 是一个专注于游戏产品品质、并借助 ZK-powered L2 区块链深度赋能用户体验的游戏生态体系。Moonveil 团队成员来自 Riot Games(拳头游戏)、网易、Funplus、CARV 等业界公司,正积极构建基于零知识证明(ZK)技术的 Layer...