
Michigan has submitted a cryptocurrency reserve bill that would allow state governments to invest no more than 10% of their total cryptoassets.

According to Cointelegraph, Michigan Rep. Bryan Posthumus and Ron Robinson introduced HB4087 on February 13, proposing to amend the state's Management and Budget Act to establish a strategic bitcoin reserve. The bill allows state treasuries to invest in cryptocurrencies from general funds and economic stability funds up to a maximum of 10 percent, and can hold crypto assets through secure custody solutions or ETF products from registered investment companies. The bill also allows state governmen...

2025-02-14 04:51:24
a16z:支持Blockchain Association就“DeFi经纪商”规则对美国国税局提起诉讼

a16z Crypto监管负责人Michele Korver在X平台发文表示:“我们a16z Crypto相信DeFi将使金融服务和数字经济更加便捷、高效、可互操作、可靠、并且以消费者为中心。然而昨天美国财政部发布了新的经纪商报告规则,对这一承诺构成了直接威胁,并破坏了美国DeFi创新的未来。我们a16z Crypto支持Blockchain Association、DeFi Education Fund、Tex...

2024-12-29 14:53:42
Consumer confidence rose for five consecutive years, and one-year inflation expectations rose to 2.8%.

Joanne Hsu, director of consumer surveys at the University of Michigan, said the Consumer Confidence Index confirmed data from the beginning of the month, rising for the fifth straight month to a new high since April 2024. Consumers believe the economy has improved substantially as inflation slows, but they do not feel they are in a good state of development; the current sentiment is roughly between the all-time low reached in June 2022 and data from before the COVID-19 pandemic. Inflation expec...

2024-12-20 15:38:37
US consumer confidence has risen for five consecutive months, with short-term inflation expectations rising to 2.9%.

The consumer confidence index rose for the fifth straight month to its highest level in seven months, according to Joanne Hsu, director of consumer surveys at the University of Michigan. The surge in purchasing conditions for durable goods sent the current economic conditions index soaring more than 20 percent. However, the situation is not a sign of economic strength, but rather because consumers believe buying now can avoid future price increases. One-year inflation expectations rose to 2.9 pe...

2024-12-06 15:23:06
Analysts: Interest rate cuts are driving improvement in the U.S. domestic economy

Michele Raneri, vice president of U.S. research and consulting at TransUnion, said that today's rate cut shows that the Federal Reserve continues to see positive signs on inflation and the broader economy after the last rate cut. Further rate cuts are expected into 2025, which will continue to stimulate consumer activity in credit markets, especially given that credit products have been sluggish in recent quarters. For example, continued rate cuts could start to depress mortgage loans that have ...

2024-11-07 21:16:49

TransUnion美国研究与咨询部副总裁Michele Raneri表示,今天的降息表明,在上次降息后,美联储在通胀和整体经济方面继续看到积极的迹象。预计进入2025年,还会进一步降息,将继续刺激信贷市场的消费活动,尤其是考虑到近几个季度信贷产品一直低迷。例如,持续降息可能会开始压低一直居高不下的抵押贷款...

2024-11-07 21:16:49
Michigan exit poll: 45% positive for Trump, 48% for Harris

Preliminary results from the Michigan exit poll show that 79 percent of voters are white, compared with 81 percent in the 2020 exit poll; 11 percent are black, compared with 12 percent in 2020; and 6 percent are Hispanic, compared with 3 percent in 2020, according to pollster Edison Research. Forty-five percent of voters have a positive view of Trump, and the same is true of 45 percent in the 2020 exit poll. Forty-eight percent of voters have a positive view of Harris, compared with 51 percent i...

2024-11-05 22:34:56
Former FTX executive Ryan Salame significant other Michelle Bond denies campaign finance allegations

Former FTX co-CEO Ryan Salame's significant other Michelle Bond has pleaded not guilty in federal court in the Southern District of New York to four counts of campaign finance violations. The charges include conspiracy to cause illegal campaign contributions, causing and receiving excessive campaign contributions, causing and receiving illegal corporate contributions, and causing and receiving intermediaries. The charges stem from Bond's alleged concealment of the source of funds during his 2022...

2024-09-19 01:44:02
FTX前高管Ryan Salame伴侣Michelle Bond否认竞选资金违规指控

FTX 前联合 CEO Ryan Salame 的伴侣 Michelle Bond 在纽约南区联邦法院对四项竞选资金违规指控均表示不认罪。这些指控包括串谋导致非法竞选捐款、导致和接受超额竞选捐款、导致和接受非法企业捐款,以及导致和接受中间人捐款。指控源于 Bond 在 2022 年竞选美国众议院共和党席位时涉嫌隐瞒资金来源。据称,Salame 安排 FTX 支付 40 万美...

2024-09-19 01:44:02
Former US Congressional candidate Michelle Bond has been charged with illegal campaign contributions

Former U.S. congressional candidate Michelle Bond has been indicted by U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York Damian Williams over alleged illegal campaign contributions. Bond ran unsuccessfully as a Republican candidate for a House seat in New York's First District in 2022. Prosecutors allege she worked with former FTX executive Ryan Salame to obtain $400,000 from a Bahamas cryptocurrency exchange through a bogus consulting agreement and used the funds for her campaign. Bond's fina...

2024-08-22 19:31:30
美国前国会候选人Michelle Bond因非法竞选捐款被指控

美国前国会候选人Michelle Bond因涉嫌非法竞选捐款被美国纽约南区检察官Damian Williams起诉。Bond曾在2022年以共和党候选人身份竞选纽约第一区众议院席位,但未成功。检方指控她与前FTX高管Ryan Salame合作,通过一项虚假的咨询协议,从巴哈马一家加密货币交易所获得40万美元,并将这笔资金用于竞选。Bond在财...

2024-08-22 19:31:30
Consumer confidence in the United States is basically stable, and the presidential election remains a focus

Joanne Hsu, director of consumer surveys at the University of Michigan, said the consumer confidence index was essentially flat for the fourth straight month, edging up 1.4 points. As this month's election made headlines, sentiment among Democrats rose 6 percent after Harris replaced Biden as the Democratic presidential nominee. Sentiment among Republicans was...

2024-08-16 18:42:45
President Biden reassures supporters that he is okay

"I promise you, I'm okay," President Joe Biden told his supporters at a restaurant in Northville, Mich., adding that other NATO leaders had told him he had to win the presidency.

2024-07-12 23:02:04
SEC Granted Default Judgment in $45 million Coindeal Fraud Case

The SEC announced this week that the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan has issued a default judgment against Garry Davidson and Linda Knott for their alleged involvement in a $45 million Coindeal fraud. Davidson and Knott are accused of defrauding investors by falsely promising huge returns by selling blockchain technology Coindeal to wealthy buyers. The fraud began in January 2019 and continued until mid-2022, during which they misled investors about the value of Coindeal...

2024-07-12 02:39:20
Michelle Bond Launches New "Digital Future" Think Tank to Help Set New Rules for Cryptocurrency and AI

On June 20, Michelle Bond, former CEO of the Association for Digital Assets Markets, is launching a new think tank called "Digital Future" to help develop new rules for cryptocurrencies and artificial intelligence. "Digital Future" said it plans to work with stakeholders and policymakers on financial services-related issues and "advocate for policies that enhance market integrity and stability," and does not currently support any legislation.

2024-06-20 13:27:50

7x24 快讯

23:30 2025-03-14
金色晨讯 | 3月15日隔夜重要动态一览
21:00-7:00关键词:美国关税、David Sacks、阿根廷 1.特斯拉:美国关税政策将损害美国公司; 2.高盛首次在股东信中承认加密货币的重要性; 3.David Sacks上任前售出超2亿美元加密资产; 4.Coinbase Derivatives计划上线NGS与ADA期货; 5.美参议院通过共和党支出法案,政府停摆风险解除; 6.阿根廷证券监管机构最终敲定虚拟资产服务提供商规则; 7.CZ提出4项优化X评论算法建议...
23:15 2025-03-14
23:03 2025-03-14
22:53 2025-03-14
22:53 2025-03-14
特朗普:美国在努力与俄罗斯就俄乌停火达成协议 目前一切顺利
记者当地时间3月14日获悉,美国总统特朗普在录制的采访中表示,美国与乌克兰就停火达成了协议,美国也在努力与俄罗斯达成协议,他认为到目前为止一切顺利。特朗普还表示,自己多次表示将在24小时内结束俄乌冲突的说法“有点讽刺”,他认为他会“成功”完成这一目标。 (央视新闻)
22:41 2025-03-14
22:38 2025-03-14
巴克莱首席英国经济学家Jack Meaning在一份报告中称,在即将于3月20日做出的利率决定中,英国央行可能会将利率维持在4.50%不变,并重申未来的降息将是渐进的。他表示:“自2月份以来,数据中没有任何内容会实质性改变(英国央行)货币政策委员会的观点。”他表示,英国央行可能在3月份的会议上维持政策指引不变,5月份可能会降息25个基点。
21:47 2025-03-14
据彭博社,美国参议院以 62-38 票通过共和党支出法案,有效消除政府停摆风险。该法案无附加限制,确保马斯克领导的政府精简计划得以推进,并为联邦政府的运营提供资金,直至 9 月 30 日财政年度结束。
21:47 2025-03-14
Coinbase Derivatives计划上线NGS与ADA期货
Coinbase Derivatives 已向 CFTC 提交了自我认证天然气 (NGS) 期货和 ADA 期货的申请,预计将于 3 月 31 日上线。
21:44 2025-03-14
VanEck提交其Avalanche ETF的S-1文件
据市场消息,VanEck 已向 SEC 提交其 Avalanche ETF 的 S-1 文件。
21:44 2025-03-14
20:55 2025-03-14