On March 14th, US time on March 13th, DoraHacks officially launched a new AI scoring mechanism to help hackathon organizers complete project reviews faster, smarter, and more efficiently. The new AI-driven BUIDL review system has been launched, and submitted projects will be automatically scored based on key metrics such as completeness and Hype-to-Value Ratio, enabling reviews to quickly identify high-quality projects and improve screening efficiency. It is reported that this function is an imp...
据The Miner Mag报道,比特币挖矿公司MARA即将在俄亥俄州启用额外2.5 EH/s的算力,该公司"即将完成"俄亥俄州一座40兆瓦(MW)数据中心的建设,计划在此安装超过10,000台Immersion S21 Pro矿机。
MARA Holdings' operating data for February 2025 showed a month-on-month decrease in both its bitcoin production and the number of block wins in February 2025. The company mined a total of 706 bitcoins in February, and its bitcoin production decreased by 6% month-on-month. Meanwhile, MARA won 206 blocks in February, a decrease of 6% from the previous month. The company said the main reason for the decrease in production was the increase in the difficulty of the bitcoin network and the three days ...
MARA Holdings在2025年2月的运营数据显示,其在2025年2月的比特币产量和区块获胜数量均出现了环比下降。该公司在2月共挖出706枚比特币,比特币产量环比下降了6%。同时,MARA在2月赢得了206个区块,较上月减少了6%。公司表示,产量下降的主要原因是比特币网络难度增加,以及2月比上月少三天的运营时间。 MARA股票...
The February 2025 operating data released by Marathon Digital Holdings (MARA), a US-listed crypto miner, shows that the company mined a total of 706 bitcoins in February, an increase of 4% in daily production. As of the end of February, the number of bitcoins held by MARA has increased to 46,374.
美股上市加密矿企 Marathon Digital Holdings (MARA) 发布的 2025 年 2 月运营数据显示,公司 2 月份共挖出 706 枚比特币,日产量环比增长 4%。截至 2 月底,MARA 持有的比特币数量已增至 46,374 枚。
比特币矿企MARA Holdings公布2024年Q4财报,公司本季度收入达2.144亿美元,同比增长37%,全年收入达6.564亿美元,同比增长69%。净利润同比增长248%至5.283亿美元,全年净利润增长107%至5.41亿美元。 • 直接能源成本为每比特币28,801美元,每千瓦时成本为0.039美元。 • 总哈希率同比增长115%至53.2 EH/s。 • 比特币持有量增长197%至44,893 BTC(约46亿美元),其中10,374 BTC被借出或作为...
Bitcoin miner MARA has announced that it has acquired a wind farm in Texas. The acquisition will add 114 trillion watts of wind power capacity to MARA's asset base as it expands into the energy infrastructure sector. The company will use the latest generation of ASIC mining hardware powered by renewable energy to reduce the cost of bitcoin production. MARA is the second largest publicly traded bitcoin holder with 45,659 BTC on its balance sheet.
On January 22nd, BTC miner MARA said in a post that bitcoin mining has saved Texas about $18 billion by replacing expensive gas-fired peaking power plants. At the same time, bitcoin miners, including MARA, have improved the stability of the power grid by balancing energy use during peak electricity consumption periods, achieving the dual advantages of cost and reliability.
According to Cointelegraph, Fred Thiel, CEO of bitcoin miner MARA Holdings, announced that the company is committed to expanding its strategic bitcoin reserves to all 50 states and the federal government.
On January 22, Fred Thiel, CEO of bitcoin mining company MARA Holdings, announced that the company is committed to expanding its strategic bitcoin reserves to all 50 states and the federal government.