The probability of "Trump pardoning Silk Road founder Ross Ulbricht 100 days before taking office" rose to 94 per cent, according to compliance prediction market Kalshi. Previously, it was reported that at 10:00 on January 21, Musk said in response to netizens' suggestion that Trump should "pardon Ross Ulbricht, the founder of Silk Road," that Ross Ulbricht will be pardoned (Ross will be freed too). In July last year, Trump promised in his speech at the Bitcoin 2024 conference that he would comm...
据合规预测市场kalshi数据显示,“特朗普就任前100天赦免丝绸之路创始人Ross Ulbricht”的概率升至94%。 此前报道,1月21日10时,马斯克在回应网友提议特朗普应“赦免丝绸之路创始人Ross Ulbricht”时表示,Ross Ulbricht将会被赦免(Ross will be freed too)。去年7月,特朗普在比特币2024大会上发言时承诺,当选总统后将为丝绸之路创始人Ross Ulbricht减刑。
Kalshi predicts that users on the market now believe there is a 79% chance that Silk Road founder Ross Ulbricht will be pardoned by President-elect Donald Trump within 100 days of taking office. Ulbricht created Silk Road, a dark web marketplace for contraband and services, in 2011 under the alias "Dread Pirate Roberts." After a two-year investigation into the online black market, US law enforcement officials arrested Ulbricht in October 2013, shut it down and seized about 174,000 bitcoins.
The probability that "Trump will create a national bitcoin reserve this year" has risen to 68.8 per cent, according to compliance prediction market Kalshi, compared with a 40 per cent probability when the crypto market bottomed on January 10.
Prediction market Kalshi data shows an 85% probability of BTC reaching $100,000 before the end of the year, and a 9% probability of BTC reaching $150,000, and according to the average forecast on the Kalshi platform, the price of BTC at $125,000 in the new year of 2025 may become a reality. The analysis believes that ETFs play a key role in the rising price of Bitcoin, absorbing more than 90% of the seller pressure from long-term holders.
Kalshi argued in a recent court filing that the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) may not like election bets, but only Congress, not regulators, has the power to ban them. Kalshi is currently locked in a legal dispute with the US CFTC. Last September, the CFTC tried to block the listing of certain event contracts on the prediction market, which allowed traders to bet on which party would control the House of Representatives or Senate after the November election.
Prediction Marketplace Kalshi has announced that it will provide price information to Stork Labs' oracle service network, which sends external data to blockchain and decentralized exchanges. This will enable developers to build Kalshi-influenced crypto applications where traders can bet on various events, including the US Presidential Election.
Kalshi, which launched the U.S. election prediction market contract in October after a court ruled in its favor, has traded over $30 million in just three weeks. It still trails Polymarket, which traded around $40 million between early January and early February, the first month of its presidential bets, and recently traded over $2 billion. Kalshi Market believes that Republican nominee Donald Trump has a 14-point lead over Democratic opponent Kamala Harris, and it is reported that these odds mu...
Prediction market Kalshi has listed more than a dozen contracts for events related to US political outcomes, according to the CFTC website. According to Kalshi's website, as of October 16, Kalshi's flagship market, "Who will win the presidential election?" Since its listing on October 7, total bets have reached $14 million. The U.S.-regulated exchange Kalshi still lags far behind Polymarket, a decentralized prediction market on the Polygon network. According to the Polymarket website, the platfo...