
Israeli tanks moved into the West Bank on Sunday for the first time in decades. The Palestinian Authority called the move a "dangerous escalation". Click to view...

Israeli tanks moved into the West Bank on Sunday for the first time in decades. The Palestinian Authority called the move a "dangerous escalation". Click to view...

2025-02-24 03:13:30
Jordan plans to develop a comprehensive regulatory framework for digital assets within a year

Jordan has announced plans to develop a comprehensive regulatory framework for virtual and digital assets within a year, aimed at aligning with global standards and promoting the development of its digital economy. The plan, which will be led by the Jordanian Securities Commission (JSC) and supported by the National Future Technology Committee, will focus on creating the necessary legal and technical infrastructure to oversee crypto trading platforms and virtual asset activities.

2025-01-28 06:58:21
Utah Congressman Jordan Teuscher proposes legislation for strategic bitcoin reserves

According to official documents, U.S. Rep. Jordan Teuscher of Utah proposed strategic bitcoin reserve legislation, which aims to authorize the state treasurer to invest in specific digital assets, including virtual currencies, cryptocurrencies and stablecoins with a market value greater than $500 million, and establish relevant requirements and regulations for the management and investment of these assets. The investment ratio shall not exceed 10% of the total funds in the account.

2025-01-21 02:58:38
美国犹他州众议员Jordan Teuscher 提出战略比特币储备立法

据官方文件,美国犹他州众议员Jordan Teuscher提出战略比特币储备立法,旨在授权州财长投资公共基金于特定的数字资产,包括市值大于5亿美元的虚拟货币、加密货币和稳定币,并设立管理和投资这些资产的相关要求和规定,投资比例不得超过账户总资金的10%。

2025-01-21 02:58:38
犹他州众议员Jordan Teuscher提出战略性比特币储备立法

美国犹他州众议员 Jordan Teuscher 提出战略性比特币储备立法。

2025-01-20 23:01:02
Jordan has approved a blockchain technology policy for 2025

The Jordanian Council of Ministers has approved the Jordanian Blockchain Technology Policy 2025, which aims to enhance government services, transparency, and digital security. The main goals of this policy include increasing confidence in government performance, achieving complete security and privacy of citizens' data, and will also reduce the time and cost associated with government affairs, support start-ups, build capacity, and develop the know-how of blockchain technology. The policy is in ...

2025-01-01 06:48:30
Goldrepublic Architect: BRICS to Focus on Gold-Backed Digital Currency

Goldrepublic content architect Alexej Jordanov said in a post published Friday by the Official Monetary and Financial Institutions Group Forum (OMFIF) that the BRICS countries have shown strong interest in developing gold-backed digital currencies as part of efforts to reduce international trade dependence on the US dollar.

2024-12-22 05:19:56

Goldrepublic 内容架构师 Alexej Jordanov 发文表示,金砖国家对开发黄金支持的数字货币表现出浓厚兴趣,这是减少国际贸易对美元依赖的努力之一。该文章于周五由官方货币和金融机构论坛(OMFIF)发布。

2024-12-22 05:19:56
Jordan Peterson: Trump has assembled a group of entrepreneurs who are more creative like Elon Musk

Psychologist and author Jordan Peterson told the X Space show "No Bias, No Echochambers" that former President Donald Trump has assembled a group of entrepreneurs who are more creative, similar to Elon Musk. "It would be very exciting for me to imagine a Department of Government Effectiveness (DOGE) led by Musk," Peterson said. "Musk has repeatedly demonstrated his ability to restructure dysfunctional organisations." Pete...

2024-09-15 01:55:36
Jordan Peterson:特朗普集结了一批像Elon Musk一样更具创造性的企业家

心理学家兼作家 Jordan Peterson 在 X Space 节目《No Bias, No Echochambers》中表示,前总统特朗普聚集了一批更倾向于创造性的企业家,这些人类似于 Elon Musk。 Peterson 提到:“对我来说,想象由 Musk 领导的政府效率部门(DOGE)将非常令人兴奋。Musk 多次展示了他能够将不正常运作的组织进行重组的能力。” Pete...

2024-09-15 01:55:36
Jordan Sutcliffe joins Symbiotics as head of BD

Jordan Sutcliffe, a member of the SSV Network Multi-Sign Committee and StakeWise Liquidity Committee, said in a post on X that he has joined Symbiotic as the head of BD.

2024-08-27 05:10:41
Jordan Sutcliffe加入Symbiotic担任BD负责人

SSV Network 多签委员会、StakeWise 流动性委员会成员 Jordan Sutcliffe 于 X 发文表示,其已加入 Symbiotic 担任 BD 负责人。

2024-08-27 05:10:41
Jordan Launches National Blockchain Technology Network

The Jordanian Ministry of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship has partnered with Jordanian blockchain company Blockexe to launch a national blockchain technology network called Modee Dlt. The application of blockchain technology to Jordanian government ministries is in line with the Jordan Strategy for digital transformation (2021-2025).

2024-07-20 09:35:10

7x24 快讯

23:54 2025-03-21
23:21 2025-03-21
金色晨讯 | 3月22日隔夜重要动态一览
21:00-7:00关键词:SEC、a16z crypto、Tether、贝莱德IBIT 1.Hester Peirce:应允许加密货币初创公司利用NFT筹集资金; 2.前SEC高官John Reed Stark在加密圆桌会议上反对监管改革; 3.a16z crypto总法律顾问:SEC当前的监管方式并不奏效; 4.加密风投Haun Ventures为两只新基金筹集10亿美元; 5.Tether正与四大会计师事务所洽谈储备审计; 6.泽连斯基:正与英法美合作推进停火这一首要任务; ...
22:59 2025-03-21
Hester Peirce:应允许加密货币初创公司利用 NFT 筹集资金
在 SEC 首场加密圆桌会议上,Hester Peirce 表示,加密项目应被允许通过可交易的 NFT 进行融资,并透露 NFT 或将成为继 PoW 挖矿之后,SEC 发表豁免性声明的下一个领域。Peirce 表示,类似 Stoner Cats 和 Flyfish Club 这类通过 NFT 募资、为持有者提供特定权益(如访问权限、会员资格)的项目,可能不应被视为证券。她指出,如果 SEC 能为 NFT 发行人提供一套参考框架...
22:53 2025-03-21
由加密行业资助的超级政治行动委员会(Super PAC)网络将支持两位佛罗里达州共和党候选人,角逐 4 月 1 日美国众议院特别选举。该网络包括 Fairshake、Defend American Jobs 和 Protect Progress。其中,Defend American Jobs 将投放 120 万美元广告支持佛州参议员 Randy Fine。Fine 曾在 X 平台发文表示:“佛罗里达人希望看到加密创新”,并呼吁出台“清...
22:32 2025-03-21
前SEC高官John Reed Stark在加密圆桌会议上反对监管改革
在美国证券交易委员会(SEC)召开的首场加密行业圆桌会议上,前 SEC 网络执法办公室主任 John Reed Stark 强烈反对为数字资产修改现有证券法规。他表示,1933 年与 1934 年证券法无需为加密货币让步,数字资产应继续被视为证券。 “购买加密货币的人不是收藏者,他们是投资者。SEC 的职责是保护投资者。”...
22:01 2025-03-21
21:34 2025-03-21
a16z crypto总法律顾问:SEC当前的监管方式并不奏效
美国证券交易委员会(SEC)近日在其华盛顿总部举办了首届加密工作组圆桌会议,讨论了长期以来的核心问题——什么使某种资产成为证券。此次会议标志着 SEC 对加密货币行业的监管方式发生了显著变化,此前多年被一些加密倡导者称为“通过执法进行监管”的模式可能即将结束。 a16z crypto 总法律顾问 Miles Jennings 表示...
20:58 2025-03-21
加密风投Haun Ventures为两只新基金筹集10亿美元
知情人士透露,加密货币风险投资巨头 Haun Ventures 为两只新基金筹集 10 亿美元,该基金将分为两部分,5亿美元用于早期项目投资,5亿美元用于后期项目投资,基金计划于6月完成募集。
20:39 2025-03-21
Perplexity AI有意收购TikTok
人工智能公司 Perplexity AI 宣布,有意在美政府禁令生效前接手 TikTok 美国业务,并表示“Perplexity 拥有独特的优势,可以在不造成垄断的情况下重建 TikTok 算法”。目前,包括 Oracle、微软、沃尔玛,以及洛杉矶道奇队前老板 Frank McCourt 和 Roblox CEO Jesse Tinsley 在内的多方买家也被传出对 收购 TikTok 表示兴趣。
20:03 2025-03-21
20:00 2025-03-21
美股收盘:三大股指均收红 特斯拉涨5.27%
19:57 2025-03-21
全球最大稳定币发行方 Tether 正与一家四大会计师事务所接洽,推进其长期承诺的储备审计。Tether 已发行了价值超过 1400 亿美元的与美元挂钩的加密货币,公司声称每一枚代币均有美元计价资产作为支撑,目前仅发布季度报告,尚未完成完整审计。Tether CEO Paolo Ardoino 未透露正在洽谈的具体事务所或审计时间表,他称:“这(审计)是我们最优先事项。” Tethe...