
Hotspotty: DePIN is the sharing economy 2.0

Daniel Andrade, co-founder of Hotspotty, explores the potential of decentralized physical infrastructure networks (DePINs) as an important evolution of the sharing economy 2.0. In his view, DePINs are not only an innovation of traditional centralized infrastructure, but also a fundamental shift in the economic model aimed at democratizing access through blockchain technology and smart contracts, reducing costs and enhancing system resilience. Examples such as Helium demonstrate the blueprint for...

2024-06-27 21:01:11

Hotspotty联合创始人Daniel Andrade深入探讨了分散式实体基础设施网络(DePIN)的潜力,将其视为共享经济2.0的重要演进。在他的视角中,DePIN不仅是对传统中心化基础设施的革新,更是一场经济模式的根本转变,旨在通过区块链技术和智能合约民主化访问,降低成本并增强系统韧性。案例如Helium展示了DePIN的成功蓝图,通过分散化激励实现...

2024-06-27 21:01:11

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