
DoraHacks Releases AI Project Scores to Improve Hackathon Review Efficiency

On March 14th, US time on March 13th, DoraHacks officially launched a new AI scoring mechanism to help hackathon organizers complete project reviews faster, smarter, and more efficiently. The new AI-driven BUIDL review system has been launched, and submitted projects will be automatically scored based on key metrics such as completeness and Hype-to-Value Ratio, enabling reviews to quickly identify high-quality projects and improve screening efficiency. It is reported that this function is an imp...

2025-03-14 02:41:14

3月14日消息,美国时间3月13日,DoraHacks正式推出全新的AI打分机制,助力黑客马拉松组织者更快、更智能、更高效地完成项目审核。 全新AI驱动的BUIDL评审系统已上线,提交的项目将基于完整度和热度-价值比(Hype-to-ValueRatio)等关键指标自动获得评分,使评审能够迅速识别高质量项目,提升筛选效率。据悉,该功能是DoraHacksAI产品矩阵中的重要组成部分,未来还将有更多AI...

2025-03-14 02:41:14
DoraHacks, Dora Ventures与Google Cloud 达成战略合作

3月2日消息,在BUIDL Day上,DoraHacks与Dora Ventures正式宣布与Google Cloud达成战略合作。作为此次合作的一部分,Google Cloud将为DoraHacks生态内最具潜力的初创团队提供35万美元的云计算与AI服务支持。同时,双方将共同推出更多聚焦于前沿科技领域的开发者激励计划,包括量子计算、开源硬件等核心方向的黑客马拉松合作等。

2025-03-02 04:44:21
DoraHacks 将在 ETHDenver 2025 期间举办 BUIDL Day线下活动

2月1日消息,全球开发者激励平台DoraHacks 宣布将在 2025 年 ETHDenver 期间举办 BUIDL Day线下活动。活动以BUIDLer为核心,向其开发者社区、各生态合作伙伴和投资人开放。此次活动将于 2025 年 3 月 1 日在科罗拉多州丹佛举行。 BUIDL Day当日将为受邀项目提供项目展示机会,参与者可在舞台上向包括 Web3 领域重要公司、VC以及全球社区成员在内的观众展示...

2025-02-01 04:44:43
DoraHacks is gradually launching BUIDL AI.

On January 9th, the global geek movement platform DoraHacks is gradually launching BUIDL AI. It is reported that BUIDL AI is one of the important infrastructures prepared for DoraHacks to grow to millions of active Hacker users. BUIDL AI is a convergent system that gradually converts the DoraHacks platform and the global hacker community into automated communities (Agentic Communities), accelerating the creation process of hackathons and open-source developers. BUIDL AI will gradually integrate ...

2025-01-09 08:59:45
DoraHacks正逐步推出BUIDL AI

1月9日消息,全球极客运动平台DoraHacks正在逐步推出BUIDL AI。据悉,BUIDL AI是为DoraHacks增长到千万Hacker活跃用户准备的重要基础设施之一。BUIDL AI是一个融合性的系统,逐步将DoraHacks平台及全球黑客社区转化为自动化社区(Agentic Communities),加速黑客马拉松和开源开发者的创造过程。 BUIDL AI将逐步与DoraHacks.io平台功能融合,成为DoraHacks平台大脑。当前,BU...

2025-01-09 08:59:45
DoraHacks Launches New Online Roadshow Product BUIDL Arena

On December 20th, DoraHacks officially launched BUIDL Arena, which will invite the most promising teams in the hackathon to present their vision and future roadmap online, and gain support from the ecosystem's core contributors, institutions, and communities. Exceptional teams will have the opportunity to join DoraHacks' long-term community funding program (GrantDAO) and receive a Venture Grant provided by Dora Ventures to quickly move towards the entrepreneurial stage. It is understood that Dor...

2024-12-20 10:21:30
DoraHacks 推出线上路演新产品BUIDL Arena

12月20日消息,DoraHacks正式推出 BUIDL Arena,将邀请黑客马拉松中最具潜力的团队线上展示愿景和未来路线图,并获得来自生态核心贡献者、机构和社区的支持。 优秀团队将有机会加入DoraHacks长期的社区资助计划(GrantDAO),获得由Dora Ventures 提供的Venture Grant,快速迈向创业阶段。据了解,DoraHacks首场 BUIDL Arena 将聚焦 Aptos 生态系统,于2025年1月份正式举办。Code Col...

2024-12-20 10:21:30
DoraHacks Intern Publishes Article "Criticism of Political Philosophy in Network States - Part 1"

On September 25th, an intern at DoraHacks, a global geek movement platform, and Dora Factory, a decentralized governance infrastructure, published an article "Critique of the Political Philosophy of the Network States - Part 1". This article is an analysis of the political philosophy of Balaji Srinivasan's famous book "The Network States". This article was first published on the Dora research blog and in the Nostr column The Bitcoin Review.

2024-09-25 03:57:55
DoraHacks实习生发表文章”对Network States的政治哲学批判-上”

9月25日消息,全球极客运动平台DoraHacks和去中心化治理基础设施Dora Factory的实习生发表了文章“对Network States的政治哲学批判 - 上半部分”。这篇文章是对Balaji Srinivasan著名书籍《网络国家》(The Network States)的政治哲学分析。 这篇文章首先发表在了Dora研究博客,以及Nostr专栏《比特币评论》(The Bitcoin Review)上。

2024-09-25 03:57:55
Milestone article "10,000 BUIDLs" published on Dora Research Blog

On September 9th, the Dora Research Blog recently published a landmark article "10,000 BUIDLs" published by Steve Ngok, a DoraHacks contractor. BUIDLs are the basic unit of the DoraHacks platform, and behind each BUIDL is a team of Hackers, as well as a specific product. In the article, Steve Ngok reviews DoraHacks' development history as a leader in the global geek movement, the early participation of many Web3 ecosystems in the DoraHacks hackathon, and the vision of "connecting the world's Hac...

2024-09-09 05:08:12
Dora研究博客登载里程碑文章“10000 BUIDLs”

9月9日消息,Dora研究博客近期登载了DoraHacks合约人Steve Ngok发表的里程碑文章“10,000 BUIDLs”。BUIDL是DoraHacks平台的基本单元,每一个BUIDL背后是一个Hacker团队,以及一个具体的产品。Steve Ngok在文章中回顾了DoraHacks领导全球极客运动的发展历程,众多Web3生态早期参与DoraHacks黑客马拉松的经历,以及“连接全世界的Hacker,解决重要而迫切问题”的愿景。

2024-09-09 05:08:12
DoraHacks platform approves 10,000th developer project

On August 4th, the Global Developer Incentive Platform DoraHacks.io has approved the 10,000th developer BUIDL project on August 4th, becoming the world's most submitted hackathon and open source developer community platform for Web3 and cutting-edge technology projects. Since the launch of the platform in 2021, DoraHacks.io has nearly 160,000 active developer users around the world, 10,000 early developer projects that have passed the review; DoraHacks.io has also become the main platform for gl...

2024-08-04 01:52:49

8月4日消息,全球开发者激励平台DoraHacks.io已在8月4日审核通过第10,000个开发者BUIDL项目,成为全球收到Web3及前沿科技类项目提交最多的黑客马拉松和开源开发者社区平台。 自2021年平台上线以来,DoraHacks.io在全球已有近16万活跃开发者用户,10,000个通过审核的早期开发者项目;DoraHacks.io也成为了全球Web3及前沿科技开发者展示项目,参与黑客马拉松,和申请资助的主要平台。

2024-08-04 01:52:49
AEZ Second Round of Quadratic Funding Opens DoraHacks.io

On June 6th, the AEZ Quadratic Grant officially started the voting promotion period on the DoraHacks platform, and together with the community regular quadratic voting, the distribution of the grant pool in this round will be decided. The voting will determine the allocation of the grant pool of 8000 ATOM + 20,000 USDC in the second round of AEZ Quadratic Grant. The cut-off time for this round of voting is June 20th. Community regular quadratic grants after this date will be counted in the next ...

2024-06-06 06:22:19

7x24 快讯

03:00 2025-03-25
Bithumb新增上线Redstone (RED) 和Nilion (NIL)
02:50 2025-03-25
02:50 2025-03-25
02:50 2025-03-25
02:50 2025-03-25
3月25日消息,美国总统特朗普今日上午分别在Truth Social与X平台发布“FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT!!!”后,Solana链上FIGHT代币短时内两次剧烈拉升,价格一度突破0.0018美元,现24小时涨幅超60%。
02:41 2025-03-25
3月25日消息,据The Data Nerd监测,MtGox地址于2小时前转移11,501枚BTC至2个地址:·893.4枚BTC(约合7811万美元)转至MtGox热钱包地址;·10,608枚BTC(约合9.27亿美元)转移到1DcoA开头地址。
02:41 2025-03-25
3月25日消息,据Onchain Lens监测,某巨鲸昨日共动用100万美元USDC及12,665枚SOL(约178万美元),合计近280万美元资金,购入491万枚FARTCOIN。
02:23 2025-03-25
当被问及关于监管的问题时,美国证券交易委员会(SEC)专员 Hester Peirce 表示,加密行业需要明确、合理的监管权力界限。
02:23 2025-03-25
02:14 2025-03-25
赵长鹏:WLFI 推出的稳定币 USD1 尚不可交易,谨防诈骗
Binance 创始人赵长鹏在社交媒体发文表示,“有人告诉我,自从转发“WLFI 疑似已在 BNB Chain 上发行稳定币 USD1”帖子以来,许多骗子创建了与此相同名称的币种。WLFI 官方发行的 USD1 代币还不能交易。请不要上当受骗。” 官方表示, WLFI 项目已在以太坊和 BNB Chain 上发行稳定币 USD1,并正在进行多项功能测试,但 USD1 现还不可交易。
02:11 2025-03-25
据Binance官方公告,一名员工被查实利用其在BNB Chain前业务拓展职位获取的非公开信息,在项目公募前通过关联钱包提前买入代币并在公告后部分套现获利,构成典型“抢跑交易”。该员工现已被停职,Binance将配合司法机关依法追责。平台并向4名通过官方渠道举报的用户发放10万美元奖励。
02:08 2025-03-25
3月25日消息,据链上分析师余烬监测,特朗普家族支持的DeFi项目WLFI过去一天出售18.4万枚ENA,换得0.794枚WBTC(约6.9万美元)。该项目此前通过出售WLFI募集资金并投资11种代币,大部分转入Coinbase Prime,是否已被出售仍不透明。目前WLFI投资组合中ETH与WBTC占比达87%。