

2月15日消息,据OpenSea数据显示,NFT项目Doodles过去7天交易额达到6803枚ETH,增幅为596%(当前总交易额触及342,221 ETH);近7日交易量触及1563笔,增长518%,不过当前Doodles NFT地板价较昨日小幅下挫至4.14 ETH。 此前消息,Doodles宣布在Solana推出官方代币DOOD,总发行量100亿枚,68%将分配给社区。

2025-02-15 18:48:25

据OpenSea数据显示,NFT项目Doodles过去7天交易额达到6731枚ETH,增幅为560%(当前总交易额触及342,146 ETH);交易量触及1546笔,增长488%。不过当前Doodles NFT地板价较昨日4.375 ETH小幅下挫至4.13 ETH。昨日Doodles宣布在Solana推出官方代币DOOD,总发行量100亿枚,68% 将分配给社区。

2025-02-15 14:52:08
Doodles Announces the Launch of the Official Token DOOD

NFT project Doodles has announced the launch of the official token DOOD.

2025-02-14 01:00:23

NFT 项目 Doodles 宣布推出官方代币 DOOD。

2025-02-14 01:00:23
Doodles retweets beeple asking when to issue a coin tweet

NFT project Doodles retweeted beeple asking when to issue the coin tweet "WEN TOKEN". Previously, the founder of Doodles, Burnt Toast, posted an unclear text on the social platform this morning, but the initials of each word were "token is coming", which suspected that the token would be released.

2024-12-20 22:59:20

NFT 项目 Doodles 转发 beeple 询问何时发币推文“WEN TOKEN”。 此前消息,Doodles 创始人 burnt toast 今晨于社交平台发布了一段意义不明的文字,但每个单词的首字母连起来却是“token is coming”,疑似暗示将会发布代币。

2024-12-20 22:59:20
List of important developments at noon on December 20

7:00-12:00 Keywords: Zerebro, Doodles, Hashdex, WLFI Zerebro will partner with ai16z to advance the ZerePy open-source framework. 2.Mt. Gox address transferred nearly 720 BTC, worth about 69.87 million dollars; 3. Doodles series NFTs rose generally, and Genesis Box rose by more than 500% in a single day; Data: The cumulative amount of cryptocurrencies stolen from January to July 2024 has reached $1.58 billion; 5. The SEC has approved the listing application of the Hashdex Nasdaq and Franklin Cry...

2024-12-20 12:01:12

7:00-12:00关键词:Zerebro、Doodles、Hashdex、WLFI 1.Zerebro将与ai16z合作推进ZerePy开源框架; 2.Mt.Gox地址转出近720枚BTC,价值约6987万美元; 3.Doodles系列NFT普涨,Genesis Box单日涨超500%; 4.数据:2024年1月至7月被盗的加密货币累计已达15.8亿美元; 5.美SEC批准Hashdex纳斯达克和富兰克林加密指数ETF上市申请; 6.Doodles NFT创始人发文疑似暗示发币,Doodles地板价短时拉升; 7.特朗普家族加密...

2024-12-20 12:01:12
Doodles系列NFT普涨,Genesis Box单日涨超500%

12月20日消息,据 Blur 行情数据,Doodles 系列 NFT 地板价普涨,其中: Doodles 单日涨超 81%,地板价暂报 7.65 ETH; Dooplicator 单日涨超 180%,地板价暂报 0.49 ETH; Genesis Box 单日涨超 500%,地板价暂报 0.14 ETH。

2024-12-20 10:57:49
Doodles NFT创始人发文疑似暗示发币,Doodles地板价短时拉升

Doodles NFT创始人burnt toast今晨于社交平台发文疑似暗示将会发布代币。 受此消息影响,Doodles地板价短时拉升,今晨最高突破8 ETH后回落,现报6.7 ETH,24小时涨幅达59.9%。

2024-12-20 08:30:05
McDonald's updates the official homepage background to Doodles theme

According to the relevant page information, McDonald's has updated the official homepage background to Doodles theme. Previously, McDonald's and NFT brand Doodles launched a customized version of the McCaféx Doodles Holiday coffee cup, which can be participated in by US customers at 13,500 McDonald's stores. It is expected to launch on November 18.

2024-11-19 08:49:15

据相关页面信息,麦当劳将官推首页背景更新为 Doodles 主题。 此前消息,麦当劳和 NFT 品牌 Doodles 推出定制版 McCafé x Doodles Holiday 咖啡杯,美国客户可以在麦当劳 13,500 家门店参与,预计将于 11 月 18 日启动。

2024-11-19 08:49:15
Doodles Super Pass (Season 1) Open Casting

On July 31st, NFT project Doodles posted on X that Doodles Super Pass (Season 1) is open for casting, the digital debut of its animated special edition "Dullsville and the Doodleverse", exclusively minted on Coinbase Wallet. Doodles Super Pass (Season 1) can participate in the following premiere activities in advance: listen and watch 3 music videos in advance before the streaming platform goes live, including music produced by Pharrell Williams; watch 1 animated special before the global releas...

2024-07-31 14:49:20

7月31日消息,NFT项目Doodles于X发文表示,Doodlesᵗᵛ超级通行证(第1季)开放铸造,这是其动画特别版“Dullsville and the Doodleverse”的数字首秀,于 Coinbase钱包独家铸造。 Doodlesᵗᵛ超级通行证(第1季)可提前参与以下首映活动:在流媒体平台上线之前提前收听和观看3部音乐视频,其中包括Pharrell Williams制作的音乐;在全球发行之前观看1部动画特辑;4件链上艺术品...

2024-07-31 14:49:20
Doodles avatar customization platform Stoodio has been migrated to Base Network

On July 30, the NFT project Doodles announced that its avatar customization platform Stoodio has completed the migration from Flow to the Base network. Doodles Stoodio users can cross the relevant Flow NFT into the Base chain through a cross-chain bridge. Previously, Doodles announced in June this year that it would migrate its avatar customization platform Stoodio from Flow to Coinbase's Base network. The original Doodles PFP series will remain on Ethereum, and Stoodio and various NFT wearables...

2024-07-30 10:40:43