
Datagro: Brazil 2023/24 annual soybean sales jump to 65.7% of crop production

Golden Ten Futures, June 13, according to foreign media reports, consulting firm Datagro said that Brazil's 2023/24 annual soybean sales reached 65.7% of expected production, up from 58.6% in the same period last year, but still well below the five-year historical average of 72.4%. "As the expected price increase did occur, the improved pace of business confirmed our expectations," Datagro economist Flavio Roberto de Frana Junior said in a statement. Considering the current production estimate o...

2024-06-12 23:21:44

金十期货6月13日讯,据外媒报道,咨询机构Datagro称,巴西2023/24年度大豆销售量达到预期产量的65.7%,高于去年同期的58.6%,但仍远低于72.4%的五年历史平均水平。“由于预期的价格上涨确实发生了,业务节奏的改善证实了我们的预期,”Datagro经济学家Flavio Roberto de Frana Junior在一份声明中称。考虑到目前的产量预估为1.476亿吨,巴西生产商迄今已谈判达成9700万吨大豆销售。巴西2024/25年度大豆作物将从9月份开始播种,其谈判量达到预期承诺产量的8.6%,月度增长3.4个百分点。Datagro将于7月份发布2024/25年度的种植意向。Datagro数据显示,在玉米方面,中南部地区2024年销售量达到预计总量8130万吨的31.7%,相比之下,上次调查为22.8%,多年平均值为49%。

2024-06-12 23:21:44
Golden Ten Futures, May 27th, according to the analysis of CITIC Construction Investment Futures, the improvement in the export data of horse palm oil is due to the increase in demand in India. Datagro slightly lowered its forecast for soybean production in Brazil, which was caused by the decrease in unit yield. Russia, Ukraine, Black Sea rapeseed production areas are facing frost...

Golden Ten Futures, May 27th, according to the analysis of CITIC Construction Investment Futures, the improvement in the export data of horse palm oil is due to the increase in demand in India. Datagro slightly lowered the forecast of Brazilian soybean production, which is caused by the decline in unit yield. Russia-Ukraine Black Sea rapeseed production area is facing the pressure of frost to reduce production. Although the domestic supply is generally sufficient and the spot is under obvious pr...

2024-05-27 14:23:19


2024-05-27 14:23:19
Datagro: Brazil's 2023/24 annual soybean production forecast to 147.57 million tons

Golden Ten Futures, May 24, according to foreign media reports, agricultural consultancy Datagro said on Friday that Brazil's 2023/24 annual soybean production forecast was lowered to 147.57 million tons, and its previous output forecast was 147.96 million tons. Datagro said that Brazil's 2023/24 annual soybean production forecast is expected to decrease by 10.8% compared with the previous estimate, which is the reason for the downward revision of Brazil's soybean output forecast.

2024-05-24 15:24:42


2024-05-24 15:24:42

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