According to the report released by DappRadar, the number of blockchain game daily active wallets (UAW) reached 7 million in January 2025, an increase of 386% year-on-year. OpBNB became the most active game chain in the month, Matchain ranked second, and Polygon game active level increased by 100% month-on-month. Despite a 38% year-on-year decline to $1.80 billion in blockchain gaming investment in 2024, the industry is entering a mature stage, with continued growth in areas such as Layer-2, tok...
Telegram 游戏化生态奖励平台 Timon 在 DappRadar 应用趋势榜中排名第一。 Timon 表示,目前积累 Timon 积分可参与第一期 PARTY 代币空投,以及赚取 BTC 等奖励。Timon 的挖矿功能将于下周一开启,首批白名单将于下周一在 Timon 端内发放,用户可通过完成任务赚取高达 20% 的年化收益,该功能的抢先体验白名单将于 Timon 端内发放。 Timon 通过实用的 DeFi 工具和趣味化参与...
According to the DappRadar report, the number of daily independent active wallets (dUAW) for DeFi and social dApps increased significantly in August, and the average dUAW number across the dApp industry reached a record 17 million, up 9% from the previous month.
According to DappRadar, the volume of Ethereum decentralized applications (DApps) rose by 36% in the past week, mainly driven by decentralized exchange Uniswap and automated market maker Balancer, which increased by 35% to $30.80 billion, while the volume of automated market maker Balancer increased by 46% to $18.10 billion. But the ETH price did not follow the rise. Since falling to $2,396 on August 27, the ETH price has recovered to $2,534. Despite this, it has still fallen by 22% in the past ...
DappRadar said Web3 users hit an all-time high of 10 million in the second quarter.
OdToken Terminal 数据显示,2024 年初以来,Ronin 网络的用户群体已经增长超过 700%。 链游 Pixels 推动 Ronin 网络的复兴。这款游戏允许玩家建立数字土地并执行任务以赚取数字货币。根据 DappRadar 的数据,在过去一个月里,Pixels 独立用户数达 125 万名。(CoinDesk)