
桥水基金创始人Ray Dalio:持有比特币是为了对冲通胀

据SolidIntel报道,桥水基金创始人Ray Dalio表示,持有比特币是为了对冲通胀。

2025-03-23 18:43:45
"There is a major new technology that will undoubtedly change the world and succeed, but some people confuse that with the success of the investment," Mr. Dalio said.

"There is a major new technology that will undoubtedly change the world and succeed, but some people confuse that with the success of the investment," Mr. Dalio said.

2025-01-28 09:42:38
Billionaire investor Ray Dalio has revealed that he has also invested in bitcoin

According to Cointelegraph, billionaire investor Ray Dalio said he also holds a "small amount" of bitcoin.

2025-01-22 09:04:16
亿万富翁投资者 Ray Dalio 透露其也投资了比特币

据 Cointelegraph 报道,亿万富翁投资者 Ray Dalio 表示,他也持有"少量"比特币。

2025-01-22 09:04:16
Wang Jianlin pledges all the shares of Dalian Wanda Group

January 15th news, Qichacha APP shows that recently, Wang Jianlin added 1 equity pledge information, the pledged equity target company is Dalian Wanda Group Inc., Ltd., the pledgee is Zhuhai Wanying Enterprise Management Co., Ltd., the amount of pledged equity is 2.40 million shares. Qichacha information shows that Dalian Wanda Group Inc., Ltd. was established in September 1992, the legal representative is Wang Jianlin, the registered capital 1 billion RMB, business scope including commercial re...

2025-01-15 03:39:59
Class A shares of retail stocks continued to strengthen, Dalian friendship, ZTE business afternoon limit, Hualian shares, Ginza shares, Yimin Group previously sealed the board, Maoye business, Guoguang chain and other top gains.

Class A shares of retail stocks continued to strengthen, Dalian friendship, ZTE business afternoon limit, Hualian shares, Ginza shares, Yimin Group previously sealed the board, Maoye business, Guoguang chain and other top gains.

2025-01-14 05:48:42
Class A shares of millet economic concept stocks fluctuated lower, Huaxing Entrepreneurship closed the board and fell by the limit, Dalian Shengya, Chuangyuan shares, Xinghui Entertainment, New World, Gaole shares and so on fell.

Class A shares of millet economic concept stocks fluctuated lower, Huaxing Entrepreneurship closed the board and fell by the limit, Dalian Shengya, Chuangyuan shares, Xinghui Entertainment, New World, Gaole shares and so on fell.

2024-12-30 03:30:34
Dashang Exchange: Amend the "Administrative Measures for Options Trading of Dalian Commodity Exchange" and soybean meal and corn option contracts

The amendments to the Measures for the Administration of Options Trading of the Dalian Commodity Exchange, the Soybean Meal Futures Options Contract of the Dalian Commodity Exchange, and the Corn Futures Options Contract of the Dalian Commodity Exchange, which have been deliberated and adopted at the 50th meeting of the Fourth Council of the Dalian Commodity Exchange, are hereby announced and shall come into force as of the date of promulgation. The trading hours of the series of options contrac...

2024-12-20 07:27:51
Dashang Exchange: Amend the "Detailed Rules for Coking Coal Futures Business of Dalian Commodity Exchange"

The amendments to the Detailed Rules for Coking Coal Futures Business of Dalian Commodity Exchange, which were deliberated and adopted at the 48th meeting of the 4th Council of Dalian Commodity Exchange, are hereby announced and are applicable to JM2601 and subsequent contracts.

2024-12-20 07:28:52
Mr. Dalio suggested avoiding debt assets such as bonds and investing in "hard currencies" such as gold and bitcoin.

Mr. Dalio suggested avoiding debt assets such as bonds and investing in "hard currencies" such as gold and bitcoin.

2024-12-11 08:41:14
Ray Dalio, founder of Bridgewater Fund, says he will invest in "hard currencies" such as gold and bitcoin, while avoiding debt assets

In a speech at a financial conference in Abu Dhabi on Tuesday, billionaire investor Ray Dalio, founder of hedge fund Bridgewater, said he would invest in "hard currencies" such as gold and bitcoin while avoiding debt assets as most major economies face rising debt problems. He said: "I think the debt currency problem may be coming, and I want to avoid bonds and debt and other debt...

2024-12-10 20:44:06
桥水基金创始人Ray Dalio:将投资黄金和比特币等“硬通货”,同时避开债务资产

对冲基金桥水基金创始人、亿万富翁投资者Ray Dalio在周二于阿布扎比举行的金融会议上发表演讲时表示,他将投资黄金和比特币等“硬通货”,同时避开债务资产,因为大多数主要经济体都面临不断上升的债务问题。 他说:“我认为,债务货币问题可能即将出现,我希望避开债券和债务等债...

2024-12-10 20:44:06
The amendments to the "Measures for Risk Management of Dalian Commodity Exchange" have been deliberated and adopted at the 50th meeting of the 4th Council of Dalian Commodity Exchange, and are hereby announced. They shall come into force as of the P2512 and I2512 contracts respectively.

The amendments to the "Measures for Risk Management of Dalian Commodity Exchange" have been deliberated and adopted at the 50th meeting of the 4th Council of Dalian Commodity Exchange, and are hereby announced. They shall come into force as of the P2512 and I2512 contracts respectively.

2024-12-04 08:03:01
Golden Ten Futures, October 25th, recently, the Securities Supervision Commission agreed to the Dalian Commodity Exchange log futures and options registration. Next, the Securities Supervision Commission will urge the Dalian Commodity Exchange to do a good job in ensuring the smooth launch and stability of log futures and options.

Golden Ten Futures, October 25th, recently, the Securities Supervision Commission agreed to the Dalian Commodity Exchange log futures and options registration. In the next step, the Securities Supervision Commission will urge the Dalian Commodity Exchange to do a good job in ensuring the smooth launch and stable operation of log futures and options.

2024-10-25 08:37:51
Bridgewater Fund founder: Neither Trump nor Harris is the president America needs

Ray Dalio, the founder of Bridgewater, said the 2024 U.S. election could be the most important of his life, and that he believes the country needs a "strong leader from the center." In an interview on Thursday, Mr. Dalio explained that the United States should aim for "broad prosperity," and that the presidential election highlighted the challenges of a functioning society. Asked which presidential candidate he would support, Dalio said, "Neither is what the country needs." He said: "...

2024-09-20 00:54:40

7x24 快讯

07:30 2025-03-25
分析:Flowdesk曾从 Move 项目方处收到 166 万枚代币用于做市
据链上数据分析师@ai_9684xtpa监测,Flowdesk同为 MOVE 做市商,另一做市商为 GSR Markets。该机构曾从 Move 项目方处收到 166 万枚代币用于做市,目前代币已全部充值进交易所。
07:21 2025-03-25
AB DAO 全球召回持续推进:仍有 6,500 万 NEW-09E 待兑换为 $AB
3月25日消息,AB DAO 今日宣布全球召回行动取得阶段性成果:目前已有 28 位 BEP2 NEW(NEW-09E)持币用户完成跨链,并成功将 7,253,997 枚 NEW-09E 兑换为 AB 主网资产,正式加入 AB 区块链生态。 当前仍有超过 6,500 万枚 NEW-09E 待认领,AB DAO 号召全球社区积极转发通知,协助更多用户完成资产找回,共同壮大 AB 全球生态网络。
07:21 2025-03-25
币安对 MOVE 异常行为做市商采取措施,已冻结收益用于后续补偿用户
币安发布公告称,已发现 Movement(MOVE)项目的一家做市商与币安近期因不当行为而禁止在平台继续做市活动的另一家做市商存在关联。 据公告显示,该做市商的异常行为包括:在 MOVE 上线一天后(2024-12-10),该做市商抛售了约 6600 万枚 MOVE 代币,同时几乎没有买单支撑。在 2025-03-18 被币安终止合作前,该做市商已获得约 3800 万...
07:14 2025-03-25
Movement Network 基金会:对涉及做市商行为毫不知情且已切断所有关系,将使用回收的资金回购 MOVE
针对币安发布 Movement(MOVE)项目做市商市场违规行为的处理措施,Movement Network 基金会发文表示,Movement Network Foundation 和 Movement Labs 对此毫不知情,之所以选择与这家做市商合作,因为他们已经支持过 Movement 生态系统中的项目,目前已切断与该做市商的所有关系(包括生态系统合作伙伴关系),并且联系了其他主要交易所,告知他们正在进行的调查,在整个事件中,Mo...
07:05 2025-03-25
06:50 2025-03-25
Binance首期投票上币距截止剩余2日,BANANAS31、SIREN、Broccoli(CZ's Dog)暂列前三
3月25日消息,据相关页面显示,BANANAS31(Banana ForScale)暂列Binance投票上币榜首,得票占比21.4%。 据此前公告,此次投票将选出两种代币在Binance现货上市,投票截止至2025年03月27日00:59(东八区时间)。其余位于前列的代币为:SIREN得票占比16.7%;Broccoli(CZ'sDog)得票占比12.4%;Mubarak得票占比11.1%;WHY得票占比8.8%。
06:38 2025-03-25
3月25日消息,据《金融时报》报道,渣打银行数字资产研究主管GeoffKendrick表示,以太坊正处于中年危机,仍在技术升级中摸索着前进,以提升对更广泛受众的吸引力。在过去三个月中ETH价格下跌了40%,包括特朗普和阿根廷领导人米莱推广的代币都使用Solana区块链。 Kaiko研究分析师Adam McCarthy认为,以太坊对大多数人来说并不有趣,如果将其...
06:17 2025-03-25
06:11 2025-03-25
某投资者购买 3 月底 2200 美元以太坊看跌期权,共计 10000 枚 ETH
06:11 2025-03-25
Arthur Hayes:ETH将先涨至5000美元,随后SOL涨至300美元
06:05 2025-03-25
欧易OKX将上线NAVI Protocol(NAVX)
05:59 2025-03-25
Mt.Gox地址于10分钟前向Kraken充值0.000017 BTC或用于测试