Musk: Need to build special versions of CyberTruck for China and the European Union.
1. Tesla Cybertruck children's car went on sale on April 23, with a range of 19 kilometers. 2. Tesla bulls warn: giving up cheap cars will "change the bullish argument". 3. Lei Jun said that the compatibility of Xiaomi SU7 three-way charging pile is more than 99%. 4. Xiaomi SU7 will launch more color schemes in the second half of the year. 5. Xiaomi Auto: SU7 smart driving mid-to-low-end plan "using three-way bidding" is purely a rumor. 6. The European Union's new car sales in March fell by the ...
1. 特斯拉Cybertruck儿童车4月23日发售 续航19公里。2. 特斯拉看涨者警告:放弃廉价汽车将“改变看涨论点”。3. 雷军称小米SU7三方充电桩兼容性达99%以上。4. 小米SU7将于下半年推出更多配色。5. 小米汽车:SU7 智驾中低阶方案“采用三方竞标”方式纯属谣言。6. 欧盟3月份新车销量降幅创2022年7月以来最大,前路艰难。7. 吉利已申请极氪009光辉商标。8. 华为余承东:智界S7本月交付预计超4500台。9. 余承东:考虑为智界S7安排两款Pura 70系列同款配色车衣。10. 理想汽车已申请L6商标。11. 丰田首款国产四驱MPV上市,起售价首次进入30万以内。12. 百度智驾事业群总裁任期首发内部信:今年聚焦萝卜快跑正毛利,将发布新地图产品。