
Indonesia's benchmark stock index widened its decline to 3%.

Indonesia's benchmark stock index widened its decline to 3%.

2025-03-24 03:16:55
Indonesia's benchmark stock index, the Jakarta Composite, fell 4% on the day.

Indonesia's benchmark stock index, the Jakarta Composite, fell 4% on the day.

2025-03-24 03:20:41
Reserve Bank of New Zealand cuts interest rate by 50 basis points

The Reserve Bank of New Zealand cut the base rate by 50 basis points to 3.75%, in line with market expectations, for the fourth consecutive meeting rate cuts.

2025-02-19 01:03:03
US Treasury cuts treasury securities issuance for second straight week to preserve borrowing capacity

The US Treasury on Tuesday cut the size of some of its benchmark Treasury security invite tenders for a second week in a row, seeking to retain borrowing capacity under the statutory debt ceiling. The Treasury said it planned to issue a four-cycle Treasury security of $85 billion on Thursday, down $5 billion from the previous Treasury security offering of the same maturity. The Treasury also announced that it would issue an eight-cycle Treasury security of $80 billion on Thursday, which was also...

2025-02-18 17:09:38
The Reserve Bank of Australia cuts interest rates for the first time in more than four years

The Reserve Bank of Australia cut its base rate by 25 basis points to 4.10%, the first cut since November 2020, to a new low since October 2023, in line with market expectations.

2025-02-18 03:32:01
Benchmark: Small businesses choosing bitcoin buying strategies risk becoming "zombie companies"

Mark Palmer, senior equity research analyst at The Benchmark Company, said that small businesses opting for a bitcoin buying strategy could turn them into "zombie companies," explaining that "companies whose stocks are in trouble... choose to follow MicroStrategy's lead and use their core business to drive a bitcoin buying strategy, but their business model is not particularly compelling in the eyes of many investors."

2025-02-12 03:54:44

The Benchmark Company高级股票研究分析师Mark Palmer表示,小企业选择比特币购买策略可能会使它们成为“僵尸公司(zombie companies)”,他解释说“那些股票陷入困境的公司……选择效仿MicroStrategy的做法并利用其核心业务来推动比特币购买策略,但他们的商业模式在许多投资者眼中并不特别引人注目。”

2025-02-12 03:54:44
The final value (not seasonally adjusted) of the benchmark change in non-farm payrolls in the United States in 2024 - 598,000, the previous value - 818,000.

The final value (not seasonally adjusted) of the benchmark change in non-farm payrolls in the United States in 2024 - 598,000, the previous value - 818,000.

2025-02-07 13:30:45
The non-farm data is on tonight, and the annual benchmark revision may lead to a major adjustment in the employment data in 2024. The authenticity of the data will be questioned again! Click to view...

The non-farm data is on tonight, and the annual benchmark revision may lead to a major adjustment in the employment data in 2024. The authenticity of the data will be questioned again! Click to view...

2025-02-07 04:06:43
Bank of England cuts interest rate by 25 basis points

The Bank of England cut interest rates by 25 basis points, lowering the base rate from 4.75% to 4.5%, in line with market expectations, the third interest rate cut in this round of interest rate cuts.

2025-02-06 12:01:20
CICC: The Federal Reserve pauses interest rate cuts to continue cutting interest rates

The Federal Reserve's January FOMC meeting decided to stay put and maintain the base rate unchanged at 4.25% -4.5%, in line with market expectations. Can interest rates be cut in the future? China International Capital Corporation Research Report believes that there is no need to think that the Federal Reserve cannot cut interest rates in the future. From the perspective of the reflexive effect of interest rates, the less expected interest rate cuts at present will help to cut interest rates, ju...

2025-01-31 02:02:02
The Federal Reserve kept interest rates unchanged

The Federal Reserve made its debut in the new year, maintaining the base rate unchanged at 4.25% -4.50%, in line with market expectations. (Jin Ten)

2025-01-29 23:38:29
The Riksbank cut interest rates by 25 basis points, cutting the base rate from 2.5% to 2.25%, in line with expectations.

The Riksbank cut interest rates by 25 basis points, cutting the base rate from 2.5% to 2.25%, in line with expectations.

2025-01-29 08:30:18
The Bank of Japan is expected to raise interest rates by the largest amount in 18 years

The Bank of Japan is widely expected to raise its base rate to 0.5 per cent on Friday, with the 25 basis point increase the largest since February 2007, adding to signs that Japan's economy is finally returning to normal. Two key points that Bank of Japan Governor Kazuo Ueda made clear last month when considering a rate hike have been largely clear. So far, the country's wages have risen...

2025-01-23 00:48:18

7x24 快讯

00:43 2025-03-29
00:43 2025-03-29
当地时间 3 月 28 日,美国总统特朗普计划在未来几天公布新的关税,他表示对与其他国家达成关税协议持一定开放态度,但他暗示任何协议都将在 4 月 2 日关税措施生效后达成。特朗普在前往佛罗里达的“空军一号”上接受记者采访时被问及是否愿意与英国等国家...
00:19 2025-03-29
区块链平台Oasys宣布与Animechain.ai达成战略合作,联合开发基于区块链的知识产权(IP)保护方案,以应对AI时代的版权侵权问题。 双方将使用AnimeChain框架进行概念验证,确保创作者对作品的控制权与收益权。此次合作还强调道德与可持续的创意生产,推动代币经济与现实资产(RWA)的融合,助力全球创意产业安全发展。
00:10 2025-03-29
Coinbase 将 Keyboard Cat (KEYCAT) 添加到上币路线图
据官方公告,Coinbase 将 Keyboard Cat (KEYCAT) 添加到上币路线图。
23:36 2025-03-28
金色晨讯 | 3月29日隔夜重要动态一览
21:00-7:00关键词:黄金、BitMEX、Coinbase 1.国际黄金续创历史新高; 2.特朗普已赦免BitMEX的三位联合创始人; 3.比特币主导率攀升至58.8%,创2021年初以来新高; 4.Coinbase宣布获得纽约州金融服务部虚拟货币业务许可; 5美CFTC工作人员撤回关于虚拟货币衍生品上市的咨询意见; 6.美国10年期基准国债收益率下跌11.01个基点,报4.2494%; 7.美FDIC发布新指南,明确银行参与加密货...
23:27 2025-03-28
23:12 2025-03-28
23:06 2025-03-28
23:03 2025-03-28
23:00 2025-03-28
22:51 2025-03-28
Taproot Wizards NFT已完成分发
比特币 NFT 项目 Taproot Wizards 在社交平台发文表示,Taproot Wizards NFT 已经分发,一些已经得到确认,其余的应该在下一个比特币区块中确认。
22:42 2025-03-28
慢雾安全团队披露 ReachMe 平台存在安全漏洞,研究人员@im23pds 和@T41nk_ 发现可以成功绕过 1BNB(约 600 美元)的付费门槛,仅支付 0.01BNB(约 6 美元)即实现向 CZ 发送私信。该漏洞涉及支付验证逻辑缺陷,攻击者可构造特殊交易绕过费用检测。 慢雾已按行业规范将漏洞细节告知项目方,目前平台已完成紧急修复。