
Babylon Airdrop Registration Deadline Extended to 16:00 on March 19

On March 13, the Babylon Foundation issued a statement saying that the registration deadline for airdrops will be extended by 4 days to 16:00 on March 19 (UTC + 8). Previously, it was reported that on February 25, Babylon opened the registration page for the airdrop. The airdrop is mainly targeted at the first-stage pledgers, the first-stage final certainty providers, and contributors to eligible Github repositories.

2025-03-13 07:55:16

3月13日消息,Babylon 基金会发文表示,空投注册截止日期将延长 4 天至 3 月 19 日 16 时(UTC+8)。 此前报道,2 月 25 日,Babylon 开启空投注册页面。此次空投面向群体主要包括第一阶段质押者、第一阶段最终确定性提供者以及符合条件的 Github 存储库的贡献者。

2025-03-13 07:55:16
Babylon: There is no limit to the number of BTC and Polygon addresses that BABY addresses can link to

In answering community questions, Babylon said that as long as you participate in the first phase of staking on the mainnet, whether the staking is overflowing or accepted. You can register for airdrops and bind NFTs. There is no limit to the number of BTC addresses and Polygon addresses that BABY addresses can link. In addition, Babylon also said that temporary snapshot data is taken on the airdrop registration page to determine eligibility. Points are constantly accumulating, so the points see...

2025-02-28 06:38:26


2025-02-28 06:38:26
Babylon Foundation: Will Expand Airdrop to All NFT Holders

The Babylon Foundation posted on the X platform that Cuneiform Assets Limited has decided to expand the scope of the airdrop, and the voice of the community is very important. Therefore, after extensive evaluation, Cuneiform Assets has decided to remove the pledge history requirement. This means that all NFT holders are now eligible for NFT airdrops, subject to all other airdrop eligibility requirements and compliance with airdrop terms.

2025-02-27 14:35:48
Babylon 基金会:将把空投范围扩大至所有 NFT 持有者

Babylon 基金会在 X 平台发文称,Cuneiform Assets Limited 已决定扩大空投范围,社区的声音非常重要。 因此经过广泛评估 Cuneiform Assets 决定取消质押历史要求。这意味着所有 NFT 持有者现在都有资格获得 NFT 空投,但须遵守所有其他空投资格要求并遵守空投条款。

2025-02-27 14:35:48
Babylon responds to the issue of airdrop registration: Users who pledge through a third party cannot directly register for airdrop

In response to the open air drop registration questions, the Babylon Foundation answered questions on social platforms, as follows: · If I have pledged through a third party (such as a Liquidity Staking Agreement or Binance Earn), can I register to receive an airdrop? No. The third party agreement and its service providers themselves can register to receive an airdrop. You should contact the maintainer of the third party agreement or service provider to inquire about potential rewards and incen...

2025-02-27 01:44:22

针对现已开放的空投注册问题,Babylon 基金会在社交平台进行答疑,具体如下: · 如果我通过第三方(如流动性质押协议或 Binance Earn)进行了质押,我可以注册领取空投吗?不可以。第三方协议及其服务提供商本身可以注册领取空投。你应该联系第三方协议或服务提供商的维护者,询问他们可能提供的潜在奖励和激励措施。 · 如...

2025-02-27 01:44:22
Babylon Foundation开启空投注册

2月25日消息,据官方消息,Babylon Foundation 开启空投注册页面。 此次空投面向群体主要包括第一阶段质押者、第一阶段最终确定性提供者以及符合条件的 Github 存储库的贡献者。

2025-02-25 08:16:26
Babylon Foundation X account posted "Hello World", or hinted that TGE is coming soon

On February 24th, the Babylon Foundation X account was established and posted "Hello World" for the first time, or hinted at the upcoming TGE.

2025-02-24 10:59:26
Babylon Foundation X 账号发文“Hello World“,或暗示即将 TGE

2月24日消息,Babylon Foundation X 账号建立并首次发文“Hello World“,或暗示即将 TGE。

2025-02-24 10:59:26
Baby Doge:即将支持Base

Baby Doge在X平台发文宣布BabyDoge即将支持Base,此外Baby Doge还表示也可以与Solana、BNB Chain或Base进行桥接的项目探索潜在合作。

2025-01-27 01:05:41
Babylon Labs Announces Strategic Investment in BitVM2 Development Company Fiamma

Bitcoin Proof of Stake Protocol Babylon Labs announced a strategic investment in BitVM2 development company Fiamma. The specific investment amount has not been disclosed yet. This investment will support its efforts to build a bitcoin bridge development software solution that minimizes trust to connect the Cosmos chain. It intends to integrate zero-knowledge technology into Bitcoin and reshape the application of Bitcoin in programmable blockchains and other fields.

2025-01-12 06:19:08
Babylon Labs宣布战略投资BitVM2开发公司Fiamma

比特币权益证明协议Babylon Labs宣布战略投资BitVM2开发公司Fiamma,具体投资金额暂未披露,本次投资将支持其构建最小化信任的比特币桥接器开发软件解决方案以连接Cosmos链,拟零知识技术集成到比特币中,重塑比特币在可编程区块链及其他领域的应用方式。

2025-01-12 06:19:08
BABYSHARK released a video hinting at a cooperation with Pinkfong, a world-renowned IP company

On January 9th, BABYSHARK officially released a video, suggesting that it may reach a cooperation with the world-renowned IP company Pinkfong. It is reported that Pinkfong owns a number of world-renowned IPs, including Pinkfong, Baby Shark, Hogi, and Ninimo. Among them, the original children's song video "Baby Shark Dance" has been played more than 10 billion times on YouTube, making it one of the most viewed videos in the world.

2025-01-09 06:37:50

7x24 快讯

00:48 2025-03-18
美参议院定于3月27日就Paul Atkins出任SEC主席的任职资格举行听证会
美国参议院委员会听证会将于3月27日举行,Paul Atkins可能离成为美国证券交易委员会新任加密货币友好主席更近一步。美国总统特朗普于12月4日提名Atkins领导SEC,但他与亿万富翁家族的婚姻关系据称在财务披露方面引发了问题,导致其潜在上任日期被推迟。 虽然尚不清楚白宫是否已向参议院提交了相关文件,但据Semafor的Eleano...
00:48 2025-03-18
00:42 2025-03-18
根据Data for Progress的调查,只有10%的美国选民希望特朗普政府增加对加密货币和区块链开发的联邦资金支持。相比之下,许多人更优先支持社会保障(65%)、医疗保险(64%)和基础设施建设(64%)。 特朗普总统下令创建一个由没收的比特币资助的加密货币战略储备,这一举措引发了广泛讨论。虽然51%的选民反对...
00:33 2025-03-18
Dragonfly管理合伙人Haseeb Qureshi在X平台发文称:“我在2018年初以0.04美元的价格错过了Solana的种子轮投资,按当前价格计算,这相当于3250倍的回报。Solana是我作为初级风投时最早接触的项目之一,当时我为每一个错过的交易都写了备忘录。现在重读这份备忘录,简直是初级风投的尴尬巅峰。当时我们痴迷于‘以太坊杀手’、共识协议,以及什么会取代EVM/eWA...
00:24 2025-03-18
00:08 2025-03-18
00:05 2025-03-18
由美国总统唐纳德·特朗普推广的加密项目——World Liberty Financial,已完成第二轮代币销售,总共筹集了5.5亿美元,WLFI已预留3000万美元用于支付公司开支等花销。 根据World Liberty首次代币销售的发行文件,特朗普以及与其相关的公司DT Marks DEFI LLC将收取净收入的75%作为费用——即3.9亿美元。此外,代币购买者目前不得转售代币,...
00:02 2025-03-18
根据周一向监管机构提交的一份文件,Hasdex已要求美国证券交易委员会批准一项修正案,允许这家数字资产管理公司在其Hashdex纳斯达克加密指数美国ETF(NCIQ)中加入XRP、Solana、Cardano和其他主要的山寨币。 该基金目前主要关注比特币,追踪较小比例的以太坊,还将包括链克、Uniswap、莱特币和Avalanche。在提交该文件之际,发行商们正致力于在其加...
23:56 2025-03-17
据 Onchain Lens 监测,1 小时前,pump.fun 向 Kraken 存入 196,370 枚 SOL,约 2531 万美元。
23:56 2025-03-17
根据提交给美国证券交易委员会的文件,稳定币发行商Tether增加了对比特币矿企Bitdeer (BTDR) 的持股。文件显示,Tether及其子公司Tether International, SA de CV和Tether Investments, SA de CV目前共持有Bitdeer 31,891,689股A类普通股,占该公司已发行股份的21.4%。 Tether以其稳定币USDT而闻名。然而,该公司在过去几年中一直在投资比特币挖矿、能源和人工智能基础设施。与此同时,Bi...
23:44 2025-03-17
据Farside Investors监测数据,昨日ARKB净流入8850万美元,灰度BTC净流入1420万美元。
23:44 2025-03-17
据官方消息,特朗普加密项目 WLFI 宣布完成总计 5.5 亿美元的代币销售,完成 KYC 认证的参与者超过 85,000 名。WLFI“宏观战略”还在其战略储备计划中配置了多种数字资产,包括 BTC、ETH、TRX、LINK、SUI 和 ONDO 代币。 “宏观战略”可能部分用于支持 WLFI 资助创新项目、促进生态系统增长,并在快速发展的 DeFi 领域创造新的机遇。