
Fractal Bitcoin median miner fee drops sharply to 65Sat/byte

According to Angrybot data, the median miner fee for Fractal Bitcoin has dropped sharply from 5,000 Sat/byte yesterday to 65 Sat/byte. The current block reward is 26 FB, the number of unconfirmed transactions is 55885 txns, and the total number of addresses holding FB is 366,961, TPS 150.36 transactions/second.

2024-09-16 22:46:25
Fractal Bitcoin中位矿工费大幅回落至65Sat/字节

据 Angrybot 数据显示,Fractal Bitcoin 中位矿工费从昨日的 5000 Sat/字节大幅回落至 65 Sat/字节,当前区块奖励 26 FB,未确认交易数达 55885 txns,持有 FB 的总地址数为 366961 个,TPS 150.36 笔/秒。

2024-09-16 22:46:25
Fractal Bitcoin Median Miner Fee Drops to 65 Sats/Byte

According to Angrybot data, the median miner fee for Fractal Bitcoin has dropped sharply from 5000Sat/byte yesterday to 65Sat/byte. The current block reward is 26FB, the number of unconfirmed transactions is 55885txns, and the total number of addresses holding FB is 366961, TPS150.36 per second.

2024-09-16 19:32:56
Fractal Bitcoin中位矿工费大幅回落至65 Sat/字节

据Angrybot数据显示,Fractal Bitcoin中位矿工费从昨日的5000Sat/字节大幅回落至65Sat/字节,当前区块奖励26FB,未确认交易数达55885txns,持有FB的总地址数为366961个,TPS150.36笔/秒。

2024-09-16 19:32:56

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