
比特币Ordinals项目Taproot Wizards宣布战略投资Odin.fun

3月15日消息,比特币Ordinals项目Taproot Wizards宣布战略投资由Bioniq创始人Bob Bodily推出比特币Meme币快速交易平台Odin.fun,具体投资金额暂未披露,新资金拟用于支持推动比特币链上DeFi发展,据悉交易完成后Odin.fun仍将保持独立运营并继续由Bob Bodily负责领导。 此前消息,Taproot Wizards宣布拟拍卖2121枚NFT募资3400万美元,该项目去年出售了3,000只“量子猫”,以筹集对比特币改进提案(BIP...

2025-03-15 11:18:29
Taproot Wizards plans to auction 2,121 NFTs to raise $34 million

Bitcoin Ordinals project Taproot Wizards is set to auction 2,121 NFTs to raise $34 million. The project sold 3,000 "Quantum Cats" last year to raise support for the Bitcoin Improvement Proposal (BIP) OP_CAT. Despite being plagued by technical issues, the series quickly sold out, raising 300 BTC in the process. It is reported that starting March 25, Wizards will be sold to whitelisted buyers for 0.2 BTC ($16,000), and the unsold ones will be sold in a Dutch auction.

2025-03-11 15:11:07
Taproot Wizards拟拍卖2121枚NFT募资3400万美元

比特币 Ordinals 项目 Taproot Wizards 拟拍卖 2121 枚 NFT 募资 3400 万美元,该项目去年出售了 3,000 只“量子猫”,以筹集对比特币改进提案(BIP) OP_CAT 的支持。尽管受到技术问题的困扰,该系列很快售罄,在此过程中筹集了 300 BTC。据悉从 3 月 25 日开始,Wizards 将以 0.2 BTC(16,000 美元)的价格向白名单上的买家出售,未售出的将在荷兰式拍卖中出售。

2025-03-11 15:11:07

OP_CAT倡导者兼TaprootWizards联合创始人UdiWertheimer表示,到目前为止,我看到的关于战略储备的最佳看法是,这只是特朗普经典的谈判策略。 要想真正实现储备,特朗普必须说服国会,他不能独自决定。 每当特朗普需要说服其他利益相关者时,他总是以一个荒谬的...

2025-03-03 02:44:21
Analysis: Bybit hackers process the path of funds into ETH-BTC-fiat currencies, and the process may last for several years and gradually convert into selling pressure

On February 22nd, according to the analysis of Eric Wall, co-founder of Taproot Wizards, the Bybit theft incident has been basically confirmed to be the work of the North Korean hacking group Lazarus Group. According to Chainalysis 2022 report, the organization usually follows a fixed pattern in disposing of stolen funds, and the whole process may last for several years. Data from 2022 shows that the group still holds $55 million of funds from the 2016 attack, indicating that it is not in a hurr...

2025-02-22 03:18:20
分析:Bybit 黑客处理资金路径为 ETH-BTC-法币,过程或持续数年并逐步转换为卖压

2月22日消息,据 Taproot Wizards 联合创始人 Eric Wall 分析,Bybit 被盗事件已基本确认为朝鲜黑客组织 Lazarus Group 所为。据 Chainalysis 2022 年报告,该组织处置被盗资金通常遵循固定模式,整个过程可能持续数年。2022 年的数据显示,该组织仍持有 2016 年攻击所得的 5500 万美元资金,显示其并不急于快速变现。 关于被盗资金的处置流程: ...

2025-02-22 03:18:20
Mempool Research: Bitcoin block size could increase to 4MB

According to Mempool Research, the block size has increased steadily since the Bitcoin Taproot upgrade, but there is still more room for growth. The widespread adoption of inscriptions could bring the Bitcoin network's average block size to 4 trillion bytes (MB) per block, far higher than the current average, according to a report published Feb. 4 by Mempool Research. The report says the average block size (the amount of data contained in each block published to the network's public ledger) for ...

2025-02-04 21:00:00
Mempool Research:比特币区块大小可能增至4 MB

Mempool Research称,自比特币Taproot升级以来,区块大小稳步增长,但仍有更大的增长空间。 根据Mempool Research公司2月4日发布的一份报告,铭文的广泛采用可能会使比特币网络的平均区块大小达到每个区块4兆字节(MB),远远高于目前的平均水平。该报告称,比特币的平均区块大小(发布到网络公共分类账上的每个区块所包含的数据量)目前略高于1.5 MB。 ...

2025-02-04 21:00:00
比特币Ordinals项目Taproot Wizards获得3000万美元融资,Standard Crypto领投

根据本周二发布的公告,比特币Ordinals项目Taproot Wizards在其种子轮后的第一轮融资中筹集了3000万美元。该项目联合创始人乌迪-韦特海默(Udi Wertheimer)表示,与上一轮750万美元的融资一样,此次融资也是为了进一步推动该项目 “让比特币再次变得神奇”。 Taproot Wizards的名字来源于用MS Paint创作的 “比特币魔法师 ”备忘录,该备忘录是 “神奇的互联网货币 ”的早期独立广告,也是Taproot的升级版,扩展...

2025-02-04 16:10:43
Ordinals NFT项目Quantum Cats以110万美元购入210万枚AIXBT

据Taproot Wizards联合创始人Udi透露,其旗下Ordinals NFT项目Quantum Cats国库以约110万美元购入了2,104,245枚AIXBT,均价约为0.52美元。此外,Quantum Cats还向AIXBT官方发送了第二只Quantum Cat NFT。

2024-12-31 04:31:58
Coinbase allows users to send bitcoins to Taproot addresses

Coinbase announced that platform users are now able to send bitcoin to Taproot addresses, providing users with more options for on-chain destinations, further expanding the flexibility and privacy of bitcoin transactions.

2024-10-08 21:21:00


2024-10-08 21:21:00
Organize: A list of financing information in the past 24 hours (October 8)

1. APRO Oracle completed a $3 million seed round financing; 2. Atua AI, an enterprise-level on-chain AI platform, completed a $23 million financing, and KaJ Labs participated in the investment; 3. Infinex raised $65 million through NFT sales and partnered with Wormhole to implement cross-chain capabilities.

2024-10-08 00:02:09

1.APRO Oracle完成300万美元种子轮融资; 2.企业级链上AI平台Atua AI完成2300万美元融资,KaJ Labs参投; 3.Infinex通过NFT销售融资6500万美元,与Wormhole合作实现跨链功能。

2024-10-08 00:02:09
APRO Oracle completes $3 million seed round financing

On October 8th, APRO Oracle, a decentralized oracle network for the Bitcoin ecosystem, completed a $3 million seed round of financing, led by Polychain, ABCDE and Franklin Templeton, and participated by CMS Holdings, Comma3 Ventures, UTXO Ventures, Oak Grove Ventures, Presto Labs, etc.

2024-10-07 16:05:39

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