
1. Bitcoin mining difficulty was lowered by 5.63% to 83.15T, and it is expected to be lowered next time. 2. United Bank of America and Rothschild Corporation...

1. The difficulty of bitcoin mining has been reduced by 5.63% to 83.15T, and it is expected to be lowered next time. 2. United Bank of America and Rothschild Corporation bought a spot bitcoin ETF worth about 20 million US dollars in Q1. 3. The trading volume of cryptocurrencies fell to 6.58 trillion US dollars in April, the first decline in seven months. 4. The European Union is considering adding cryptocurrencies to the investment market with a scale of 12 trillion euros, and its impact may far...

2024-05-10 10:48:57
1. 比特币挖矿难度下调5.63%至83.15T,预计下次仍将下调。2. 美国合众银行和罗斯柴尔德公...

1. 比特币挖矿难度下调5.63%至83.15T,预计下次仍将下调。2. 美国合众银行和罗斯柴尔德公司Q1共买入价值约2000万美元的现货比特币ETF。3. 加密货币4月份交易量降至6.58万亿美元,系七个月以来首次下降。4. 欧盟考虑将加密货币纳入规模达12万亿欧元的投资市场,其影响或将远超美国ETF。5. 香港证监会持牌人士:市场期待香港推展虚拟资产交易。6. 六只香港现货比特币和以太币ETF自成立以来管理总资产已超过3.174亿美元。7. 嘉实与MetaComp合作将在香港上市的加密ETF引入新加坡。8. 数据:4月份加密市场大多数指标均下降,链上总交易量下降30.5%。9. 消息人士:币安监控团队发现DWF Labs参与市场操纵。10. 摩根大通:美国SEC向Robinhood Crypto发出Wells通知不太可能阻碍以太坊现货ETF最终获批。11. 币安CEO声称尼日利亚官员索要1.5亿美元加密货币贿赂。12. 加拿大反洗钱监管机构对币安处以440万美元的罚款。13. 《富爸爸穷爸爸》作者警告经济萧条可能会出现,建议比特币投资策略。

2024-05-10 10:48:57
Bitcoin mining difficulty reduced by 5.63% to 83.15T

BTC.com data shows that the mining difficulty of Bitcoin ushered in the mining difficulty adjustment at the block height of 842,688 (19:00:14 on May 9), and the mining difficulty was reduced by 5.63% to 83.15T, the largest reduction since December 2022; the current average computing power of the whole network is 575.70EH/s. Yesterday, it was reported that the difficulty of bitcoin mining will drop by 4% due to a significant 10% decrease in the network hash rate.

2024-05-09 19:16:39

BTC.com数据显示,比特币挖矿难度在区块高度842,688(5月9日19:00:14)处迎来挖矿难度调整,挖矿难度下调5.63%至83.15T,系自2022年12月以来的最大下调幅度;目前全网平均算力为575.70EH/s。 昨日报道,比特币挖矿难度将创FTX崩盘以来最大跌幅,由于网络哈希率显著下降10%,挖矿难度将降低4%。

2024-05-09 19:16:39