
An insider made 5,753.6 SOL in 3 hours by trading HULK

According to Lookonchain, an insider made 5,753.6 SOL (978,000 USD) in just 3 hours by trading HULK, a gain of 812 times. He bought 190.20 million HULKs (19% of the total supply) with 4 new wallets for just 7.1 SOL ($1200) and sold them all for 5,760.7 SOL. ($979,000). His sell-off caused the price to drop more than 85%.

2024-06-07 03:04:25
某内部人士通过交易HULK 3小时内获利5,753.6枚SOL

据Lookonchain监测,某内部人士通过交易HULK在短短3小时内赚了5,753.6枚SOL(97.8万美元),收益达812倍。 他仅花费7.1枚SOL(1200美元)就用4个新钱包购买了1.902亿枚HULK(占总供应量的19%),并以5,760.7枚SOL的价格全部出售。(97.9万美元)。他的抛售导致价格下跌超过85%。

2024-06-07 03:04:25

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