Spot gold rose $7 to $2746.32 an ounce as Israeli intelligence suggested Iran was preparing to launch a major retaliatory strike from Iraq within days.
According to Lookonchain, someone (an insider) created a new wallet and spent 1370 yuan SOL (230,000 dollars) to steal 632 million CAT (63.2% of the total supply). We traced that he had sold some CAT and received about 29,525 SOL (5 million dollars).
OdBitwise 官方数据显示,截至当地时间 3 月 13 日,其比特币现货 ETF(BITB)持有 28,972.84 枚 BTC,较前一交易日新增 76.32 枚 BTC,持仓市值达到 2,118,704,225.06 美元。当前 BITB 流通份额升至 53,140,000 份,每份持仓 0.000545 BTC。