According to The Data Nerd, 13 days ago, a smart money exchanged $4,300 for 36.93 million SNAIs. Then it sold 22.85 million of the tokens for $137,000. It still has 14.08 million SNAIs worth $1.81 million with an estimated return on investment of x454.
According to Whale Alert, 33 minutes ago, 43,000 ETH was transferred from an unknown wallet to the Kraken exchange, equivalent to about $113 million.
On June 12, according to the monitoring of on-chain analyst SomaXBT, an hour ago, the hot wallet of crypto exchange BitForex was activated again. Since February 21, the wallet has been deactivated and still holds TRB tokens worth 43 million dollars. Previously, according to the monitoring of the chain detective ZachXBT, the hot wallet of the cryptocurrency exchange BitForex saw an outflow of about 56.50 million dollars on February 23. Shortly after the incident, the user's withdrawal request sto...
6月12日消息,据链上分析师SomaXBT监测,一小时前加密交易所BitForex的热钱包再次激活,自2月21日以来,该钱包一直处于停用状态,目前仍持有价值4300万美元的TRB代币。 此前消息,据链上侦探ZachXBT监测,加密货币交易所BitForex的热钱包在2月23日出现约5650万美元的资金流出,事件发生后不久,用户提现请求停止处理。
Blockchain project Avail has announced that it has raised $43 million in a Series A round led by Founders Fund, Dragonfly and Cyber Fund. The new round will be used to build Avail's unified layer that combines data availability, aggregation and shared security to enable modular blockchains to scale and interoperate in a permissionless and secure way. Three months ago, Avail, which spun out from Polygon in March 2023, announced that it had raised $27 million in seed funding.
区块链项目Avail 宣布在由 Founders Fund、Dragonfly 和 Cyber Fund 领投的 A 轮融资中筹集了 4300 万美元。新一轮融资将用于构建 Avail 的统一层,结合了数据可用性、聚合和共享安全性,使模块化区块链能够以无需许可和安全的方式进行扩展和互操作。三个月前,2023 年 3 月从 Polygon 分拆出来的 Avail 宣布它已经筹集了 2700 万美元的种子资金。
According to Scopescan, Flow Traders deposited 4,300 ETH (16 million USD) into Bybit. Currently, Flow Traders only holds 264 ETH (1 million USD).
据Scopescan监测,Flow Traders 向 Bybit 存入了 4300 ETH(1600 万美元)。目前,Flow Traders 仅持有 264 ETH(100 万美元)。
Shenzhen stock index, growth enterprises market fell more than 1%, the Shanghai index fell 0.36%, the two cities more than 4300 stocks floating green.