据The Data Nerd监测,4小时内多个鲸鱼地址向Binance存入或通过场外交易(OTC)出售了大量以太坊。具体交易包括: 地址0x702向Binance存入2,500枚ETH,价值约552万美元; 地址0x97D向Binance存入1,960枚ETH,价值约451万美元; 地址0xEFA向场外交易商WintermuteOTC转移了15,000枚ETH,价值约3,200万美元。
Shanghai index rose more than 1% late, Shenzhen index rose 0.9%, growth enterprises market index rose 1.22%, steel, reducer, photovoltaic equipment and other sectors rose, the two cities 4200 super stocks fluttering red.
The Nikkei 225 index rose to 42,000 for the first time, setting a new record high.
According to Scam Sniffer, more than 32,000 users lost more than $42 million to phishing scams in May.
据 Scam Sniffer 监测,今年 5 月,逾 3.2 万名用户因遭遇网络钓鱼骗局损失超 4200 万美元。
According to Scopescan, a whale withdrew 4,200 ETH (15.80 million USD) today and accumulated 8,300 ETH (31 million USD) in just three days.
据Scopescan监测,某鲸鱼今天提取了 4200 ETH(1580 万美元),短短 3 天内就积累了 8300 ETH(3100 万美元)。
According to The Data Nerd, 3 hours ago, the whale 0x4fa withdrew 4,200 ETH (about $15.76 million) from Binance. In 3 days, he withdrew a total of 8,400 ETH (about $31.60 million) from Binance.
据The Data Nerd监测,3小时前,巨鲸0x4fa从Binance中提出4200枚ETH(约合1576万美元)。在3天内,他从Binance中总共提出8400枚ETH(约合3160万美元)。
Hong Kong stock market data show that as of the close, today's 6 Hong Kong virtual asset ETF turnover is 42 million Hong Kong dollars, of which: The trading volume of the Huaxia Bitcoin ETF (3042.HK) is HK $24.74 million, and the trading volume of the Huaxia Ethereum ETF (3046.HK) is HK $4.51 million; Harvest Bitcoin ETF (3439.HK) trading volume is HK $2.50 million, Harvest Ether ETF (3179.HK) trading volume is HK $6.57 million; The trading volume of the Bosera HashKey Bitcoin ETF (3008.HK) is H...