On Monday, Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.A.N) suddenly fell to $185.10/share from the previous closing price of $620,000, a plunge of 99.97%. Later, the New York Stock Exchange said that the reason for the abnormal quotation of the stock was a technical problem in the price range, which has now been resolved. Berkshire's share price resumed trading, and it rose to $720,000/share during the session. Market insider Lin Yi also noticed this super bug, and at the price of $185.10, 51 shares were...
6月4日讯, 周一,股神巴菲特旗下伯克希尔哈撒韦(BRK.A.N)突然从前一个收盘价的62万美元/股跌到了185.1美元/股,暴跌99.97%。随后,纽交所称,股票出现异常报价的原因是价格区间出现技术问题,目前该技术问题已经得到解决。伯克希尔股价恢复交易,盘中一度涨到72万美元/股。市场人士林毅也注意到了这个超级bug,在185.1美元的价格,居然成交了51股。“我们都在好奇,是谁卖出来的,又是哪个幸运儿,以185.1美元的价格买入的。”林毅认为,股价bug可能促使量化基金直接卖出,一般正常投资者不会这么低价格卖出。这明显低于正常股价的185.1美元成交,算数吗?林毅认为,按照交易规则,应该算正常交易。