
In the past 7 days, the Coinbase Pro exchange wallet has shed around 13,620.77 BTC.

According to the latest data from Coinglass, 13,620.77 bitcoins have flowed out of the Coinbase Pro exchange wallet in the past week, Binance wallet has flowed in 4,460.13 bitcoins in the past 7 days, and Bitfinex wallet has flowed out 3,260.88 bitcoins in the past 7 days.

2024-12-21 15:17:43
过去7天Coinbase Pro交易所钱包流出约13620.77枚BTC

根据Coinglass最新数据显示,过去一周有13620.77枚比特币从Coinbase Pro交易所钱包流出,Binance钱包过去7天流入4460.13枚比特币,Bitfinex钱包过去7天流出3260.88枚比特币。

2024-12-21 15:17:43