According to Lookonchain, the current circulation of USDT is 112.5 billion USDT, of which 97.4% is circulating on the Ethereum and Tron chains. There are 58.6 billion USDT (52.1%) on Tron and 50.96 billion USDT (45.3%) on Ethereum.
According to data from shipping survey agency ITS, Malaysia exported 1125,451 tons of palm oil from May 1 to 25, an increase of 2.4% from the 1098,990 tons exported in the same period last month.
On April 5th, according to official sources, Mystiko, the basic layer of Web3 The XZK community on CoinList has sold out a total of 75000000 XZKs worth $11.25 million. In addition, over 22.87 million US dollars were submitted for participation, with initial sales oversubscribed by 300%. A total of 20260 users participated, making it the largest public offering on CoinList in recent years.