
A giant whale transferred 100,000 UNI to Binance 4 hours ago.

According to The Data Nerd, 4 hours ago, a giant whale 0x64b deposited 100,000 UNI (worth about $1.37 million) into Binance. Three days ago, the whale also deposited 197,000 UNI (worth about $2.58 million) into Binance. Six months ago, the whale bought UNIs for an average price of $7.65, and has realized a profit of about $1.67 million. Today, there are still 2.30 million UNIs (worth about $31.53 million).

2024-12-22 19:25:07

据 The Data Nerd 监测,4 小时前,某巨鲸 0x64b 向币安存入了 10 万枚 UNI (价值约合 137 万美元)。3 天前,该鲸鱼还向币安存入了 19.7 万枚 UNI(价值约合 258 万美元)。 6 个月前,该鲸鱼为均价 7.65 美元买入 UNI,已实现利润约 167 万美元。现在,仍然有 230 万枚 UNI (价值约合 3153 万美元)。

2024-12-22 19:25:07