
Coinbase Bitcoin Premium Index tentative -0.0987%

According to Coinglass data, the Coinbase Bitcoin Premium Index is temporarily trading at -0.0987%. The Coinbase Bitcoin Premium Index measures the percentage difference between the price of Bitcoin on Coinbase Pro (USD pair) and the price on Binance (USDT pair). Coinbase is a popular cryptocurrency exchange among US investors, especially large institutions, while Binance has a larger global user base. This means that the difference between the BTC prices on the two platforms could suggest wheth...

2024-11-04 16:00:12

据 Coinglass 数据,Coinbase 比特币溢价指数暂报-0.0987%。 据悉,Coinbase 比特币溢价指数是衡量 Coinbase Pro 上的比特币价格(美元对)和币安上的价格(USDT 交易对)之间百分比差异的指标。Coinbase 是美国投资者(尤其是大型机构)中流行的加密货币交易所,而币安拥有更多的全球用户群。 这意味着两个平台上 BTC 价格之间的差异可以暗示美国投资者是否比全球投资者对市...

2024-11-04 16:00:12