
Huang Licheng exchanged 1491 ETH for 198.4 million BLAST

According to Spot On Chain, Maji's eldest brother Huang Licheng exchanged 1491 ETH ($4.65 million) for 198.4 million BLAST at about $0.023. As a major depositor, he transferred 8121 ETH and 5.62 million USDC into BLAST and received 2 million BLAST airdrops ($55,400). He is now the largest retail holder of BLAST.

2024-06-27 17:00:14
黄立成将1491 ETH兑换成1.984亿BLAST

据Spot On Chain监测,麻吉大哥黄立成以约0.023美元的价格将1491 ETH(465万美元)兑换成1.984亿BLAST。作为主要储户,他将8121ETH和562万USDC转入BLAST,并获得了200万BLAST空投(5.54万美元)。他现在是BLAST最大的零售持有者。

2024-06-27 17:00:14
WELL 24H涨幅达25.2%,现报0.02335美元

OdCoinGecko 数据显示,Base 生态借贷产品 Moonwell(WELL)现报 0.02335 美元,24H 涨幅为 25.2%。

2024-03-18 14:10:58