


2025-03-07 14:22:24
MELANIA 第二大持有者割肉离场,单笔亏损近 374 万美元

据余烬监测,MELANIA 代币的第二大持有者于 2 小时前割肉离场。该投资者此前以 1.5 美元价格买入 668.8 万枚 MELANIA,投入 1000.7 万 USDC,今日以 0.937 美元价格全部卖出,仅回收 626.7 万 USDC,单笔交易亏损高达 373.9 万美元。

2025-02-26 07:36:21

新加坡第二大银行华侨银行(OCBC)近日推出了一项基于区块链的定制企业债券代币化方案,旨在帮助企业客户多元化其财务资产。该方案允许企业客户投资低至 1000 新加坡元的债券,并可根据需求自定义债券期限和利率,代币参考现有的投资级债券。

2025-01-07 11:24:19

全球第二大油田服务公司哈里伯顿 (Halliburton) 已投资位于奥斯汀的初创公司 360 Energy,进军比特币 ( BTC ) 挖矿领域。

2024-12-21 21:43:53

西班牙第二大银行BBVA的用户报告显示,ChatGPT显著提高了银行内部的生产力,引发了“创造力的爆发”,但是,他们对ChatGPT的扩展性与整合能力仍存在疑问。据初期用户报告,银行各部门的生产力的确有所提高,80%的用户表示ChatGPT Enterprise每周可以帮助他们节省超过两个小时的工作时间。 然而,ChatGPT Enterprise在扩大工具应用方面仍存在问题。BBVA全球人工智能...

2024-11-24 04:12:41
安联保险收购 MicroStrategy 2031年可转换票据发行的近25%

据Cointelegraph,欧洲第二大保险公司安联保险 (Allianz SE) 收购了 MicroStrategy 2031 年可转换票据发行的近 25%。

2024-11-22 11:19:05

Bitwise在周二的一份报告中表示,第二大加密货币以太坊现在似乎无人问津,但随着今年接近尾声,以太坊表现不佳的局面可能会出现逆转。 今年迄今为止以太坊几乎没有变化,而比特币上涨了38%,Solana上涨了31%。报告称,以太坊近期的表现不佳源于与11月美国总统大选相关的风险...

2024-09-22 01:50:12
1. 阿维塔正式成为华为引望第二大股东,共同打造“全球领先智能车”。2. 余承东:鸿蒙智行...

1. 阿维塔正式成为华为引望第二大股东,共同打造“全球领先智能车”。2. 余承东:鸿蒙智行旗下车型将实现全系标配华为智驾。3. 中汽协:1-7月汽车销量排名前十企业共销售1380.3万辆。4. 安徽7月消费数据出炉,新能源汽车销售额增长超六成。5. 理想汽车:2024年第33周新增10座理想超充站。6. 小鹏智能化业务再迎关键人才:高德、亚信背景两名高管加盟小鹏。7. 长安汽车:阿维塔科技拟以115亿元购买引望10%股权。8. 比亚迪旗下电动超跑仰望U9即将开始交付。9. 贾跃亭:“FF中美汽车产业桥梁战略暨第二品牌发布会”定于9月19日举行。10. 美国汽车协会:国内夏季出行量创纪录,汽油价格走低带来提振。11. 奔驰电动汽车韩国起火致百车受损,赔偿不足引居民强烈不满。12. 中国电动汽车遭欧盟高关税冲击,7月份注册量环比暴跌45%。13. 蔚来今年将进军阿联酋市场,当地官网和社交媒体账号已上线。14. 百度萝卜快跑安全员职位优先录用老司机,负责跟踪采集数据处理紧急情况。

2024-08-20 06:31:59


2024-08-08 15:18:57
德国第二大证券交易所Boerse Stuttgart将提供加密货币ESG数据

7月8日消息,德国第二大证券交易所斯图加特交易所(Boerse Stuttgart)将扩展其市场数据,纳入由Crypto Risk Metrics提供的加密货币ESG(环境、社会和治理)数据,并通过Boerse现有的网络进行分发。初期将有大约30种加密货币的ESG数据可供获取,并计划进一步扩展。此举与即将出台的欧盟MiCA(加密资产市场监管)法规相契合,该法规要求加密资产提供...

2024-07-08 14:10:26

资产达 7000 亿美元的西班牙第二大银行 BBVA 旗下土耳其子公司 Garanti BBVA 开始提供加密托管服务。 该银行在一份声明中表示:“Garanti BBVA Digital Assets 现在允许客户在其移动平台 Garanti BBVA Crypto 上转移和存储 BTC、ETH 和 USDC 资产。” Garanti BBVA 执行副总裁Çağrı Süzer 表示,这项新服务的试点研究取得了成功。他称:“Garanti BBVA Crypt...

2024-06-11 16:06:46


2024-04-01 01:01:03

据Spot on Chain监测,0x900开头第二大非CEX的AGIX持币地址于6小时前从Binance提币121万枚AGIX(约合163万美元)。 值得注意的是,鲸鱼现在持有1021万枚AGIX(约合1380万美元),其中800万枚AGI(AGIX的旧版本)于2020年10月以仅约0.041美元(总计约33万美元)的价格从Binance提取。

2024-03-30 02:44:29
Renzo TVL突破12.79亿美金,跃升第二大以太坊再质押协议

OdDefillama 数据,以太坊再质押协议 Renzo TVL 突破 12.79 亿美金,成为质押规模第二大的再质押协议。近一个月,Renzo 的 TVL 月增幅为 215%,7 日涨幅超过 33%目前为发展最快的以太坊再质押协议。

2024-03-22 14:51:00

Od据链上分析师余烬监测,一鲸鱼在过去半小时里花费 20,991 SOL(420 万美元)以均价 1.22 美元买入 342 万枚 SLERF 。他以 514 万枚 SLERF 持仓成为了 SLERF 第二大个人持币地址。 他目前共计花费了 24,037 SOL(480 万美元)买入 514 万枚 SLERF,综合成本 0.93 美元。

2024-03-18 10:31:59

7x24 快讯

13:23 2025-03-28
Dominari Holdings disclosed the adoption of bitcoin strategy, the current vault size of about 2 million dollars
Nasdaq-listed Dominari Holdings has released unaudited financial results for 2024, in which it disclosed that it has adopted a bitcoin strategy, Dominari Bitcoin Treasury, which will use a portion of the company's surplus cash and proceeds to purchase BlackRock's bitcoin exchange fund IBIT, currently worth about $2 million of its bitcoin vault holdings and expects to consider further additions to other token vaults before the end of the year.
13:17 2025-03-28
Binance Wallet Airdrops 10 million PARTI to Some Users
On March 28th, according to the official announcement, Binance Wallet has airdropped additional 10 million PARTI to users who meet the following conditions: Successfully participated in PARTI TGE Use the Binance Wallet native exchange function to redeem PARTI (≥ $10) before 00:00 (UTC + 8) on March 26. Users who withdraw BNB (≥ $10) to Binance Wallet between 18:00-19:00 (UTC + 8) on March 25 but experience delays.
13:14 2025-03-28
Market news: European Union plans to make concessions to Trump after mutual tariffs
According to market news, the European Union plans to make concessions to US President Trump after imposing tariffs on each other.
13:11 2025-03-28
ZachXBT: A Coinbase user was suspected of being defrauded of $34.90 million BTC yesterday
On March 28th, on-chain detective ZachXBT posted on the official channel, I suspect that a Coinbase user was defrauded of $34.90 million (400.099BTC) yesterday. After discovering this fraud, I noticed that in the past two weeks, there have been multiple incidents of suspected Coinbase users being defrauded. Each time the stolen funds were crossed from Bitcoin to Ethereum via Thorchain/Chainflip and exchanged for DAI. Although these scam addresses appeared in multiple victims' funds, Coinbase did...
13:02 2025-03-28
Golden Evening News | List of important developments on the evening of March 28
12:00-21:00 Keywords: Avalanche, Upbit, LUNA, SAFE 1. Nasdaq filed a grey release Avalanche ETF application with the SEC; 2. Upbit operator Dunamu's operating profit rose 85% year-on-year last year, setting a record high. GameStop shares were restricted from trading on the NYSE due to a 234% surge in short trading. 4.CZ: The listing should not affect the price of the currency, and the long-term price should be determined by the development of the project itself; 5. The New York Attorney General ...
13:02 2025-03-28
Tether Treasury issues 1 billion USDT
According to WhaleAlert, Tether Treasury issued 1 billion additional USDT.
12:59 2025-03-28
Degen: Season 14 Aridrop 2 has officially launched
Degen announced on the X platform that the 14th season of Aridrop 2 has been officially launched, and users can apply for $DEGEN.
12:47 2025-03-28
U.S. inflation remains stubborn, traders continue to bet on a July rate cut
Data showed that the Fed's preferred measure of inflation continued to rise at a stubborn pace in February, while a weaker-than-expected monthly rate of personal spending suggested weaker-than-expected household demand, suggesting that consumers are becoming more cautious amid growing concerns about their finances. Stock index futures fell further after the data, while Treasury yields remained low. Swap traders continue to expect two 25-basis...
12:32 2025-03-28
The core PCE price index in the United States rose at an annual rate of 2.8% in February, compared with expectations of 2.7%.
The core PCE price index in the United States rose at an annual rate of 2.8% in February, compared with an expected 2.7%. (Golden Ten)
12:29 2025-03-28
Galaxy Digital reaches $200 million settlement with New York prosecutors over LUNA investment
According to CoinDesk, cryptocurrency financial services company Galaxy Digital has announced a $200 million settlement with the New York Attorney General's Office to settle its investigation related to the 2022 Terra-Luna ecosystem crash. Under the terms of the settlement, Galaxy will be held responsible for its investments, transactions and public statements in the LUNA token. At the same time, Galaxy disclosed its 2024 financial report, showing that the company achieved a net profit of $174 m...
12:17 2025-03-28
He Yi released Meme Learning Notes: Investors should choose to hold or profit according to the market cycle
Binance co-founder He Yi posted a personal Meme learning note on social media, saying that Meme crosses cultural boundaries and represents the final expression of the crowd and the influence of subcultures on the mainstream culture. Every culture has a group that resonates, and Meme does not follow trends, but creates them. Dogecoin, as a symbol of crypto culture, proves that...
11:55 2025-03-28
US Senator Ted Cruz has proposed a bill banning the Federal Reserve from issuing a CBDC
On March 28, US Senator Ted Cruz introduced a bill to ban the Federal Reserve from issuing central bank digital currencies (CBDCs). The Texas Republican senator's bill could be seen as a companion bill to the anti-CBDC legislation of Representative Tom Emmer, a Minnesota Republican. Emmer's bill was reintroduced on March 6. A companion bill is legislation that is similar or identical in text to another bill and introduced in another chamber of Congress.