


2025-02-14 01:10:21
OpenAI CEO:OpenAI“没计划”控告 DeepSeek

据外媒报道,OpenAI CEO Sam Altman 在东京表示,公司目前无意对 DeepSeek(深度求索)提起诉讼。此前一周,OpenAI 曾表示正在调查 DeepSeek 是否使用了其技术。 Altman 强调公司将专注于打造优质产品,通过模型实力保持行业领先地位。他认为,尽管面临诸多竞争对手,但推动技术进步和保持领先地位符合整个行业的共同利益。

2025-02-04 03:28:26


2025-02-01 06:37:18

1月31日消息,据外媒报道,土耳其伊斯坦布尔第22地区法院撤销对Thodex创始人Faruk Fatih Ozer的“有组织犯罪”指控,但仍维持其欺诈罪名并继续羁押。Ozer因2021年Thodex交易所崩盘事件被控诈骗超40万用户,涉案金额达20亿美元,于2023年9月被判处11,196年监禁。其律师团队称将推动进一步减刑,并强调“司法程序尚未终结”。Thodex曾为土耳其头部交...

2025-01-31 11:55:59


2025-01-26 21:42:45

据外媒报道,美东时间周四有网友在 X 平台发帖称,在谷歌搜索“美国总统(US Presidents)”、“美国历任总统(US Presidents in order)”等关键词时,美国前总统拜登的任期被完全忽略了,搜索结果显示,特朗普是美国最近两任总统,而拜登的名字却无处可寻。而特朗普 2016 年上任之前的总统名单都没有错误,包括...

2025-01-24 06:32:49

据外媒报道,美国财政部表示,将扩大特别会计措施的使用范围,以避免突破本月早些时候重新生效的联邦债务上限。代理财政部长David Lebryk在1月23日的一封信中通知了国会领导人这一举动。这一新举措是前财政部长耶伦上周建议采取的措施的补充。Lebryk表示,截至周四,财政部不再能够全额投资联邦雇员退休系统的“节俭储蓄计划”...

2025-01-23 23:47:57

据外媒报道,字节跳动创始人张一鸣于2024年和埃隆·马斯克见面。据悉,科技新闻网站Pandaily创始人周恒星促成了张一鸣与马斯克的联系,且双方早在2014年就已经见过面。 据腾讯科技报道,周恒星表示,2014年其曾将张一鸣介绍给马斯克,并陪同其访问了特斯拉总部。2024年,马斯克公开表示反对禁用TikTok后,周恒星再次促成二人联系。不过,马斯克与张一鸣是否有线下会...

2025-01-21 01:24:49
小红书最大股东正谈判出售股票 估值至少为200亿美元

据外媒报道,小红书的最大股东正在谈判出售这家公司的股票,估值至少为200亿美元,随着TikTok在美国的潜在禁令即将来临,据悉腾讯和其他大公司对这笔交易提出兴趣。据知情人士透露,纪源资本 (GGV Capital)、金沙江创投(GSR Ventures)和天图投资 (Tian Tu Capital)正在就出售其在小红书上的部分股份进行谈判,...

2025-01-16 10:16:38


2025-01-13 22:36:58


2025-01-08 22:04:37
谷歌2025年押注Gemini AI,目标冲刺5亿月活跃用户

据外媒报道,谷歌在内部战略会议上明确了2025年的核心计划,将Gemini AI列为重点发展对象。CEO桑达尔·皮查伊表示,谷歌计划加速Gemini的扩展,目标是成为第16个月活跃用户超过5亿的谷歌产品。DeepMind联合创始人德米斯·哈萨比斯透露,Gemini将在未来一两年内“大规模发展”,实现跨设备、多模态的升级,致力于提供更强大的通用AI助手功能,帮助谷歌在激烈的AI竞争中保持领...

2024-12-30 05:57:06


2024-12-19 22:11:23


2024-11-20 06:35:47

据外媒报道,如果法官同意美国司法部提出的强迫Alphabet Inc.出售Chrome浏览器业务的提议,那么该项业务的售价可能高达200亿美元,也将是这家全球科技巨头遭受的一次历史性沉重打击。知情人士透露,司法部将请求8月份裁定谷歌非法垄断搜索市场的法官要求谷歌采取与其人工智能(AI)业务和安卓智能手机操作系统相关的措施。彭博行业研究分析师Mandeep Singh表...

2024-11-19 20:14:07

7x24 快讯

05:54 2025-03-26
The North Carolina bill would add cryptocurrencies to the state retirement system
North Carolina lawmakers have introduced two bills in the House and Senate that could allow the state treasurer to allocate as much as 5 percent of various state retirement funds to cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin. The House Bill 506, introduced by Rep. Brenden Jones on March 24, would create a separate investment agency under the state Treasury.
05:32 2025-03-26
The Federal Reserve's voting committee warns that rising inflation expectations will stand in the way of "interest rate cuts"
Signs that investors in the US bond market are beginning to anticipate higher inflation would be a "significant red flag" that could derail rate-setters' plans to cut rates, the chairperson of the Chicago Fed and a member of the FOMC has warned. Goolsby's comments come a week after a closely watched University of Michigan poll found that American households'...
05:29 2025-03-26
ETF experts comment on the end of the Ripple case: approval of the XRP ETF is only a matter of time
On March 26th, Nate Geraci, president of The ETF Store, said on the social platform that the end of the Ripple case means that the approval of the spot XRP ETF is obviously only a matter of time. BlackRock, Fidelity and others are expected to participate. XRP is currently the third largest non-stablecoin crypto asset by market cap. The largest ETF issuers will not ignore this. Previously, Ripple agreed to waive the cross appeal, and the SEC will keep 50 million of the $125 million fine.
05:26 2025-03-26
Custodia partners with Vantage Bank to launch "first bank-issued stablecoin"
Custodia Bank has partnered with Vantage Bank to complete what the two companies call "the first bank-issued stablecoin in the US" on a permissionless blockchain. Custodia said on March 25 that it has tokenized US dollar demand deposits and facilitated the issuance, transfer and exchange of the stablecoin "Avit" on Ethereum through the ERC-20 token standard. Mr. Castodia added: "New dollar payment channels have now been launched within the US banking system." Catelyn Long, CEO of Custodia...
05:14 2025-03-26
Federal Reserve Goolsby: Due to economic uncertainty, the next rate cut may take longer than expected
According to the Financial Times: Federal Reserve Goolsbee warned that the next rate cut could take longer than expected due to economic uncertainty, saying he believes borrowing costs will be "significantly lower" over the next 12 to 18 months and that the Fed will need to act if investor expectations start to converge with those of U.S. households. (Jin Ten)
05:08 2025-03-26
Market News: Fidelity Plans to Launch Stablecoin
According to market news, Fidelity plans to launch a stablecoin to promote and support the development of the digital asset industry. The details have not been disclosed yet.
04:41 2025-03-26
Celo developers complete Ethereum Layer 2 conversion nearly two years after initial proposal
Celo developers completed the Ethereum Layer 2 conversion nearly two years after the original proposal, which was originally a separate Layer 1 blockchain and has completed its conversion to the Ethereum Layer 2 network. The official switch on the mainnet took place at around 11pm EST on Tuesday, with the hard fork occurring at block height 31,056,500. Block production for Celo L1 stopped at that point, and the network fully transitioned to Layer 2. The project's core developer, CLabs, first pro...
04:29 2025-03-26
ZKsync: There will be a v26 upgrade, during which Elastic Network deposits and withdrawals will not be completed
As part of the v26 upgrade, ZKsync funds will be transferred from the old bridge to the new gateway contract. This upgrade is expected to take place on March 27 or March 31 (specific dates and times will be updated later). In addition, during the upgrade period, deposits and withdrawals from Elastic Network will not be completed for up to three hours.
04:29 2025-03-26
Curve founder suspected to sell 1 million CRV again, cash 515,000 dollars
According to Spot On Chain, Curve Finance founder Michael Egorov appears to be selling CRV tokens again. Data shows that 18 hours ago, Egorov transferred 1.997 million CRV tokens to the wallet address "0x5a8", worth about 1.03 million dollars. Subsequently, the wallet sold 1 million CRVs at an average price of 0.515 dollars, earning 515,058USDC. The wallet still holds 997,000 CRV tokens, worth about 514,000 dollars.
04:19 2025-03-26
CZ: Achieving long-term growth and wealth requires understanding, belief, and patience
CZ said on its social platform that most people don't see the obvious future. Many people are also impatient. Tech trends in 10 years are easier to see than future prices. With a little understanding, faith and patience, there are many opportunities for long-term growth and wealth.
04:16 2025-03-26
GoPlus: The first batch of token repurchases has been executed, and about 34,906,177 GPS have been accumulated so far.
GoPlus has released a token repurchase update, revealing that it has executed the first batch of GPS token repurchases. To date, approximately 34,906,177 GPS tokens have been accumulated. The repurchase process is underway, and all purchased tokens will be burned together after the repurchase is completed.
04:13 2025-03-26
GPS Repo Address Withdraws First Repo Token from Binance, Worth $1.12 million
According to @ai_9684xtpa monitoring, the GPS repurchase address proposed the first repurchase token from Binance, a total of 24.90 million tokens, worth 1.12 million dollars. So far, the progress of GPS repurchase has been updated to 25.8%, or the price of GPS has risen by 3.4% in a short time due to the impact of repurchase.