关于「 wsj」的内容列表

Wall Street Journal: DOGE investigation finds US government generated $149 billion in improper payments last year

According to WSJ, the U.S. Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) found in its investigation that the U.S. government generated $149 billion in improper payments last year alone. That's enough to fund NASA for seven years or build 15 aircraft carriers. Medicare and Medicaid led with more than $60 billion in misused funds, followed by tax credits (more than $20 billion) and food aid (more than $10 billion). Of the $33.50 billion identified as likely to be recovered in 2024, agencies managed t...

2025-02-20 04:24:29

据WSJ报道,美国政府效率部(DOGE)在调查中发现,仅去年一年,美国政府就产生了1490亿美元不当支付。这足以为NASA提供七年的资金或建造15艘航空母舰。 医疗保险和医疗补助以超过600亿美元的滥用资金领先,其次是税收抵免(200多亿美元)和粮食援助(100多亿美元)。在2024年确定可能收回的335亿美元中,各机构仅设法收回了226亿美元。

2025-02-20 04:24:29
WSJ: SEC may ease legal battle over crypto exchanges once Trump returns to White House

A WSJ article hinted that the SEC may ease its legal battle against cryptocurrency exchanges once Trump returns to the White House. Although Trump has not yet revealed who will be the next SEC chairperson, rumors suggest that multiple contenders are vying for the position following Gary Gensler's resignation. The next SEC chairperson is likely to come from a group of seasoned regulators and legal titans, each bringing unique expertise. Paul Atkins served as SEC commissioner from 2002 to 2008 and...

2024-12-02 03:45:16

WSJ的一篇文章暗示,一旦特朗普重返白宫,美国SEC可能会放松对加密货币交易所的法律斗争。尽管特朗普尚未透露下一任 SEC 主席的人选,但有传言称,在Gary Gensler辞职后,有多名竞争者正在角逐这一职位。 下一任SEC主席可能来自一批经验丰富的监管者和法律巨头,每个人都能带来独特的专业知识。Paul Atkins曾于2002年至2008年担任SEC专员,目前领导Patomak Global P...

2024-12-02 03:45:16
Tether's chief financial officer has revealed that Lutnick will use his political influence to defuse threats to Tether

Nate Geraci, president of The ETF Store, shared the WSJ's report on Tether on X: "Giancarlo Devasini, chief financial officer of Tether, said privately earlier this year that Howard Lutnick would use his political influence to try to defuse the threat to Tether. Lutnick owns a majority stake in Cantor, which hosts the majority of Tether's $134 billion assets. Cantor also apparently owns 5% of Tether." Previously, it was reported that Wall Street bond trading giant Cantor would acquire a 5% owner...

2024-11-24 03:42:27

The ETF Store总裁Nate Geraci于X分享WSJ关于Tether的报道:“Tether首席财务官Giancarlo Devasini今年早些时候私下表示,Howard Lutnick将利用他的政治影响力试图化解Tether面临的威胁。Lutnick拥有Cantor的多数股权,后者托管Tether 1340亿美元资产中的大部分。Cantor显然也拥有Tether 5%的股份。” 此前消息,华尔街债券交易巨头Cantor将获得Tether约5%所有权权益。

2024-11-24 03:42:27
WSJ: Tether is disrupting the US global sanctions system

On September 13, the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) published an article saying that Tether (USDT) is undermining the fight against arms dealers, sanctions breakers and fraudsters in the United States. In 2023, the amount of money flowing through the Tether network is almost as much as that through Visa cards, and the annual net profit reaches 6.20 billion US dollars, which has surpassed the asset management giant BlackRock (the net profit of common shareholders is 5.50 billion US dollars), but the n...

2024-09-13 05:02:32


2024-09-13 05:02:32
WSJ: Using Bitcoin as a strategic reserve asset contradicts the claim of "getting rid of the shackles of the government"

The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) editorial board has written that former President Donald Trump's alleged plans to turn bitcoin into a strategic reserve asset are inconsistent with the value of cryptocurrencies. WSJ wrote that Trump said at a bitcoin conference in Nashville last week that bitcoin represents freedom and independence from government, among other things, but this view is consistent with his election in November...

2024-07-30 22:01:36


2024-07-30 22:01:36

7x24 快讯

23:29 2025-03-27
福克斯记者Eleanor Terrett发推表示,美国证券交易委员会(SEC)已正式结束对Crypto.com的调查,并未对该交易所采取任何执法行动。消息人士透露,Crypto.com在去年10月收到SEC的威尔斯通知后,曾主动起诉SEC,指控其越权。但在2024年12月,美国前总统特朗普宣布计划任命支持加密货币的Paul Atkins接替Gensler担任下一任SEC主席后,Crypto.com撤回了该诉讼。
23:26 2025-03-27
金色晨讯 | 3月28日隔夜重要动态一览
21:00-7:00关键词:GUNZ、Maven 11、Paul Atkins、Pectra 1.Coinbase宣布开源MPC加密库; 2.币安Launchpool上线GUNZ(GUN); 3.加密风投Maven 11旗下第三只基金完成1.07亿美元募资; 4.美SEC正式撤销对Kraken、Consensys及Cumberland的诉讼; 5.美SEC候任主席Paul Atkins:若提名得到确认将会与DOGE合作; 6.法国国有银行Bpifrance推出2500万欧元基金,用于投资法国新兴加密代币; 7.以太坊核心开发者 Terence:...
22:59 2025-03-27
22:59 2025-03-27
22:38 2025-03-27
CoinDesk Data 的月度稳定币报告显示,3 月份代币化黄金的市值攀升至创纪录的 14 亿美元,交易量飙升至年度高位。其中,Tether 的黄金支持代币 (XAUT) 和 Paxos 的 PAXG 在这些产品中占据主导地位,市值分别为 7.49 亿美元和 6.53 亿美元。 报告称,整体稳定币市场3月市值已超过 2310 亿美元,连续 18 个月增长。USDT 增至创纪录的 1440 亿美元。然而,随着稳定币市场的竞争日益激烈,...
22:32 2025-03-27
22:26 2025-03-27
根据美SEC官网公告,SEC已正式撤销对加密货币交易所 Kraken、以太坊软件公司 Consensys 以及加密货币交易公司 Cumberland的诉讼。
22:23 2025-03-27
据CME“美联储观察”: 美联储5月维持利率不变的概率为87.8%,降息25个基点的概率为12.2%。美联储到6月维持利率不变的概率为35.6%,累计降息25个基点的概率为57.1%,累计降息50个基点的概率为7.3%。
21:59 2025-03-27
21:52 2025-03-27
欧盟拟打击美国服务出口 目标包括大型科技公司
21:49 2025-03-27
Sei Foundation拟收购23andMe
据 Sei Foundation 的 官方 X 账号,Sei 正考虑收购已申请破产保护的基因检测公司 23andMe,计划将其逾 1500 万用户的基因数据上链,并赋予用户对自身基因数据的所有权和控制权。Sei 表示,基因数据安全已成为国家安全问题,而 23andMe 当前正面临严重财务困境,并于本周申请第 11 章破产保护(Chapter 11)。多位州总检察长已提...
21:43 2025-03-27
育碧将成立新子公司 腾讯将在其中投资11.6亿欧元