关于「 vehicles」的内容列表

The retail sales of new energy passenger vehicles reached 744,000 in January, an increase of 10.5% year-on-year.

February 11 news, passenger branch data show that in January 2025 the national passenger car market retail 1.794 million units, down 12.1% year-on-year, down 31.9% month-on-month. January retail at a historical low, the growth rate of 31.9% is second only to January 2023's 41% decline. January new energy passenger car wholesale sales reached 889,000 units, an increase of 27.1%, down 41.2%. January new energy passenger car retail sales reached 744,000 units, an increase of 10.5%, down 42.9%.

2025-02-11 08:00:10
BYD shares: January new energy vehicle sales of about 300,500, an increase of 49.16%

On February 2nd, BYD shares announced that in January 2025, the output of new energy vehicles was about 327,900, an increase of 59.48% year-on-year; the sales volume was about 300,500, an increase of 49.16% year-on-year.

2025-02-02 10:24:31
China Automobile Association: Car sales in 2024 will be 31.436 million, an increase of 4.5% year-on-year

January 13 news, China Automobile Association data show that in 2024, the total production and sales of automobiles completed 31.282 million and 31.436 million vehicles, an increase of 3.7% and 4.5% respectively, and the production and sales volume reached a new high, continuing to maintain a scale of more than 30 million vehicles.

2025-01-13 06:08:50
1. China Automobile Association: Car sales in 2024 were 31.436 million, an increase of 4.5% year-on-year. 2. China Automobile Association: New energy vehicles in December 2024...

1. China Automobile Association: The sales volume of automobiles in 2024 was 31.436 million, an increase of 4.5% year-on-year. 2. China Automobile Association: The sales volume of new energy vehicles in December 2024 was 1.596 million, an increase of 34% year-on-year. 3. Porsche announced the sales volume in 2024: the global decline of 3%, China plummeted 28%. 4. General Administration of Customs Lv Daliang: The export of photovoltaic products exceeded 200 billion yuan for 4 consecutive years, a...

2025-01-13 06:48:00
Cyrus: Sales 426,900 in 2024, an increase of 182.84%

On January 1st, Cyrus: In December 2024, 37,319 new energy vehicles were sold, a decrease of 9.57% year-on-year. The cumulative sales volume this year was 426,900, an increase of 182.84% year-on-year.

2025-01-01 07:56:28
BYD: 2024 sales 4.2721 million, an increase of 41.26%

On January 1, BYD: New energy vehicles sold 514,809 units in December 2024 and 4,272,145 units in 2024, a cumulative increase of 41.26% year-on-year.

2025-01-01 08:20:25
BYD: New Energy Vehicle Sales 506,800 in November

On December 1st, BYD announced that the sales of new energy vehicles in November 2024 were 506,800, and the same period last year was 301,900; the cumulative sales were 3.7573 million, and the same period last year was 2.6834 million, an increase of 40.02%.

2024-12-01 08:43:47
Trump Mar-a-Lago Estates Out Ambulance Triggers Lenovo

There were reports on social media that two ambulances had left Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate, and it was reported that the ambulances that left were part of Vice President-elect Vance's motorcade. Trump and Vance are both safe and there have been no reports of any accidents.

2024-11-21 22:24:12
Ministry of Commerce: It is studying measures such as increasing tariffs on imported large-displacement fuel vehicles

On October 17, the spokesperson of the Ministry of Commerce introduced at a regular press conference today (October 17) that China is studying measures such as raising tariffs on imported large-displacement fuel vehicles. A decision will be made carefully after considering all factors.

2024-10-17 07:19:35
The Ministry of Commerce responded to the China-EU electric vehicle tariff negotiations: there are still major differences in the consultations

On October 17, the Ministry of Commerce held a press conference on the afternoon of the 17th, and the spokesperson of the Ministry of Commerce responded to the China-EU tariff negotiation process: So far, China has shown the greatest sincerity and flexibility, and the two sides have made important progress in some areas. However, due to the fact that the European side has not actively responded to the core concerns of the Chinese and European industries, there are still major differences in the ...

2024-10-17 07:37:20
According to data released by the China Automobile Association, in September, automobile exports 539,000 vehicles, an increase of 5.4% month-on-month and a year-on-year increase of 21.4%.

According to data released by the China Automobile Association, in September, automobile exports 539,000 vehicles, an increase of 5.4% month-on-month and a year-on-year increase of 21.4%.

2024-10-17 07:58:32
According to the data released by the China Automobile Association, from January to September 2024, automobile exports 4.312 million, an increase of 27.3% year-on-year.

According to the data released by the China Automobile Association, from January to September 2024, automobile exports 4.312 million, an increase of 27.3% year-on-year.

2024-10-17 07:59:19
China Automobile Association: Car sales in September 2024 were 2.809 million, down 1.7% year-on-year

October 12 news, China Automobile Association data show that in September, automobile production and sales were completed 2.796 million and 2.809 million vehicles, respectively, an increase of 12.2% and 14.5%, respectively, down 1.9% and 1.7% year-on-year. From January to September, automobile production and sales were completed 21.47 million and 2157.1 vehicles, respectively, an increase of 1.9% and 2.4% year-on-year, and the growth rate of production and sales was narrowed by 0.6 and 0.7 perce...

2024-10-12 06:15:24
China Automobile Association: New energy vehicle sales in September 2024 were 1.287 million, an increase of 42.3% year-on-year

On October 12, the China Automobile Association data shows that in September 2024, the production and sales of new energy vehicles were 1.307 million and 1.287 million, respectively, an increase of 48.8% and 42.3% respectively, and the sales of new energy vehicles accounted for 45.8% of the total sales of new cars.

2024-10-12 06:26:20

7x24 快讯

01:58 2025-03-28
01:52 2025-03-28
总部位于旧金山的初创公司Yutori已筹集1500万美元资金,用于开发人工智能个人助理。 此轮融资于2025年3月27日宣布,由Radical Ventures的Rob Toews领投,Felicis、人工智能专家李飞飞和谷歌DeepMind首席科学家Jeff Dean参与。
01:49 2025-03-28
Meteora:下一阶段将专注于Launchpads并推出Meteora Launch Guide
3月28日消息,Meteora官方在X平台发布公告称,Meteora下一阶段将专注于帮助Launchpads(启动平台)取得成功,并推出Meteora Launch Guide,作为技术支持核心,整合相关资源和教育内容,帮助开发者和流动性提供者(LP Army)深入理解Meteora技术。 Meteora Launch Guide将涵盖不同工具的使用方式(如DLMM、Dynamic AMM、Stake2earn等)、持续更新的案例研究(如$JUP、$CLOUD等)以及面向开发者的...
01:43 2025-03-28
据链上分析师余烬监测,在币安5点上线Mubarak现货后,一个地址将1100万枚Mubarak(149万美元)转进了币安。他在Mubarak上得到了160万美元(+1075%)的收益。 他在3/14-3/16一共花费14.9万美元资金购买了1300万枚Mubarak,价格0.011美元,6天前通过Bitget以0.133美元的价格卖出了200万枚(26.6万美元);另外1100万枚在今天早上5点币安上线现货后以0.135美元的价格全部转进了币安。 总的来说,他一共...
01:27 2025-03-28
采用比特币战略的纽交所上市公司KULR Technology Group, Inc.发布2024全年财务业绩报告,其中披露已将比特币持有量扩大至668.3枚,BTC收益率达到181.1%。截至2025年3月25日,该公司的比特币购买总额达到6500万美元,加权平均购买价格为每比特币 88,824 美元,包括费用和开支。
01:27 2025-03-28
01:15 2025-03-28
据彭博社报道,育碧(Ubisoft)将旗下《刺客信条》《孤岛惊魂》《彩虹六号》等热门游戏IP拆分为一个估值约40亿欧元(约43亿美元)的新子公司。腾讯控股将斥资11.6亿欧元收购该子公司25%的股权,新实体将持有这些游戏的IP许可权,并通过收取特许权使用费进行运营。 此次交易预计于2025年底前完成,育碧将利用出售所得资金偿还债务,并支持其他游戏系列的发展。
01:12 2025-03-28
据Farside Investors监测,昨日美国现货以太坊ETF净流出422万美元。
01:09 2025-03-28
据Trader T监测,美国现货比特币ETF昨日净流入8903万美元。
01:06 2025-03-28
IBIT昨日净流入393 万美元
00:57 2025-03-28
某 LAYER鲸鱼将 870 万枚 LAYER转进币安,盈利 463 万美元
据链上分析师余烬监测,一个月前以 0.75 美元的价格囤积 LAYER 的鲸鱼/机构,在 20 分钟前将 870 万枚 LAYER (1114万美元) 以 1.26美元 的价格转进币安,盈利 463 万美元。 这 870 万枚 LAYER 是在一个月前从币安提出,当时 $LAYER 价格是 $0.75美元,价值 $651 万美元,20 分钟前全部转进币安,现在的 $LAYER 价格是 $1.26美元,价值 $1114 万美元,盈利 $463 万美元。
00:54 2025-03-28
Coinbase首席法务官Paul Grewal在X平台表示,南卡罗来纳州已加入佛蒙特州(的步伐),撤销了对Coinbase的质押(staking)诉讼。Grewal表示,质押服务将很快恢复对南卡罗来纳州用户开放,这不仅是Coinbase的胜利,更是美国消费者的胜利。他希望这一决定能影响仍对质押服务有限制的其他州。 Grewal补充称,由于此案,南卡罗来纳州...