Azuki has released the official trailer and key visuals for "Fractured Reflections," the second installment of the trilogy anime anthology series "Enter The Garden," produced by anime legend Goro Taniguchi, which will be released on the IP anime platform Anime in February 2025. Enter The Garden series is jointly produced by Azuki, Dentsu, and IMAGICA Infos.
On January 3rd, OKX released a new movie trailer "A Different Western Town", with a profound western story as the theme, telling a contest about trust and control. The film vividly demonstrates the importance of self-custody through a tense and exciting narrative, conveying the core concept of "Not Your Keys, Not Your Crypto.", aiming to call on more users to pay attention to the self-custody of digital assets...
Story co-founder Jason Zhao announced the upcoming release of the Agent TCP/IP protocol on the X platform, with a picture of the Story Foundation file titled "An Agent to Agent Trading System".
Story co-founder Jason Zhao announced the upcoming release of the Agent TCP/IP protocol on the X platform, with a picture of the Story Foundation document titled "An Agentto Agent Trading System".
October 29th news, consumer-grade public chain Morph released a trailer video on X, with the text "wen", the video content shows that it will be launched on the main network in a day.