On March 19, Telegram founder Pavel Durov posted on his personal channel that Telegram now has more than 1 billion monthly active users, making it the second largest messaging app in the world (excluding China's unique WeChat). The user engagement rate is also rising, with an average of 21 times a day per user opening Telegram and using it for 41 minutes a day. At the same time, Telegram's revenue growth is significant, and the profit of 2024 will reach 547 million US dollars. Durov also said th...
3月19日消息,Telegram创始人Pavel Durov在个人频道发文称,Telegram现已拥有超过10亿月活跃用户,成为全球第二大通讯应用(不包括中国特有的微信)。用户活跃度也在上升,平均每个用户每天打开Telegram 21次,每天使用41分钟。同时,Telegram的收入增长显著,2024年盈利达到5.47亿美元。 Durov还表示,Telegram与WhatsApp相比,后者只是Telegram的廉价模仿品,尽管WhatsApp...
Telegram 创始人 Pavel Durov 在刑事调查期间获准返回迪拜后对法国法官和他的团队表示感谢,他确认在法国待了几个月后已经回到迪拜,同时还称 Telegram 多年来在审核、合作和打击犯罪方面不仅满足而且超越了其法律义务。
3月17日消息,Telegram创始人Pavel Durov在其个人频道发文表示,他已从法国返回迪拜,此前因涉及Telegram上犯罪活动的调查在法国停留数月。目前调查仍在进行中,但Durov表示“回家感觉很好”。 他感谢调查法官允许其返回,并强调Telegram在内容监管、合作和打击犯罪方面长期以来不仅符合法律要求,甚至超出合规标准。同时,他向支持他的全球用户表达感激之情,称Teleg...
据 Cointelegraph 援引法新社报道,即时通讯应用 Telegram 创始人 Pavel Durov 已获得法国法院许可离开法国,目前已返回迪拜。 报道称,Durov 于 3 月 13 日获得法国法院批准,允许他前往迪拜。法新社引述未具名消息源称:"Durov 今早离开了法国",并补充说他是在当局批准下离境的。 目前法院决定的具体条款尚不清楚,Durov 本人及其法律团队也未就此事发表公开声明。
3月13日消息,Telegram 上的第三方加密货币钱包小程序将扩展其托管加密服务,增加至少 50 种新的加密货币。 其新版钱包将在未来两个月内推出,并将推出“Earn”功能,首个 Earn 活动将为 TON 存款提供“灵活收益”,最低存款金额为 0.1 TON,收益通过 TON 质押产生,之后该功能还将支持 USDT 在内的其他资产。
Telegram's self-hosted cryptocurrency wallet, developed by third-party company The Open Platform (TOP), has introduced new features such as multi-asset trading and earnings for users. According to today's update, TOP says users will be able to buy, sell or hold cryptocurrencies without any on-chain deposits. Later this year, TOP plans to increase earnings for USDT holdings and launch a loyalty program that will benefit Toncoin holders. The Telegram wallet has also been revamped, with a new navig...
由第三方公司The Open Platform(TOP)开发的Telegram自托管加密货币钱包,为用户推出了多资产交易和收益等新功能。根据今天的更新,TOP表示用户将能够在没有任何链上存款的情况下购买、出售或持有加密货币。 今年晚些时候,TOP计划为USDT持有增加收益,并推出将使Toncoin持有者受益的忠诚计划。 Telegram钱包也进行了改版,底部有一个新的导航栏,可以轻松在钱包、交易和...
On March 10th, according to the official news of Telegram, version 11.8 is now released, adding a number of new features. Premium users can enable the "paid messaging" function to charge Stars for private messages or group messages, and get 85% revenue. In addition, users can withdraw Stars through Fragment.com and use them to buy Premium subscriptions or Telegram ads. The new version also enhances chat security, introducing a "contact confirmation" page that displays information such as registr...
3月10日消息,据Telegram官方消息,11.8版本现已发布,新增多项功能。Premium用户可启用“付费消息”功能,对私信或群组消息收取星币(Stars),并可获得85%收益。此外,用户可通过Fragment.com提取星币,并用于购买Premium订阅或Telegram广告。 新版本还提升了聊天安全性,引入“联系人确认”页面,显示陌生用户的注册时间、头像变更记录等信息,以防诈骗。此外,Android用户现支持Ch...
Web3 security company SlowMist has warned that the "Safeguard" variant attack on Telegram is spreading, and users need to pay attention to the random sending of false "account risk" information and the push of false security checks. If the "verification" is not handled properly, the account will be taken over and the private key will be stolen and other friends on Telegram will be defrauded.
According to Beta Info, the Android version of Telegram 11.8 Beta has added a number of new Star Coin-related features, including paid messaging, Star Coin withdrawal, and Star Coin purchase Premium, which is currently only available on the test server. • Paid messages: Premium users can set private message charges in Settings > Privacy and Security > Messages, and add a list of free exceptions. The sender needs to pay STAR coins, and the platform takes a 15% commission. • Star coin withdraw...
据Beta Info消息,Android版Telegram 11.8 Beta新增多项与星币相关的功能,包括付费消息、星币提现及星币购买Premium,目前仅在测试服务器上线。 • 付费消息:Premium用户可在设置 > 隐私和安全 > 消息中设定私信收费标准,并添加免费例外名单,发送者需支付星币,平台抽取15%佣金。 • 星币提现:新增提现星币按钮,但功能尚未开放。 • 星币购买Prem...
ZachXBT posted on its personal Telegram channel, My sources confirm it's a security incident. In addition, ZachXBT reminded the relevant personnel of major exchanges: It is recommended to block the following EVM addresses. 0x47666fab8bd0ac7003bce3f5c3585383f09486e2 0xa4b2fd68593b6f34e51cb9edb66e71c1b4ab449e 0x36ed3c0213565530c35115d93a80f9c04d94e4cb 0x1542368a03ad1f03d96D51B414f4738961Cf4443 Previously, it was reported that on-chain detective ZachXBT was released on personal Telegram.